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Sokka's POV

It was finally lunch time, and I've never been more happy to hear it. I stretched out on my chair and rested my head on the desk ready to have a nap, after staying up with Aang and Katara last night and with Toph wanting to talk to me every second of the day I needed some time to recharge. I kept trying to sleep in the previous lesson but Toph kept talking and the professor wouldn't stop yelling at me. But now I can finally get some shut eye.

"Sokka?", I head Suki's voice but didn't answer her, falling asleep. "Mmm".

Katara's POV

I looked over at Sokka noticing he's fast asleep on his desk and chuckled softly to myself, then noticed Suki get up and put her jacket on his shoulders and rub his back, it was really sweet of her, and I can't wait to tell Sokka that she did that when he wakes up, but for now we should all leave him to sleep. I saw the classroom door walk in with Azula and her group walking in and spotting us. "uh-oh, this looks like trouble", Aang frowned as they walked over.

"Good afternoon fellow students, I'm here to give you each an invitation to a function I'm hosting here at the school at the end of the week, a spring party. Though do wear something that isn't second hand please Katara, or we might mistake you for a homeless and kick you out", Azula smirked putting a hand on her hip, with Mai laughing lightly behind her and Ty Lee distractedly trying to stack as many invitations as she can on sleeping Sokka's head. "Leave her alone. She looks stunning every single day and puts in a lot of effort into her look, just as much as you do, show her a little bit of respect", Aang huffed as he stood in front of me. Azula's words don't get to me, they actually just make me laugh. But Aang standing up for me, it's actually really sweet and touching.

"Oh Aang my dear, most of this is natural beauty", Azula pointed at herself then turned to walk out grabbing Ty Lee's braid to drag her out with them. "See you at the party everyone!", Ty Lee beamed as the door shut behind them. "thanks Aang, but you don't need to stand up for me, especially to them, I can take them on myself", I smiled up at him and watched him sit down.

"What's this about a stupid party that brat talked about?", Toph raised a brow leaning back in her chair. "Spring party, to start off the new school term", Suki read out from an invitation she picked up off Sokka. "This is Azula hosting, there must be a catch", I frowned slightly, "there's no way she'd want to invite us, she hates us", I looked at the invitation in my hands. something definitely seemed off about this party. "Well why don't we all go together and if it blows we can get out of their and do something else", Toph shrugged. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea", Aang leaned over on his desk reading the invitation with me.

Azula's POV

It hurt me to have to invite my sworn enemies, but I have to be a good leader and invite every one of the students so it's fair that way, also it should be entertaining if I can make fun out of them for most of the night. I looked over at Mai as we gave out invitations, she seemed a lot better, like a weight has been taken off her shoulders. I walked over to her. "How're you feeling?".

"I'm feeling pretty decent", Mai shrugged, this girl was never happy. "It's been nice to come back and hang out with my girls", Mai smiled lightly and nudged me softly. "Well it's been nice to have you back", I nudged her back then heard a lot of whistles and cat calling behind us, I turned around to see most of the boys in the school surrounding Ty Lee as she gave out invitations. For once she seemed uncomfortable. "Ty Lee looks like she needs rescuing, go on big bad Azula protect your girl", Mai looked over at Ty Lee. I blushed as she said she was my girl but she did need help. I walked over and raised a brow.

"Everything okay here?", I frowned looking at all the boys watching them step back from just me being there. I must admit I love the power I have over these rats. "Go on about your business", I watched them disperse without another word from me. "Thank you 'Zula", I felt Ty Lee wrap her arms around me, her body as pushed up against my own, my mind went back to the other night when we- ugh no I can't think of that night and I can't think of her in that way. I made myself clear we are nothing more then friends. But I can't help the fact I crave this girl more then anything else in the world, well maybe I crave power more but that doesn't matter. I want her. But I can't have her. Though I'll make sure nobody else can have her.

Mai's POV

I watched Azula blush as Ty Lee gave her a hug, something definitely happened between them that I don't know about, I'll get the information squeezed out of Ty Lee later. "Mai?", I looked forward to see Zuko stood before me, we haven't talked since I walked away from him. I didn't want to talk to him. "Leave me alone Zuko", I frowned and turned away giving other students invites as they walked by, trying to show him I'm busy and he should leave me alone. "I need to talk to you", Zuko stayed where he was. "Well I don't want to see you right now Zuko let alone talk to you", I gritted my teeth getting angrier the more he stays. "We need to talk at some point Mai", he also began to get irritated at me trying to push him away.

"Zuko, leave", I walked away but got stopped by him holding my arm back and making me look at him. "I wanted to apologise!", He looked into my eyes and sighed slowly letting go of my arm. Is he seriously going to apologise right now? that's never happened in our relationship. "I'm sorry for what I did, and for making this relationship so toxic, you're right you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, I can't risk you walking away forever, I need you Mai", his words made my heart beat for the first time, he made me feel like I'm in love again. "Zuko, it takes two to make a relationship like this so extremely toxic, I'll be there for you, but let's take this slowly okay?", I held his hand and watched him nod. "Want to help me hand out Azula's stupid party invitations?", I asked holding some out to him. "Sure", he smiled and took them out of my other hand, giving them out with me as we keep holding hands.

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