Forget your worries

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Aang's POV

I needed to get some air, I wish I could confront Zuko about what happened, and tell Katara my feelings, but she might reject them and I can't say anything because of this stupid hierarchy thing Zuko and his sister have in place. I'd rather not talk then have Katara hurt. With all this going on in my head I spotted Sokka wiping tears away. "Sokka? Woah what's wrong??", I pouted not liking to see him cry. "Do you every just realise love isn't for you? like there's no way you can get with the girl your whole word revolves around", Sokka sniffled and buried his head in my shoulder to cry into, it seems like we both had some problems with love today.

"Hey don't be like that, look if somethings meant for you then it won't just go past you, if this girl is really the one, then you have no reason to worry", I smiled and patted his back. "Thanks Aang, you're the best", Sokka grinned softly stepping back and looked over my shoulder seeing Toph. "You still here Toph?", he asked her. "Well duh ponytail I'm right in front of you, jeez and everyone says I'm blind", Toph smirked walking over but Sokka frowned. "Hey Toph", I beamed. "Sup Twinkletoes", Toph replied. I looked up at Sokka in confusion but he only chuckled. "I wish I was out of here but, my parents aren't going to pick me up for a while, it's been a tough day", she sighed sadly.

"Well, seeing as we're all going to be here for a while, how about we go outside and relax together, maybe play against eachother in some volleyball, Suki told me you were a pretty good player Toph", Sokka smiled but it faded slightly after saying Suki. "Yeah you aren't the only one she told", Toph frowned a little bit shrugged putting a smile on her face. "Sure, I'm down for a couple of games.

She absolutely thrashed us, I don't know what it was but she was amazing, Sokka and I stood no chance but we all managed to forget about our problems and found an unlikely friendship with the schools blind bully Toph. She's actually super cool.

Katara's POV

I couldn't be out in the open like this. Zuko could come at me from anywhere, and I didn't want to see Mai either, I'd feel way too guilty, I decided to go back and see Suki, she was scrubbing at the wall, getting frustrated as she couldn't see the paint coming off. She threw the brush away and put her hands on her hips lowering her head and taking a deep breath. "Hey", I smiled lightly and made her jump, "oh sorry, I just wanted to come back and help, and I'm not taking no for an answer, you need it", I picked up the brush and started to scrub out the paint from the wall. "You seemed awfully mad at this wall, something you want to talk about?", I looked to the side seeing Suki keep her head down.

"I upset your brother earlier, well I seem to be upsetting everyone today. First Toph, Then Sokka, and now that I'm getting rid of this, I must be upsetting Jet", Suki crossed her arms and continued to take deep breaths. I didn't like the sound of her hurting my brother but she must've had a reason, I know the two of them have been playfully flirting since we started secondary school together a while back. "You hurt Sokka? how?", I turned back to the wall.

"He walked in asking if he could help and was just being playful and funny, but because of how stressed I was, I yelled at him and told him to go, he read the message and now he thinks I have a deep and passionate relationship with Jet", Suki picked up another scrubber and continued getting the paint out with my help. "Suki it isn't your fault, you need to be kinder on yourself, you do a lot for this school, I know what it's like to have Sokka playing around when you're doing hard work. Trust me I had a melt down with him yesterday about it too", we laughed together and finished cleaning the wall. "There, good as new", I smiled at our cleaning skills and gave Suki a high five.

"I better lock up and get home, shouldn't you be going home too?", Suki raised her brow at me. "y-yeah I guess I should be going home, see you tomorrow Suki", I grinned as I wrapped my arms around her. "and don't forget to be kinder to yourself okay?", I pulled back to look into her eyes then let go walking away.

Mai's POV

I was distraught with the thought that my own boyfriend of god knows how many years would even think about going behind my back and doing things with another girl. I know we're on a break but he's still mine at the end of the day. I made my way to his uncles tea shop, I needed to know for myself if what I heard was true. "Mai, what a pleasant surprise, Zuko's upstairs getting on with some homework if you want to see him", Iroh calmly said behind the counter whilst cleaning up some tea cups.

I nodded at him with a small smile before walking up to go to Zuko's room, his uncle has always been kind, even though he knows our relationship is the most problematic one in town. I opened the door and stepped in to see Zuko sit up on his bed. "Mai?", I didn't hesitate to slap him across the face leaving a red mark where my hand hit his cheek. "What did you do with Katara!?", I raised my voice as I looked down at him. The room filled with silence before he stood up and spoke. "I kissed her, so what I kissed her, you aren't my girlfriend Mai, you have no right to be so jealous, what is it huh? Katara's smarter then you? prettier then you? why're you jealous of her?", Zuko stepped closer to try and intimidate me but it only built my rage.

"Because you love her!!", I screamed in his face watching him freeze as I start to cry. "I've seen the way you look at her and flirt in school, you've been dying to kiss her for a while. And it's been hurting me for so long. I believed that you loved me and you wouldn't do anything with her. But I guess I was wrong. You lied to me Zuko and now you're going to be watch the best thing that's ever happened to you walk away". I pushed him back on his bed and turned to walk away, going downstairs but getting tackled in a hug by Iroh. Even though I didn't like hugs I really badly needed this one.

I sobbed and screamed into Iroh's shoulder.

It wasn't fair that I put in so much effort, just for him to be in love with another girl.

It's not fair

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