Who Did It To Aang? Part 1

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So it was up to me to figure this all out, luckily I'm the smartest guy in the whole school so this should be a piece of cake. Though the more I ask people if they know what happened I get nothing, everyone who was in the gym with Aang didn't see what happened, now that can't be true, are they protecting someone? I'll figure it out later. "So what were you doing in the gym? When you did you go in?", I asked Jet as he stood outside the changing rooms.

"I didn't do anything, but I walked in at about 3.30pm? Aang came in a little later and he seemed as white as a sheet, and tired, like he was sleep walking, he played a little basket ball and when all of us were preoccupied in the game, he was gone", Jet explained what happened. "He left the gym?", I asked raising a brow, "yeah, left for a while then he was suddenly on the floor, one of the guys saw him and then we all walked over to see if he was okay, then you walked in", he seemed to be telling the truth, but I'm still not sure.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know", I put my hands in my pockets and turned to go, "he talked to Yue before he walked in, maybe she can help with something?", Jet was either passing over my focus or helping me, I'll trust him on this. "Okay, I'll talk to Yue", I looked him up and down before leaving, I found Yue outside sat down on a bench, "Jet told me you talked to Aang before him walking into the gym, what did you say?", I asked sitting beside her.

"He didn't look too good, I told him he probably should sit down but whenever I talked to him he ignored me and pushed me aside, maybe he was having a bad day? It irritated me though, I kept pulling him back and begging him to talk to me, he turned around and pushed me, I was so angry with him, Toph had to calm me down, and I'm not one to get mad", Yue sighed. "Toph was there?", I asked, Yue nodded, seems like a lot more people could be involved, Yue has a motive to hurt Aang but maybe it was an accident? Ugh I better find Toph.

"Hey Toph, do you know what happened with Yue and Aang at the gym?", I found her where she usually is throwing her call against the wall. "Oh their little fight, all I could hear were grunts and the sound of Yue hitting the floor pretty hard, she began swearing at him, he did ignore her though, didn't say a word apart from telling her to get out of his sight or something like that, I would be mad too if I were her, and if I were Zuko, they had a pretty big argument in the canteen today", Toph said whilst throwing her ball and hitting it back repeatedly. Zuko is involved too? I need the full story.

"Zuko?", I smiled as I walked over to him, he was sat in the canteen with a book in his hand, he looked up from it and smiled as he saw me, "hey you", he kissed my cheek then watched me sit down opposite him. "Can you tell me about your argument with Aang earlier today?", I looked at him. "Oh sure, it was nothing really, I said something about not liking tarts and he began to yell at me, he was grouchy all day, must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed, did you finally tell him and Katara that you're moving in with me after school?", he changed the subject.

"Yeah, but well it's complicated", I shrugged, "Sokka", he frowned raising a brow, I've been putting off telling Katara for a while, too long for Zuko's liking. "I've got to go", I sighed standing up, seems ridiculous for Aang to argue about tarts but, he does really love custard tarts after all, "the argument Aang and I had was no where near as bad as the threat he received from a Azula just before, no wonder he was so annoyed when talking to me after that", Zuko carried on reading. Azula too??

"What do you want guy who's sleeping with my brother?", Azula sat at her desk as I walked in to the student council room, "just wanted to ask about what happened in the canteen, I heard you threatened Aang? And we aren't sleeping together", I sat down on the chair in front of her. "Sure, well the memory is blurry, you see I threaten a lot of people", Azula smirked, doesn't surprise me that she's happy about that. "I was stood with Ty Lee in the canteen, we were waiting in line for food, Aang was behind us, he got his tray handed to him and the clumsy fool dropped it, making its contents go all over Ty Lee and I, you can say that I released a lot of anger upon him", she didn't let too much of her reaction out.

"Do you remember what you said?", I asked, "no, not exactly, I have a terrible memory you know, now I must be getting on with work get out", she pointed at the door, time to talk to Ty Lee. She was with Suki in the defence room. "Yes Aang accidentally spilt his food but that's okay accidents happen, though Azula didn't take it very well, I had to drag her away so she wouldn't do anything she would regret, I talked her down and she seemed calm about it, after cleaning ourselves up she seemed upset with how she looked, all the stains on her clothes and food in her hair she couldn't get out, it made me upset, I even joked about hurting the guy for it, but we all know I wouldn't do that", she giggled.

"Is Aang okay?", Suki asked as she sat down, "I just want to know what happened today, have you seen him at any point today?", I asked her. "Only in class, I've been in here for the other parts of the day, he seemed to be struggling and the teacher was definitely picking on him, I felt bad for him, I tried to help him out and gave him my answers and told him to change them slightly so we don't have exactly the same, but he didn't and I got told off for it, sent out of the class and the teacher was really disappointed in me, I've worked so hard this year I don't know why I even tried to help the kid, I swear I'll hit him when I next see him", Suki frowned. "Really?", I raised a brow.

"Did he talk to anyone before that?", "Mai said she talked to Aang today, she walked with him to class, he said he has a bad head and wasn't feeling too good so she helped him out and gave him an aspirin, I don't think that helped him at all though, sounds like he's had a pretty rough day", Ty Lee shook her head. Off to find Mai I go. I walked outside to find her at the benches by the fountain, she's often here, writing in a book. "Mai", I smiled and walked over, "can I sit here?", I pointed at the bench she was currently lying on.

"Uhh, sure", she sat up slowly and let me sit down, "and can I ask you if you've seen Aang today?", I sat and looked at her. "Yeah, saw him as I was walking into school, he wanted to walk together to class so we did, didn't really have a choice, he said his head was hurting and I always have aspirin on me so I gave him one, then I saw him later on and he asked for another, that was it, why?", she asked raising a brow.

"Nothing just asking, can you tell me when he came back to ask for the second aspirin?", I asked. "I don't really know, sometime after 3 I think, can I go back to sleeping now?", she frowned. "No you can't Mai, because you need to come with me" I held her hand helping her stand up watching her roll her eyes, I then messaged everyone I talked to and asked them to meet in the student council room.

They all had some sort of motive, They were all hiding something, They were all lying.

I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

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