Say hello

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Azula's POV

I walked into school with my head high this morning, it felt good to have my old self back again, I took a deep breath and walked past Mai in the corridor not even acknowledging her existence, I'm not dwelling on the past anymore, I opened the doors to the student council room and saw Ty Lee doing a handstand then gracefully standing up, "'Zula!", She smiled. I raised a brow and went over to my desk to sit down. "What're you doing here?", I put my bag down but kept my eyes on her. "I wanted to ask for a favour", Ty Lee stood on the other side of the desk and looked down at her hands as she fidgeted. "Why would I do anything for you", I rolled my eyes.

"Because you're in love with me". I froze as she finished speaking, I looked up at her blankly then furrowed my brows standing up and leaning over the desk, "You're mistaken. What did you want anyway?". "Just wanted to let you know of a potential fight between Suki and the new girl, I know how you will probably want to watch and cheer but, I need a favour just to split it up if you hear or see a fight from them, the new girl doesn't need it, and Suki is losing her mind", Ty Lee frowned holding her arm and lowering her gaze. "Well, you have to deal with it, they're your new friends not mine, now get out of my sight", I scoffed and watched her look me up and down then leave. I should've even harder on her. But I can't. I'll break up a fight. Just for her. Though I'd miss out on some top class entertainment.

Zuko's POV

I walked to school with Mai again today, I feel like we're actually getting to know eachother better when we aren't in a relationship, friendship works for us, we're super close and it feels good to have someone like Mai by my side, I noticed Sokka waiting outside the school for me, "It's Sokka, I better go", "no you don't", Mai quickly pulled me to the side and frowned, "don't feel like you have to be with him all the time, spend today with me, it'll be fun", Mai shrugged and linked arms with me, it feels bad to leave him when I said I'd be with him, he'll get over it, it's not the end of the world.

"Sokka!", I heard a high pitched voice and looked behind me to see the new girl run over to Sokka, I gritted my teeth, I should've gone to him. Ugh no she's going to be all over him and I can't even tell her to back off. "You okay Zuko?", Mai looked at me as we walked inside. "Yeah, I just have pain in my jaw or something like that", I put a hand to my jaw to act in pain. "Well if you didn't grit your teeth every single time anyone goes near Sokka then it should feel better", Mai doesn't miss a trick, she's constantly observing. "It's nothing, just forget it", I sighed and kept walking with her to class.

Suki's POV

I watched Sokka walk in with the new girl and to my surprise Jet too, something was off, "looks like the little princess got a strong man to defend her", I huffed and held Toph's hand as we walked into school together. "She probably hugged his jacket whilst she slept last night", I can't believe she got his jacket out of the first time of them meeting and I didn't even get one from years of sucking up and flirting with him. "She seems weak that's for sure though, with everyone else out of the picture she's as good as gone", Toph smiled as we walked into class together, she sat beside me.

"True, but I can't help but think she has something up her sleeve", I picked up my pen and bit on it as I thought. "Morning girls", Ty Lee walked in and sat in front of me, "You not still wound up about Yue are you?", she asked. "Yep, Suki's gone bonkers", Toph sniggered. "You should probably try and calm down, getting this wound up and stressed could be super damaging to your skin". "Ugh can you shut up for once!", I burst out as Ty Lee didn't keep quiet whilst I tried to think, I stood up during my outburst and got the whole classes attention. "Sit down", I heard a cold voice whisper into my ear from behind, I did as they said.

"Don't yell at her like that again, if I find out that you have, then that'll be the last thing you do because I won't even give you the time to breathe you pathetic waste of space", I kept a straight face looking forward as the class got back to their conversations, I nodded to show that I understand. "Good", I looked back to see Azula walk to her seat and looked at Ty Lee. She protects her like some kind of guard dog. What's with those two I thought they didn't talk anymore.

Aang's POV

It was good to be back at school, seeing everyone and taking my classes, even Zuko was happy to see me, everyone seems so much better then before, way more positive, I didn't see much of Sokka though, I tried to spend as much time with Katara as possible, we didn't do anything at the end of school, we stayed in our class room, whilst the others went to their clubs. "How're you feeling today?", I asked as I looked over at an exhausted looking Katara. "Awful, I had absolutely no sleep last night", she frowned and leant on her desk. "Got a lot of things on your mind?". "You could say that", She yawned. "Well, talk to me, what can I do to help?", I smiled and took my jacket off putting it on her shoulders to warm her up.

"Baby problems", she responded. "Huh?", I raised a brow in confusion. "I'm having a lot of baby problems, it doesn't feel right, any of this, I feel constantly uncomfortable and I barely get any sleep and I throw up my guts every morning, I though mothers have some kind of connection to their baby when pregnant, I feel nothing", Katara frowned and sat up looking out of the window as she spoke. "Well, it's pretty early on, there's still time for that connection", I held my hand out for her to hold. "I don't know", she held my hand and looked over at me. "Hey I know what it is, you haven't said hello yet!", I chuckled and gave her hand a small squeeze. "Uh why would I do that?". "The first thing you do before you get a connection with someone you say hello don't you? And introduce yourself", I replied back to her. She giggled and shook her head standing up. "Come on, let's go home", We both stood up and held hands the whole journey back to the house, we got in and dropped all of our things.

"I better quickly clean my room", Katara walked up the stairs. "I'll help you out", I replied with a smile and followed her up. "I'm going to quickly change first, is that okay?", she asked, I nodded and looked away distracting myself from looking by tidying, "you can look you know, you've seen me with less on", Katara blushed and took off her shirt and threw it at me. "I-I guess so", I chuckled and folded it up and placed it on the bed then looked over at her, noticing something. "Katara", she turned to face me. "Yeah?", she looked at me in confusion. "Look", I pointed and wrapped my arm around her walking her to a mirror. "What is it Aang?", she looked at me then at herself in the mirror and froze.

"Is that?", she looked at me in surprise then back at herself. "Looks like Bumi wants to say hi huh?", it wasn't that big of a bump at all but it was definitely noticeable when she took her shirt off, this was a big thing to us, I watched Katara examine herself carefully then move one of her hands onto her stomach.

"Hello Bumi..."

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