Worth it?

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Zuko's POV

Aang was stood before us, he was reading the scene with his eyes darting from Jet to Katara back and forth, "what happened? And why is he here?", Aang took a step forward, I moved quickly and stood in front of him not wanting him to do anything he would regret. "It's nothing Aang, come on let's just turn around and enjoy the rest of our time here, he's not worth it", I tried to reason with him.

"Not worth it? He's worth enough to have my fist to his face, why're you defending him?", Aang furrowed his brows suddenly making me his enemy, "Aang, it's okay, let's just go back inside we don't want to make a scene, we can talk back it later", Katara also tried to talk him down, but it was no use, he pushed us both aside out of frustration, Katara hit the floor. "Aang control yourself!", I helped her up and looked back at him in disgust, there was no need to hurt Katara I thought all of this was to protect her?

"This proves you aren't good enough for her, you hurt her, not only physically but mentally too monk boy, you're abusive and manipulative", Jet come around and wiped away blood that came from his nose. "You have no right to say that", Aang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "Look at her, does she look happy?", Jet got to his feet.

Aang turned to look at her, Jet was winding him up, "I can make her happy you know", Jet stepped closer. "I'm fed up of your lies", Aang turned to look at him, "I had her in this pool you know, just the two of us, she was looking for me, she wanted-", he was hit before he could finish his sentence, Aang punched him to the ground, then pinned him down strangling him.

"S-Stop... him...", Jet looked up at me, "why should I? You're a monster", I frowned down at him staying were I am. "If you won't stop him then I will", Katara pushed Aang off with small tears in her eyes she looked at us all. "If you want to hurt someone so badly you're just as a monster as him", she looked at me in disappointment, she was right, "both of you, I don't want Bumi to grow up with a violent father with no control over his emotions, all of you get out of my sight", Katara shook her head and walked away.

"What the actual f*ck just happened!?", Toph stood there with her mouth open in shock. Katara needed her space, we were all in the wrong. "Guys!? Tell me what's going on!? What's the tea!?", Toph begged. We stood there looking at eachother unsure what to do or say.

Sokka's POV

I got out of the wave pool with Suki to see the sun beds empty. "Shoot, where did everyone go?", I grabbed a towel and dried myself off then put the towel on my shoulder, "no sign of Jet either, has something happened?", Suki frowned taking the towel off my shoulder and drying her hair with it.

"Hey guys", Ty Lee walked over with Mai by her side, "hey you two, where's Azula?", Suki smiled, "she's here, somewhere", Mai shrugged and sat down on a sun bed, "is it just you two that came?", Mai raised a brow up at us. "No no the others are here, look there they are", I pointed with a smile but felt it fade as I saw Jet with them.

"What is he doing with them?", I crossed my arms with a frown on my face, "and where's Katara?", Suki added holding onto my arm. "What have you done with her you disgusting piece of-", Ty Lee stormed over and slapped him across the face. "Ouch, thats gotta hurt", I pulled a face. "Ty Lee", Mai rolled her eyes and walked over holding her hand and pulling her away.

"We're sorting it, don't worry, why don't you both have a talk, just the two of you, and no fighting or annoying each other", Zuko looked at both Aang and Jet and sat Toph down on a sun bed. The boys looked at each other then nodded walking away. "Crazy b*tch", Jet said before walking away. "Watch it", Mai stood in front of Ty Lee and watched him walk away.

"Come on describe things to me people! Blind girl amongst drama here!", Toph pouted, "well, you can never get bored in this friendship group can you?", Suki giggled and shook her head sitting beside Toph to explain what just happened. "Hey Zuko, thanks for taking charge", I smiled at him.

"Sure, but I didn't do anything just told them just to work it out so this can all be over and done with", Zuko looked over to see Jet and Aang at the pool bar talking calmly to each other, "seems like things are going well". "For now, both are passionate and both love Katara, we'll see what happens", I shrugged and sat down.

Azula's POV

I sat at the bar, Ty Lee's words running through my mind, I noticed Aang and Jet sit near by, something to distract me from my thoughts, it won't hurt anyone if I listen in. No I'm too bored and that's way too much effort, forget this, I'm going home. I sighed and got to my feet walking away from the bar and back to the changing rooms.

"You don't always need to protect me you know, I'm the one that slapped the guy", I heard Ty Lee's voice nearby whilst getting my things out of a locker. "I'm way more intimidating then you though, I can scare anyone away, whilst you make them want to give you a hug", I could also hear Mai's voice, I got into a cubicle and began to change.

"That's not true, everyone knows I'm agile and, and...", "cute, small, adorable...", They were in the cubicle next to me, together. "That's not true", "don't play dumb, you know your worth, your girlfriend sure doesn't though does she?", what was happening in there? I stopped what I was doing so I could listen in more.

"Mai? What're you-", it went quiet, I quickly finished changing and picked up my bag walking past the changing room door, it was open, and there they were, both of them, all over each other. Even though I only got a glance I could see every detail, Ty Lee hand her hands in Mai's hair, grabbing it like she grabs mine when we, well it doesn't matter what we did.

Nothing matters anymore.

Not to her.

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