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Katara's POV

When I talk to Azula I feel like I'm not the only one who sees things the way I do, unlike others she has a brain, sure she can have some bad thoughts but I'm sure she's nice, I'll need to work at her to get past this harshness but I can't deal with it right now, I need to trust Azula and for her to trust me, But with Aang's sudden return, I don't know what to do anymore, all I know is that I need to have a plan, I'm going to spend more time with Azula, I'd rather be her friend then her enemy right now, but I can't keep pushing Aang away. After talking to Azula and walking her to the door I looked up at the stairs to see Aang sitting at the top of them. "You want to come down?", I crossed my arms. "You want to come up?", he shuffled across so there's a space beside him.

I nodded and walked up the stairs and sat beside him, I could feel his eyes on me, he was a lot more observant then before. "So, we aren't going to work?", Aang looked down with a frown on his face. "You don't get it Aang it's not about a relationship", I sighed trying to remain calm but with all these hormones inside of me it's talking a lot to hold myself back from exploding at nothing. "Then what is it about? Katara I told you I'm sorry for leaving and I had to. I didn't want to trust me. But I didn't have a choice", Aang was angry, it was a deep anger, like a storm in the middle of the ocean, I was surprised to see him like this, to feel the rage of a monk.  "How do I know you won't have a choice again? How do I know you'll have to run off with the monks yet again? I'm not depending on you and I never will", I replied as calmly as possible and stood up, I'm not arguing with him I'm not in the mood.

"You aren't walking away from me", Aang grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, his eyes filled with what seemed to be heart ache. His words, His tone, He's exactly the same I was to Zuko when he walked away from me, I was so angry when he took my first kiss, I guess Aang also has the right to be angry, I'm keeping his own child from him. He has a right. And talking should help us clear this up. "The thing is Aang, I don't want to weigh you down, this baby is going to need someone who's there for them, someone who won't leave them, I don't want you to have that responsibility, you're young, and a monk for god sake", I felt tears in my eyes as I spoke and sat back down beside him wiping them away, his hand slowly moved down from my wrist and his fingers interlocked with mine.

"Monk Gyatso is dead", Aang responded after a long silence lowering his gaze and looking at our hands. "Who?", I turned and saw tears falling from Aang's cheeks, I was quick to to brush them away with my thumb. "He was the one who found me, my rock, almost like some kind of crazy grandpa, he loved me like family, he raised me", Aang continued to cry. Well now I feel like trash, congratulations Katara you selfish idiot you've made him feel guilty when he's dealing with grief. "Aang, I'm so terribly sorry I-", he interrupted me and turned holding both of my hands to his cheeks and rested his head against mine, warm tears pouring down his red cheeks. "Katara I'm not losing anyone else, and I'm not losing you, I'm never going to abandon you, I want to take on the responsibility of caring for someone like Gyatso cared for me, I promise I'll protect you and love you both endlessly until my dying breath!", I couldn't speak, his words took my breath away and his passion made my mind go blank.

"Aang", I brought him in to a hug and held his head against my chest so he could cry into it, I rubbed his back and cried with him but tried to be subtle. "I've got you", I reassured him and kissed the side of his head. We stayed on the stairs for a while longer so he could get all of his tears out, he sat up and sighed. "I need to go to sleep, can we talk about this tomorrow too?", I nodded and watched him stand up. "I'm here if you need anything", Aang smiled lightly before opening the door and walking in, before it shut I called out his name quickly.

"Aang!", I stood up and watched him open the door and look over at me. "I need something", I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him staying close to his body, he slowly wrapped his arms back around me, is he stronger? Is he taller? "I'm here for whatever you need", He brushed my hair back and tucked it behind my ear with a smile. Is he cuter!? How is that even possible!? Wait no, it's these stupid hormones. I don't need anyone I'm strong and I can do everything myself. "Katara?", Aang asked tilting his head smiling from the side of his mouth. "Sleep with me tonight, please", I blushed and held his hand gently pulling him towards my room. What's wrong with me? I just decided I didn't need anyone. "Okay", Aang walked with me into my bedroom and got into bed, I sat on the side of the bed waiting for him to get comfortable then lay down beside him, facing away.

He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled up to me from behind, I love him, I love this sweet boy with all my heart, he's so soft and warm, I hesitantly got comfortable in his arms and smiled lightly, this felt good, he slowly moved one hand down to my stomach, I'm not sure how comfortable I am with this yet, I slowly moved it off and sighed. That one movement reminded me that things are going to change, this happy moment of cuddling in bed with Aang won't last for ever. I'm scared of that change, I'm scared of taking care of this life inside of me along with my own, I'm scared of losing Aang again, I'm terrified. I frowned and took a deep breath thinking all night instead of sleeping.

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