Hanging out

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Ty Lee's POV

The day seemed to drag on and on, being around Mai and Azula right now was like being in a middle of some kind of war, I can't pick between my friends, I'm better off being a nobody at home then being the centre of arguments. "I'm just going to get some air", I shared a small smile at them both, getting up and walking out leaning against the wall and looking down. I can't take this fighting, I took a deep breath in to calm myself then heard a familiar voice. "Ty Lee?", I looked up and saw Sokka walk over, I tilted my head and stood up straight he seemed nervous and shy, why was he talking to me? "Can I help you with anything Sokka?", even though we don't know eachother too well I still want to be nice to everyone, who knows maybe I can make a couple new friends.

"Well, I was about to go in but I'm nervous about something, and I'm pretty sure you can help me out, maybe some advice?", Sokka leant on the wall beside me. I raised both my eyebrows in surprise. He wants advice from me? That's a first from anyone. "O-Okay, what do you need advice on?", I looked at him smiling, this is exciting. "Your sexuality, you're proud of who you are right? How do you have such pride", Sokka looked away awkwardly. "I guess it was easy for me, nobody really pays attention or care about me, nobody knows and nobody asks, you don't need to tell everyone in order to be proud of yourself, your sexuality doesn't make up all of you, you're more then that, you're Sokka", I giggled lightly and heard him laugh with me. "I care, look I think you're pretty cool, maybe we could hang out more? Friends?", Sokka smiled sweetly, I nodded and gave him a quick hug. "I want my bra back though.", I pulled back then waved walking back inside seeing the girls fight.

I think this was me argued out for the day, I walked over and slammed my hands down on the table to silence them. "Control yourselves", I frowned and picked up my bag, "I'm going home, I don't want to be around this bad energy right now, fix your friendship girls, see you tomorrow", I walked out and waved at Sokka before heading home. New friend huh? Neat.

Sokka's POV

Okay so, Ty Lee gave some super good advice, all I have to do is walk in there and not be ashamed of what people think, I'm more then just my sexuality. I made up my mind and walked into the tea shop and saw Zuko at the front and waved awkwardly. "Hey Zuko", I walked over and couldn't help but blush, he looks so darn cute in an apron. "Sokka?", Zuko noticed me walking over and smiled. "I was wondering if we could talk", I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away, I have to avoid looking into his eyes I'll get drawn in and I'll never get out. "Oh sure, come with me", Zuko walked through the back room and up the stairs to the flat and offered me a seat. "What did you want to talk about?", Zuko sat beside me, he was really close, and I mean super super close.

"Uhh well", I felt my eyes wonder on him, he was getting closer, it was obvious he didn't want to talk. "Zuko wait", he kept getting closer. "Zuko!", he leant in but I moved out of the way and stood up. "What was that!? Do you not see that I don't want that right now?", I frowned at him disappointed that he didn't back away when I asked. "Look, I was just going to ask if we can take things slowly, I'm not ready to announce who I am, I want to slowly introduce myself", Zuko looked upset at what I said. "I'm sorry but I'm not as proud as you are, please give me time", I looked down, I felt his warm hand lift my chin up. "I understand what it's like to be in the dark, you're not ready for the spotlight just yet and that's okay, I'll wait until you're ready", He smiled and held my hand giving it a kiss before walking downstairs.

"I need to keep working, but feel free to stay", I watched him walk away and sat back down, so he'll wait for me, that's good, why am I not happy for that? I guess I just have a terrible feeling that he's not going to wait, he's impatient and he always gets what he wants, I don't want him to ignore me when I tell him no. I love him. But I'm scared of him.

Aang's POV

With Sokka out and Katara working, I've been trying to keep myself busy, I've rearranged the living room a couple of times now, completed every puzzle they own and tried to befriend the neighbours cat, though it never seems interested in me. I sighed and lay down in the grass, closing my eyes and listening to the space around me, animals, wind, my own breath, it's extremely calming. I jumped as I heard Katara behind me. "What're you doing?", Katara leant against the wall crossing her arms and smiling at me. "Meditating, kinda", I chuckled and sat up turning around to face her. "Have you finished your work?", I tilted my head hoping to spend time with her.

"no, I haven't been able to focus on any of it, my mind is elsewhere I suppose", She shrugged, her smile faded. "Well, why don't we do something, the fridge is empty maybe we could get some food?", I stood up and brushed myself down making sure I don't have any grass on me. "Sure, it'll be good to get out of the house", She walked in and I quickly followed. We got everything we needed and walked to the local shop together, she was quiet, it seemed like she was lost in thought, she definitely needs to meditate. We walked in, I picked up and basket and followed her around the store as she picked out what we needed, I began to wonder. "Peaches!", I beamed and ran over to them. "Hey Katara can we get some of these?", I looked back and saw her in the pharmacy section, I frowned softly and walked over.

"You should get one", I looked at her then where she was looking. "I can't Aang, I don't want to know", She turned away from the tests, "what was it you wanted?". "Katara", I followed her. "Aang, leave it for now", she gave me a small smile then turned back around walking into someone. "I'm so sorry sir", she helped pick up the things that fell out of his basket. "Here", she handed them back to him then gasped stepping back.

"Katara? Is that you?".

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