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Zuko's POV

It took a lot for me to get up today, I didn't want to go into school, I couldn't face Mai after what happened yesterday, her words kept going around in my head. I really hurt her. She showed some emotion, which is not like her at all. I finally broke her. I didn't like seeing her like that, I guess I do still have feelings for her after all. My uncle pushed me to get up and get going so I did, looking around everywhere I go just in case I see Mai.

Luckily I didn't see her on the way to school but I ended up seeing Azula instead. "Zuzu, can I have a word?", Azula had her hands on her hips, she must've found out too. I nodded and followed her to her council office noticing it's a little messy which is odd for Azula to leave something she takes so much pride in, in such a state. "Mai came in here yesterday evening, upset and confused saying that she overheard someone saying you and Katara were doing things you shouldn't, is that true?", I nodded and crossed my arms. "Yes, I kissed Katara". Azula sighed and shook her head. "How could you do such a foolish thing? You hurt one of the only people who you go to about your problems. Your partner of years and years Zuzu. It's extremely disrespectful". Azula frowned extremely disappointed in me, which isn't anything new.

"She informed me she won't be in today, take this day as some time to think, about what you've done, what you're going to do, and how to make things right", Azula sat down and looked up at me with anger in her gaze, she was extremely protective over her friends, I'm surprised she hasn't tried to harm me in some way. "And you better do the right thing Zuzu. Or you'll regret it", Azula gritted me teeth and pointed at the door to signal me to leave, I took my chance and walked out, with the match coming up I don't want to be on Azula's bad side, I ended up walking into Ty Lee seeing she's wearing Azula's shirt.

"good morning Zuko", she grinned as she walked past fixing her hair as she made her way back into the council room. Why on Earth would she be wearing Azula's shirt?

Toph's POV

The day was over before I knew it, and it was actually pretty fun, I was talking a lot more to ponytail and he's actually really sweet, a massive goofball but super funny. Could this potentially be my boyfriend? My first ever boyfriend? I'll have to take things slowly of course. But I'm sure Suki will help me seeing as we're friends now. I felt someone hold my arm and jumped, "who the hell is that!?".

"Sorry Toph! Sokka here", Sokka helped guide me through the desk and out the doors. "Need help getting home?", he asked, he cared about me. "well actually, how about we hang out a bit more?", I smiled hoping he would agree. "Oh well I'm meant to be meeting up with Suki for food and-". "Sounds cool, let's go meet her!", I beamed, now I get to spend time with Sokka and Suki, it'll give me time to tell her about my growing feelings for this boy. "O-Okay then", Sokka kept walking. This is so exciting.

Suki's POV

I was waiting at the front of school for Sokka, so we can go get a bite to eat, this was a way of me apologising to him because I was so mean yesterday, I didn't want to ruin any kind of relationship we have, because I have every intention to build it up so I can finally get that mistletoe kiss this year. I blushed and began to pace as I waited for him then saw both him and Toph walking towards me. "Toph?", I raised a brow. "She's coming with us, she wanted to spend some more time just hanging out, I said it was fine", Sokka smiled softly which made me smile too.

Let's be honest here that boys smile can light up anything and anyone. I linked my arm with Toph's other one and chuckled, maybe this'll be more fun with Toph around. We walked down the street and to a place not far from school. Toph seemed awfully close with Sokka.

Katara's POV

I waited outside our classroom for Aang, he was currently getting a lecture from professor Bumi about why you shouldn't run down the corridors, but all I could hear them talk about was that you should skate down them. Professor Bumi was known to be a little crazy but to my surprise Aang and him got on extremely well. I smiled softly and leant back against a wall closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Hey", I opened my eyes and stood up straight looking in front of me and seeing Zuko, my legs began to turn to jelly, I wanted to run but I couldn't, why am I so drawn in to this boy? "Hey", I managed to opened my mouth to quickly speak, I wanted to tell him to go but I just couldn't. "About yesterday, I think I got confused, my mind hasn't been in the right place recently. I need to tell you that I don't have feelings for you, I've ended up hurting someone I love because of it. Maybe we should just stay as friends. That's all I wanted to say", Zuko looked into my eyes then walked away with his hands in his pockets.

I was no longer so confused with my feelings for him, as my emotions turned to rage. I couldn't let him do this to me and simply walk away. "You can't do that", I said then turned to face him in the corridor, seeing him stop and turn around. "You can't do that to me. You can't do that to anyone. You stole my first kiss. You took my dreams from me. You made me feel things for you! Yeah I was actually dumb enough to think you wanted me. But I was so stupid and mislead. And you know what. Your mind wasn't in the right place at all. It turns out it was right here!!", I marched over to him and pushed him up against a wall, kicking him in the groin watching him fall to his knees.

"Looks like you being without Mai has made you so sexually frustrated you decided to take it out on me. You're disgusting and I hope you know that. Friends isn't even an option here and it never has been", it was my turn to walk away and leave him behind, I saw Aang walk out of the class room and grabbed his hand walking out with him. "Come on, you have a dinner to make".

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