Back at where we started

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Sokka's POV

I walked my dad out and waved as he left, "come back soon!", I smiled then shut the door looking back to see Suki, "why did you have to tell my father who I haven't seen for years that we were together?", I frowned walking towards her. "Because we can't be broken up Sokka, it was to prove I can be better, we're meant to be", she cupped my cheek. "Suki we aren't together", I pushed her hand off and shook my head. "You should go", she nodded and walked out. I caught her smile as she went. What is she smiling about? I heard someone walk down the stairs.

"Aang? What're you doing?", I looked at him then at the bags he's carrying. "Are you going somewhere?". "I'm going home", he replied without looking at me and walked out of the house. What's going on today? Everything was going so well. My dad was back, I talked to Zuko. But now it's all falling apart, I looked up the stairs and walked up knocking on Katara's door. "Katara? can I come in?", I frowned and heard a quiet reply. "N-Not right now Sokka", I leant against the door. Everything will be okay, we still have each other, we'll always have each other. I started to hum Gran Gran's lullaby, Katara joined in from the other side of the door, I feel like we're back at where we started, but with more problems.

Without Aang, the world seemed a little less bright.

Hello! I hope you're enjoying the story so far, this chapter is a little short but I'll make the next one longer to make up for it. I hope you're having a great day, thank you for reading! :)

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