A day in the life of Mai

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Mai's POV

So, I'm alone. I'm always kinda alone. My year at school began so well, apart from all the Zuko problems and having an identity crisis and looking like the most horrible person on earth to Azula, oh wait. No that spot is taken by her mother I can't replace that.

But as I said, here I am, just me. I was sat on a bench opposite the school, I know we've broken up and we've all left school but what else can I do? I can't go home to my perfect family because, I don't fit with them, I can't run to Ty Lee about my problems or Azula could potentially put me in a wheelchair.

"Mai?", a familiar voice called to me in the rain, I looked to the side, moving my far too large black umbrella away so I can see who it is. It's Aang?

I looked him up and down to examine him, he's wearing shorts, in the rain. This kid gives me a headache.

"What're you doing here? Waiting for someone?", he looked around but it was just us, is he making conversation, or does he genuinely care what I'm doing?

"I'm just minding my own business", I sighed looking forward at the school again, and to my surprise, the boy read me like a book.

"You miss it don't you?", he smiled sitting beside me even though I clearly didn't want him to, but I didn't push him away.

"I wouldn't say I miss it, there isn't anything good about that prison", I spoke bluntly, I wasn't trying to be mean, it's just what I'm like, he gets it though, for some weird reason.

"Yeah well, why else would you be here staring at an old building that you hung out with your friends in and had loads of fun and had your first love and now that's all gone, it's a normal feeling to have", he leant back on the bench and watched cars drive past.

"Ugh, look I can deal with all this, it's okay to feel emotions crap from Iroh but you need to stop being an old man", I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Aren't you cold?", I pointed at his dumb looking shorts.

"Nah, it's usually a lot colder up there", he chuckled and pointed to the mountains, of course, he's a mountain goat. "This is good weather trust me, you like the rain?", he asked.

Who is this guy? He's sat beside someone who is no fun at all and isn't even friends with because he randomly saw them in the street and he's asking me about rain?

"Rain is cool I guess", I shrugged and looked up at my umbrella and sighed. "I'm sorry", I don't usually say this but I feel so bad for being such a downer when he's this nice.

"Sorry for what?", he raised a brow with a bright smile on his face, why is he so god damn happy!? Doesn't he have issues to worry about!? Not a care in the world!? Is his brain some sort of empty space!?

"For being me", I couldn't say my thoughts out loud, if I did that all the time, I wouldn't be talking to anyone at all.

"Woah, Mai you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are, you're awesome, you're funny, and-", I cut him off.

"Sadistic, mean, sociopath, blunt, cruel and lonely", I groaned, he was lying about who I am, people do this all the time, I know I'm a jerk.

"That's not true, sure you can be a little cold but you're cool, you're a cool friend to have, like rain!", he pointed up at the sky and laughed lightly, a friend?

"You consider me your friend?", this kid is delusional.

"Of course your my friend, I wouldn't let my friend sit here alone in the rain", he shrugged with a smile, so I'm not completely alone.

"Alright", I looked back at the school, maybe life isn't over for me, I still have friends, I just need to create memories with them outside of school.

I looked at Aang who was sticking his tongue out to catch the rain in his mouth, god I could be so horrible to him right now, but he's my friend, I won't do that.

I sighed and stood up, helping him up with me and covering us both with my umbrella.

"Come on, I'm going to buy you a bottle of water, I can't watch you drink rain like a child", we walked together, was I mean just then? I looked at him but he was still smiling, I guess I wasn't then.

What was I thinking about, oh making memories with friends outside of school. I know.

I stopped Aang and raised a brow, "I'm going to have a dinner party tomorrow night, you are invited and you can invite your friends too", I spoke formally hoping he would get the idea that it is a formal event.

"Oh food! Awesome!", he beamed, obviously it's not just food, easy Mai be a nice friend.

"It's a sophisticated dinner party, where you wear nice clothes and sit at a big table in a ridiculously large house because the family is filthy rich", I groaned, my family sucks.

"Okay, that sounds fun, I'll try and be more chilled out then", he chuckled and he looked where he was walking putting his hands in his pockets.

"You have a suit?", I asked, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I was wondering if I could wear my clothes from the mountains, if it's a formal event it's a part of my culture", he shrugged.

I can't argue with culture, I nodded, "I'm sure they will be fine, and please, tell Sokka to wear deodorant this time, because if he doesn't I will make him eat his dinner with my dogs but I'm sure even they will turn their nose up at his smell", I rolled my eyes and walked into a store to get Aang his water.

A simple dinner party can't go wrong right?


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