Thrown in the deep end

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Suki's POV

When we arrived from what I could see everyone wasn't having a lot of fun, except Sokka and Aang who were having the time of their lives, I sat beside Katara on her sun bed and raised a brow looking at Zuko then whispering in her ear. "He hasn't made another move on you has he? If he has I will personally drown him in the kids paddling pool", "no! jeez Suki that's a little far, but no, nothing like that, it's Jet", she held her knees close and looked down.

"I thought I saw him skulking around", I looked around us to see if he's near, "he's getting cockier, and the cockier he gets, the more Aang gets violent, I don't want him sending Jet to hospital", Katara frowned softly. "Come on he wouldn't do that", I laughed at what she said then stopped when I saw how serious she was, "honestly?", I asked. "I don't know what I'm going to do", she nodded and looked up to see Aang walking over.

"Hey guys, glad you could all come, no sign of Yue eh Suki?", he asked with a smile, "Yue? Oh no she couldn't make it, but I'll tell you who did make it Jet-", I began to tell Aang that Jet is at the water park but before I could Katara covered my mouth. "Where's Soka??", Katara asked with a smile, she obviously didn't want Aang to get angry or aangry, never mind. "He's in the wave pool", "I'll go join him", I stood up and held Toph's hand, "you coming?".

"Hell no, water and me just aren't a good match", Toph stood her ground, "I second that", Zuko smiled. "Alright, have fun here I suppose, be back in a sec", I beamed and walked into the wave pool, swimming over to Sokka, "hey you!", I chuckled softly as he noticed me. "Suki!", he smiled and got closer, "where did Aang go?", he looked around, "he's at the sun beds". "Thank god for that, because I just saw Jet swimming around, he seems to be looking for Aang I think", Sokka examined everyone in the pool.

"Don't get me started, he's already spoken to Katara, he seems to be desperate", I frowned not liking where any of this is going. "Yeah, desperate for Katara or desperate for death if he makes Aang any more mad then he already is", Sokka shook his head and brought his attention back to the water with a smile.

Mai's POV

The water park has been, watery? It's gross but Ty Lee seems happy enough, seems is the right word for it, "you alright?", I asked as we both sat in rubber rings going around the lazy river for the seventh time. "I'm good", she leant back looking up with her eyebrows furrowed, "what's on your mind then? You've been quiet, you must be thinking about something", I crossed my arms.

"It's Azula", she replied, "of course it is", I spoke under my breath, "it's not only her, it's me, I don't know what I'm doing wrong", she closed her eyes. "You're doing nothing wrong, you can be a little irritating and pushy but isn't everyone in a relationship?", I shrugged, "wow thanks Mai I'm a million times better now", she sighed. "Just trying to help, now cheer up", I splashed water at her. "Hey! You're one to talk", she giggled softly and splashed me back.

"Girls", we both turned to look up and saw Azula walking on the path beside the lazy river, following us as we float down it. "'Zula", Ty Lee flicked her hair back and raised a brow looking away, "I want to have a word with you", she looked over at Ty Lee. "Well you've just said nine so I guess one more won't hurt", she crossed her arms and continued to look away, Ty Lee was angry, and this was something Azula has never seen.

"Come on and be civil, I'm asking for us to have a private conversation", Azula wasn't backing down, she tried to regain control. "I don't hear any apologies coming from you, all I hear are commands", Ty Lee checked her nails as she talked, she has all the control now. "Ty Lee get out this instant and talk to me like an adult", Azula gritted her teeth, "no Azula, you can't do this anymore, we aren't playing princess and her servant, I'm more then that aren't I?", she finally turned around, Azula froze.

"Don't bother saying I'm sorry, or even I love you, until you mean it", Azula turned back and walked away, and I'm pretty sure I saw tears in her eyes. The tables have turned on Azula and she wasn't expecting it. "That's the Ty Lee I've been waiting for", I turned and saw Ty Lee wiping tears away, "what's wrong? You told her what she needed to hear", I tilted my head and looked at her in confusion. "But I still love her, this hurts me just as much as it's hurting her", she turned away.

Katara's POV

After pushing Aang away, it was time to talk to Jet alone like he said, Zuko and Toph were bonding over their hatred for water, Azula Mai and Ty Lee we're having their own problems on the opposite side of the park, Aang, Sokka and Suki were splashing around in the wave pool, I can meet him in the outside pool. I looked around to see I could find him and much to my disgust, I caught him already staring at me, I stood up and walked to the outside pool, nobody was really here, and for good reason too, it was freezing.

I slowly got in and took a deep breath, "good call, going somewhere quiet", I heard his sickening voice behind me, "you wanted to talk, let's talk, and the reason we're out here is so my boyfriend doesn't break your neck, no matter how gross you are I don't want anyone getting hurt", I started to swim. "Sure, you just want me and me alone", Jet smirked as he swam alongside me.

"Ugh, stop, just stop, what do you really want Jet? If you wanted me you could've had me a long time ago, why now? I'm weak, you know that, what're you waiting for?", I frowned getting to the side of the pool, holding onto the side and swimming to keep my head above water. "I just want what every man wants, someone who adores them and will do anything for them at a click of their fingers", he got closer. "So that's why you're single", I raised a brow and swam backwards, I didn't know men like him still existed. Walking talking swimming sexist garbage.

"Whatever, this was a mistake", I rolled my eyes and began to climb out of the pool, "not so fast doll", he chuckled and pulled me back in putting his hand over my mouth wrapping his other arm around my waist. "You don't want to take this inside do you?", he whispered in my ear, I pushed him off with all the strength I had and panted holding my chest. "I'm asking you again, what do you want?", I held onto the side again. "I want you Katara, and as you rightfully said before, you're weak, and I'm going to have you", he pushed me up against the side of the pool the harsh wall scratching and cutting into my back.

I began to groan in pain, "shh, give in, accept it and you won't be in as much pain", he looked into my eyes as he spoke, "I'll never give in to you", I spat in his eyes and pushed him back, only making him angrier. "You little b*tch, you'll pay for that", he frowned and grabbed my wrists tightening his grip then pushed me under the water, I wasn't going to stop fighting, I wasn't going to accept it.

I pushed him back against the wall then turned around and he was gone, that's impossible he was right behind me, I swam up to the surface and looked around to see Zuko and Toph, Zuko holding Jet by his neck and Toph cussing at him none stop. "Put him down Zuko", I got out of the pool and looked Jet up and down, "I'll never give up, I've shown you that, you're just making me angrier, I'll get you", Toph pushed him onto the ground and held on to my arm. "Come on Katara, he's not worth it", she smiled, "thanks guys", I smiled back. "Hey, better then telling Aang isn't it? Here", Zuko passed me a towel then looked around to see Jet running towards us.

"Shoot, he needs more teaching", Zuko was ready to fight, but I wanted the final blow to be mine. I quickly turned around and head butted him making him fall to the floor. "What happened?", Toph raised a brow. "Katara just knocked him out cold is what happened", Zuko chuckled and shook his head, if only Aang could see you now".

"Too late..."


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