The Tents

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Azula's POV

The party was over, the everyone has either gone home or set up a tent and turned in for the night, Sokka went to bed as high as a kite with a very irritated Zuko, Suki and Yue set up and tent with Toph who passed out almost immediately, last time I saw Aang he was trying to sober up Katara, Mai is Mai, Jet hasn't been seen in a while and Ty Lee and I are in our own tent.

"You didn't spend time with me tonight", Ty Lee pouted as she rolled out a sleeping bag, giggling after almost all her sentences, "that's because you were having too much fun spending time with boys", I said whilst reading a book sat up with a torch above me. "That's because you can't have fun", she smirked at me moving closer, "I can have fun, it was a boring party and I had something on my mind", I tried to ignore her, "had? That's good that it isn't on your mind anymore, why you show me how fun you are now then?", Ty Lee giggled and sat in my lap turning the torch off.

I turned it back on, "it's my birthday today, nobody remembered, not even you", I frowned at her, she stared at me blankly then moved herself off me, "I thought it was tomorrow, I'm so sorry 'Zula, I'm a terrible girlfriend", she burst out into tears and held her knees close to her chest.

Of course she was correct, with her actions tonight and forgetting my birthday it does make her a pretty bad girlfriend, but at least she's a pretty one, "don't cry about it, did you get me a present?", I tilted my head at her. "Uh-huh", she wiped her eyes and nodded, "good, maybe I can forgive you if I like it", I slowly began to pull her back onto my lap, "okay, happy birthday 'Zula", she kissed my lips, I turned the torch off.

Zuko's POV

I swear Sokka gets more and more out of control each time he drinks, I sighed as I put him in a sleeping back and watching him fall instantly asleep, well that was easy, I began to get into my own when someone fell onto our tent, "watch it!", I stepped out to see who fell. "Uncle? What're you doing? Don't you have a tent?", I asked and helped him up, why was he wondering around falling onto tents? "I seemed to have misplaced it Prince Zuko, could you help me find it?", he chuckled and held onto my arm, "sure", I shrugged and helped him find it.

"There! The purple one!", he beamed and ran over to it laughing, "you don't have a purple tent though uncle", I frowned and followed him. "I do now, painted it this evening, looks good doesn't it?", he got inside and flopped down onto a blanket, "it looks-", I looked around inside but got interrupted by my uncles snoring, "goodnight Uncle", I sighed and zipped up the tent before returning to mine.

I got back to see Sokka has gone. "That boy is such a liability", I face palmed and decided to do a Sokka search. He's lucky I love him.

Suki's POV

It was getting late, and I was exhausted, Yue, Toph and I are in a tent, Toph is passed out, and I'm making sure she's okay for the twelfth time. "She's fine Suki, she's still breathing isn't she?", Yue raised a brow and giggled softly, "yeah, I just don't want anything bad to happen to her", I sighed looking down at Toph.

"Do you have feelings for her or something?", Yue smirked trying to tease me, "in a way, I do, I don't want to be in a relationship with her or anything but, I know that if anything happens to her, I'll blame myself no matter what, she's so funny, smart and brave, I'm proud of her for all her achievements, she's brilliant", I smiled tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and tucking her in so she stays warm.

"You're a good friend", Yue smiled at me, "I'm not, I don't talk to her enough, I don't spend enough time with her, I need to be a proper friend to that girl, she deserves one", I lay down and sighed. "Goodnight Suki", her voice was soft, it made my heart flutter every time she spoke, "n-night", I blushed and faced the other way.

She turned with me and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me close to her, "is this okay?", she asked, whispering into my ear. "M-Mhm", I closed my eyes and bit my lip, "okay, good", she snuggled up to me from behind, she's so gentle, it's adorable, she's adorable.

Mai's POV

I was in a tent, on my own, which is fine I like being on my own, but someone kept pacing outside and it was really annoying. "Can you stop?", I got out of the tent with a torch and saw Jet, "why are you pacing outside my tent? And can you do it somewhere else?", I frowned at him. "I need help", he walked over to me and reached out to hold onto me, I slapped his hands away.

"I can't stop thinking about Katara, she's with Aang but she shouldn't be, she told me herself that she doesn't like being with him and she needs a break, oh god, why are her words sticking in my brain and giving me bad thoughts", Jet started to pace again. "Katara lead you on?", I raised a brow watching him walk back and forth, "no, yes, no, ugh I don't know! She had fun with me, that means she wants me right?", I stuck my foot out whilst he paced so he would trip.

"She spent time with you, so what, doesn't mean she wants to get hitched", I stood over him shining the torch in his face, "it might, girls only spend time with me so they can get a screw", he smirked up at me. "Ew, I wouldn't take that as a compliment, it means girls see you as a bit of meat, nothing more", I pulled a face of disgust, "they love me, and Katara does too, I'll prove it", he got up and walked away.

"Oh no, please don't, I'm begging you, don't do it...", I spoke monotony whilst stood there watching him walking away not doing anything about it, "I tried", I shrugged and got back inside the tent, he won't do anything, Katara wouldn't want it and Aang would kill him if he got near her. I can't wait to hear what happened in the morning, actually I can, I don't care. Time to sleep.

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