The End Is Near

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Zuko's POV

Father put me in charge of this years prom, which is like torture to me, this is really boring, I have to plan every single detail, I obviously told Azula about it and she's beginning to take control, but if I don't have everything finished by tonight then prom might not happen tomorrow. "Stressed are we Zuzu?", Azula smirked walking over with a hand on her hip, "you could say that, they're still decorating the place, it's no where near finished, and I don't have anyone to give out punch and food or anything", I looked around the hall we were stood in and seeing how empty it is.

"What about Iroh? He can get the rest of his staff to help out too, plus it will be good for his business", Azula shrugged, "that's a good idea", I took a note of what she said, I don't understand why father put me in charge of this Azula is all over it she knows exactly what to do whilst I'm just a ball of stress. "I know I'm incredible, "I'm sure this will be finished by tonight don't get too wrapped up in this, you go home, tell Iroh about the plan I'll take it from here", she smiled. I nodded and smiled back leaving the school.

I got into the tea shop and saw my uncle I explained everything and he accepted the offer which is a lot of weight of my shoulders, I decided to help him out with customers and put my apron on, walking to the front, and of course the next person to walk in is, My ex and My boyfriend, together, now this is something I wouldn't expect to see. "Hey guys, follow me", I showed them to a booth, "I'll come back when you're ready to order", I walked away quickly, they must be talking about me? How bad I am? How untrustworthy I am? What have I done? I can't talk to them again.

Mai's POV

"So that's when I discovered my love for blades and throwing them", I finished my story and looked over at Sokka who was sat opposite me, "that's, dark", he gulped and rubbed the back of his neck, "yeah, don't gulp, it's annoying", I frowned at him, "sorry", he frowned looking down at the table, he was scared of me, cool. "Can we talk about Zuko? I'm having a problem with him and I don't know if I should just end it now", he sighed.

"Zuko is a difficult one to love, what has he done this time?", I rolled my eyes, "he told Aang to leave, he said Katara was better without him, my sister was going to raise Bumi by herself if Aang listened to him, then Zuko said he still believes it, and then he said he doesn't when I stop talking to him, I don't know what to believe", Sokka whispered whilst he explained. "Go with your gut, I know people say go with your heart or your mind, but who cares about those two, they're what's controlling these confusing thoughts, what's your gut telling you?", I looked around to check if Zuko was around.

"My gut? My gut feeling is to forgive him and make out with him, but what if he says something else harmful to my sister or my friends?", he frowned, "he will learn his lesson if you forgive him, but tell him you still aren't happy, then he'll sort it out", I checked the menu. "You know him like the back of your hand huh?", Sokka sounded amazed at what I said, "I was with him for quite some time, sometime I think I know him better then I know myself", I smiled sadly then caught Zuko in the corner of my eye watching him walk over. "Hey again, what can I-", I stood up and sat him down, "I'll go get the tea, you two talk", I walked into the kitchen, "hey Iroh", I waved and got on to make the drinks.

"Good evening Mai", he didn't react and just continued to make tea, I took my time so Sokka and Zuko could talk it through, I could see a lot of tears from where I was then hugging and making up, when I walked back out with a tray they were gone, "thank god I only make a drink for myself", I smiled lightly and sat down drinking it. "Mind if I join you?", Iroh asked standing beside the table with tea in hand, I nodded and he sat opposite me. "You'll always take care of him won't you?" He smiled, I looked down at my drink then at him and nodded smiling back. "Always", we clinked cups then drank our teas.

Aang's POV

It was time for Bumi's outdoor time where could breathe in fresh air and spend some time out in the world, Katara and I take him out in the stroller, we get a lot of odd looks but we don't care, we are proud of our family, we walked down a couple of streets and stopped at a crossing waiting for the road to be clear, I looked around and noticed a jewellery shop behind us, I walked over and looked at the rings.

Katara noticed and walked over with me, "didn't really have you pegged for a ring man", she smirked gently pushing and pulling the roller so Bumi stays settled, "oh uhh yeah I like rings, what about you? Do you like any here?", I asked trying to be discreet. "Not really, I'm pretty specific about jewellery and accessories", she shrugged and walked off again, "any ideas of a kind of specific ring in your mind?", I asked again, come on Katara help me out here. "It doesn't matter", she shook her head with a smile on her lips, we walked on and on and on, we were passing through the posher buildings in the city, they were huge.

"Woah, these houses are amazing", I looked around stunned, "they're something to look at that's for sure", Katara nodded, "woah look at that one!", she pointed so I would face her and kissed my lips tricking me into it, "gotcha", she smirked. "I'll get you back", I chuckled smiling back at her.

"Help! Someone Help anyone!", we heard a voice then very saw a man running out onto the streets. "Hey you two can you help??", he ran over panting heavily with fear in his eyes, "what can help with", Katara asked. "My fiancé, she's awfully sick, she fainted and now I don't think she's even breathing", the man began to cry. "Aang take Bumi home, come on you let's go to your fiancé", Katara kissed my cheek then walked over the the man. "What's her name?", I heard Katara ask.

"Yue, her name is Yue".

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