In for a treat today

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Aang's POV

Last night seemed a little off, I wanted to avoid explaining the whole monk situation with Katara, she thinks they know, the truth is if they found out I'd be a disgrace to them, I don't want them to push me away, they're the closest thing I have to family and Katara of course. I'm not going to leave her, and I never will I made her a promise, I can hide the baby when she's pregnant and when it's born I can say it's her niece or nephew or something like that. I groaned as I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, I'm a jerk I know that, but it's for the greater good, though Katara wouldn't understand, that's why I'm hiding it from her. "You okay in there?", I heard her speak outside the door I took another look at myself then opened the door with a smile on my face. "I'm good, what's your plan for today?", I walked over to the bed to pack some things. "I'm not sure, what are you up to?", Katara leant against the wall and crossed her arms as she watched me.

"I was going to go on a hike with Sokka, Zuko, Toph and Jet, we planned it last night, but we'll be back for the party". I put my bag on. "Alright, but be careful, for the hike and the party, I mean it Aang", she frowned and cupped my cheek. "I'll be fine Katara don't sweat it", I kissed her head and made my way out to meet the others. "Morning, how're we all feeling?", I smirked at Sokka seeing how tired he looks. "Awful, truly awful", Sokka frowned and leant against Zuko. "I persuaded him to come with us, he needs the fresh air even if he doesn't agree with me", Zuko put a hand on his back to support him. It was awkward to be around Zuko, especially after last night, but he seemed fine, so I should be fine around him. "Well let's get going then losers", Toph held onto my arm. "I'm with the blind chick let's move I'm getting non motion sickness", Jet walked ahead. "So you're sick from not moving?", Zuko raised a brow whilst helping Sokka walk. "That's right", Jet answered back. I shook my head as we all walked together, I was in for a treat today.

Katara's POV

With Aang gone for the day with all the boys and Toph, I thought it was a girls only day. We came up with an idea to meet in Azula's room. I quickly put on some comfortable clothes and frowned looking at myself in the mirror, I miss not being able to wear my cute clothes. I opened the door and made my way to Azula's room, I get let in by Ty Lee to my surprise. "Katara! So good to see you, wow you're glowing, what's your skin routine?", she watched me walk in with a smile. "It's called pregnancy", I looked around the room, it was extremely messy, I didn't know Azula was this kind of person. "Excited for the party tonight?", Ty Lee walked with me to the bed and sat down beside me. "I can't say I am, I don't think I'm going to be having as much fun as everyone else", I looked down at my bump putting my hand on it and sighing. "The party is going to be a drag, I'm just going to sit back and watch the drama, you're welcome to join me and have a drink, well non-alcoholic drink", Azula shrugged as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"What drama are you expecting 'Zula?", Ty Lee sat up slightly and tilted her head. "Yue and Suki are bound to be at each other's throats already, all we have to do when they arrive is start creating arguments between them, then when under the influence of alcohol, they're bound to go into a fist fight", Azula smirked as she explained. "I'm not sure about that", I moved a pillow under me to support my back, I don't like to mess with people, if it isn't my problem then I don't want to be apart of it. "Don't be so motherly Katara, you're still a teenager, forget the bump for once", Azula raised a brow at me then walked to the door to let the others in. "Don't listen to her, she's just jealous you aren't on board with her plan", Ty Lee smiled wrapping an arm around me. "Morning", Suki smiled as she walked in. Yue walked in quickly after and tackled each of us in a hug, I kept an eye on Suki and her responses, it seems that I was going to be the one to hold her back. "How're you lovely ladies doing today?", Yue sat beside Ty Lee, and they seemed to get along. Though this angered Suki.

"I'm late", Mai walked in about an hour later. "Don't you usually apologise for being late?", Yue looked up at Mai. "I'm not sorry", Mai shrugged and sat on the floor beside Suki. Azula smirked down at her drink as Mai created an awkward situation for Yue. "You don't know Mai so uhh, now you know huh? That's Mai, never sorry", I smiled awkwardly trying to get rid of the awkwardness. I ended up getting a frown from Azula. I need to think about what I want, Azula's friendship and everything else falling apart, or keeping everything together but Azula plotting my death. Time passed on and we were getting ready for the party, I was helping Ty Lee with her makeup, Azula was making drinking and Mai was just on her phone, checking for any updates on the others and when they're coming back from their walk.

"Almost done", I bit my tongue in concentration then sat back and smiled. "There you go", I gave Ty Lee a mirror, "wowzers! I look gorgeous", she gasped and kept looking at herself in the mirror as Azula handed me a drink. "Come on Ty Lee you're always good looking", Mai rolled her eyes as she lay down on the bed. I drank really quickly as they spoke, it was a nice drink, I ended up finishing Ty Lee's too, I didn't know how thirsty I was, until it hit me. I stood up and immediately reached out to hold onto something, my vision was blurry, my head was spinning, my stomach began to hurt. "A-Azula, what did you put in the drinks?", I closed my eyes. "Nothing much, just some juice, vodka, a couple of secret ingredients". "You gave me vodka!?", I fell to my knees. I didn't feel good at all. I can't believe this is happening. What is Aang going to do when he finds out. What will the monks do when they visit and ask about the baby and they hear what I've done. I'm so stupid I should've never interfered with Azula's messed up evil plan at all. It was a mistake to trust her.

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