Ruined friendships

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Sokka's POV

I walked out of poetry class holding my poem I had written in my hand, I don't usually talk to others about what's bothering me so I write it out so I can take it in, my poem was about my sexuality and how confused I am about it, to be honest the more I think about guys the less interested I am in girls, though I do have a girlfriend and I was so sure I had a crush on her. I blushed lightly as I bumped into someone. "Hey watch where you're going!", I frowned then saw Toph ahead of me. "Sorry but I can't exactly watch anything!", Toph grumbled and turned to me. "Oh Toph, I'm sorry, are you alright?", I helped her up feeling awful for what I said, jeez I really need to think before speaking. "Yeah I guess so", she held my poem in her hand that I dropped onto her, for once I'm happy she can't see. "Thanks Toph", I leant over to get my poem back but someone beat me to it.

"What's this huh?", Jet smirked taking the poem, "I don't know who I am? I have feelings for a guy? I love him!?", Jet laughed as he read parts of my poem out loud to the students around us, all I could do was stand there embarrassed. "Little Sokka here is a gay boy huh?", Jet stepped closer and gave my poem back to me. "What a shame", Jet frowned looking me up and down. Now this is one of the reasons why I don't want to know what I am. In this day people like me still get hated. It's just because I'm not as popular as Zuko is why I'm the one getting bullied and he isn't. "shut up Jet", I looked down. I was embarrassed about who I was. It's a horrible feeling. "What was that gay boy?", Jet rose a brow and stared me down.

"Leave him alone.", Toph stepped in front of me, Jet sniggered but it didn't make Toph step down. "Oh come on, you're gonna be known as the homophobe do you really wanna be known as the guy who beat up a blind girl too?", she put her hands on her hips, he pushed past her. "This must've been why Suki was so desperate to get her paws on me, desperate for a real man", he laughed and walked away. Is what he said true? I can't let it get to me, I can't let any of this get to me. "Hey, it's okay", Toph smiled and held onto my arm, "let's get some fresh air ponytail", she began walking pulling me along, I guided her outside and chuckled. "Alright, thanks back there Toph", I looked down at her then back ahead.

Azula's POV

I stayed at my uncles again as I felt unwell I knew my father wouldn't take care of me, but my uncle definitely would, I spent most of the day drinking tea and relaxing by knife throwing in my brothers room, it always helped calm me down, I heard the door open and raised a brow practicing my aim. "Who is it?". "We need to talk", I looked over at the door and saw Mai. "Come in, what do you want?", I watched her sit down and I continued to line up my throw. "Zuko and I broke up for good, and I'm moving on", Mai blankly said. "Really? Well it's about time, Zuzu weighed you down", I took a deep breath and threw the knife. "I wanted to let you know that you have competition", my shot was a little off, I turned to her and raised a brow. "Competition?", I watched her stand up and take the knife out of the wall and walk over to me.

"You aren't the only one who desires Ty Lee", she lined up her throw. "I know that", I crossed my arms and stepped back so she had more room. "You're up against me", Mai glanced at me before throwing the knife. I looked at the knife processing what she said, then it hit me. "You're in love with her?", I watched her walk over to the knife, I ran over and pinned her against the wall. "Stay back from her, she's mine and you know it, she's obsessed with me", I pushed her further into the wall. Suddenly our friendship was no more. We had become enemies. "Let's see about that, you ignore her and push her aside almost every day, and I'm always there for her when she's heart broken, by you", Mai smirked and pushed me off. She was right, Mai was big competition.

"Well, may the best woman win her heart", I raised my hand in the direction of the door asking her to leave, she nodded and walked out. "May the best woman win". I threw my last knife where Mai stood and sighed, I may have lost my Ty Lee.

Suki's POV

After locking up the defence club I walked out of school and spotted Toph and Sokka sat together on a bench and talking, I smiled and made my way over. "Hey you guys", I sat beside Sokka keeping my smile. "Hey Suki", Toph said before continuing her conversation with Sokka and leaving me out of it. "What're you talking about?", I leaned in a little closer but got no response. "Guys?", I frowned, why are they ignoring me, I looked at Sokka as he turned around to face me. "Suki? sorry I didn't realise you were here, I have a problem with my ears", he shrugged. "Oh really? do you need to get that checked out?", I tilted my head showing concern.

"Yeah for some reason I can't hear cheaters", Sokka stood up and put his bag on, "this relationship was clearly a mistake", He helped Toph stand with him. "What? Sokka no it wasn't, I promise you I don't know what happened", I got up and quickly followed him. "Come on Suki you kissed someone else on the first day of us being a thing, I'm pretty sure that's a good reason to stop this now", Sokka shook his head and walked off with Toph, she flipped me off as they walked away. How did he find out? Damn it I've worked so hard to get with that boy and now I may have lost him forever. "Hey sugar lips", Jet stood behind me, I couldn't handle any more of him today. "Leave me alone god damn it!", I pushed him back and picked up my bag walking home with tears in my eyes. "Sokka, I'm so sorry", I said under my breath.

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