We've changed part 1

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Sokka's POV

"Hey give it back!", I looked over the playground full of other kids to see Katara, two of the playground bullies have stolen her favourite toy and are playing catch with it. I frowned and walked over, "you heard her, give it back", I put my hands on my hips, and sure enough they gave her the toy, I don't like violence, I'm actually pretty weak, but I'm the tallest kid in the class so I'm intimidating I suppose. "Thanks Sokka", Katara beamed and ran into my arms. "Don't mention it, seriously don't I'll sound so uncool", I smiled at first then realised people were watching and pushed her away. "See you later", I walked away with my hands in my pockets, "Sokka where did you go?", Jet asked with a football in his hands. "Nowhere don't worry about it, come on let's play" I beamed and hit the ball out of his hands. I cared about Katara when we were younger sure, but I didn't want to be around her at all. She wanted to hang out all the time she was super annoying.

"Katara!", I turned to see Suki run over to her, my crush was best friends with my sister, Suki had dark green ribbon in her hair tied up on bows, she looked adorable. Azula Mai and Ty Lee were stood together in the middle of the playground acting like they owned it, Azula's brother Zuko stood alone by the duck pond like he did everyday. A group of boys played football with Jet and I, I didn't pay a lot of attention to Katara and I frequently pushed her away. I regret that now.

As the school days went on I cared less and less about my sister, I began to bully her, make fun out of her in front of everyone else, the lovely boy Zuko and Suki defended her, I often got into small fights with Zuko on the playground and in class, he was all over my sister. "Back off!", I pushed him off me and panted as I wrestled him to the ground, the kids around us chanted the word fight, lead by Azula. "Sokka? Sokka!", I heard my fathers voice, then before I knew it I was pulled off Zuko. "Calm down, where's Katara we need to talk". That day changed everything.

He took us to Gran Grans and sat us down. "Kids, I have something to tell you, early today your mum passed away", was this a joke? Katara burst out in to tears and ran upstairs, whilst I just sat there, I can't take it in. Dad left a few days after, we didn't know why, and when we asked Gran Gran just ranted about him and could only say negative things about him. We were told to get over it, so we suffered in silence. We'd sing Gran Gran's lullaby when we were sad, that's the only time Katara and I were together.

We started going to Ozai academy a couple years later, at this point I wanted to get closer to Katara, but now it was me who was uncool, "hey Katara want to hang out?", "uhh sorry Sokka I'm going out with Suki after school, catch you later". We would barely talk. Until Gran Gran died, at that point out walls came down, we opened up to each other, and at this time we found out that both of us were getting bullied by Zuko and his sister.

on numerous occasions we stood up for eachother. "Don't get to close to that bunsen burner Sokka", Zuko teased them pushed my down setting my hair on fire, the professor got a wet towel and patted my head to put out the fire. "Zuko you b*stard, how dare you have the nerve to burn my brother!", Katara looked at me then at him and walked angrily over to him pushing him back against the wall. "Katara!", the professor yelled at her. "Sorry miss, I just don't understand why Zuko did such a thing, I thought he learnt not to play with matches when he got that ugly scar of his daddy", Katara went for him again put got pulled away.

We were there for each other now, we're all we have, I'd die for my sister and she'd do the same for me. Sure we'd get into arguments, but we would both realise afterwards that it isn't worth it. Years went by at the academy, we got into more fights with Azula and Zuko, but we were happy, that all changed when Aang came to school. We both changed, we're still close and we'll still stand up for each other. But we have a lot more people to stand up for now.

When I heard Katara could be pregnant it changed our relationship again, I was even more protective over her, she was extra sensitive I didn't want anybody hurting her. Turns out that I've fallen for the lonely boy at the duck pond, who I wrestled and who bullied me, we're in love, and I'm becoming an uncle today. It feels like we're all too young to deal with this, that we aren't mature enough, we have most of our lives ahead of us, we shouldn't have to care about a baby now.

But when I walked into that room and saw how happy Katara was with her new born in her arms, I knew we'd be fine. I began to cry happy tears.

"Sokka, meet Bumi, your nephew..."

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