The Sophisticated Disaster

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Mai's POV

This looks terrible, I wanted it to look good for my guests but I rushed it, the servants are running around frantically whilst I'm just staring at the dinner table, this was all a big mistake.

"Forget it", I frowned and began to walk towards the stairs so I could go to my room and be alone, where I should be. "Put everything back I am cancelling this dinner", I spoke as I kept walking, but as I took one step up the stairs, the door bell rang.

I looked back at it and at the family servants who were also looking at the door not sure what to do, "get back to work", I sighed, it's too late, I'm so stupid. "We have a dinner party to host", I signalled someone to open the door to let the guests in.

God if only I stopped the party then and told everyone to go back home.

Aang's POV

"Wowie! Would you look at the decor!", I smiled whilst walking into Mai's house, admiring how good it looks, whilst I was amazed I turned to Sokka and Katara who both seemed underwhelmed. "Uhh, woah look at that! Nice chandelier hey guys?", I pointed up at it then looked back at them. They both looked up.

"Yeah that's pretty cool", Sokka sighed and walked ahead with Katara.

"Come on Aang", Katara beckoned so we would make our way to our seats at the large dining table, again I was amazed, Mai has a really great life here, I'm not jealous of her, my life is pretty great and I've enjoyed being with the monks, but this is the dream life.

The three of us took our seats, I was confused when I found out I wasn't seated beside Katara but it seems like Mai's seating plan has separated us all. I looked up as Mai sat down beside me, she seemed nervous, "hey hostess! how are you doing?", hopefully I can get some conversation out of the host.

She looked forward and didn't answer for a while until facing me with her usual plain face but I can see in her eyes she was panicking.

"Mai?", I frowned lightly hoping she'd open up and I could help with whatever is weighing her down.

The door bell went so she stood up to go open it, I watched her go and looked at Sokka and Katara, they were both sat in silence. "I know things have been tough lately but we can have a bit of fun tonight right?", I smiled at them both, they just simply nodded, come on Aang keep being positive.

Azula's POV

Mai's seating plan was rather peculiar, I'm not sure what the intentions were behind them but beside her at the head of the table is Aang on her left and Ty Lee on her right, from Aang was Zuko, then the best person in the room, me, then Suki, Toph and Katara, then back at Ty Lee.

She sat me with Zuzu and a mourning ginger who knows how to punch a little bit better then everyone else, though I am on okay terms with Zuzu he isn't the funnest person in the room, everyone seems pretty dead, their is no atmosphere whatsoever, completely what I expected from an evening at Mai's, that's it I'm out of here.

"I-", I stood up from my chair ready to announce that I'm leaving so everyone will beg me to stay, but Mai beat me to it, she got to her feet at the same time as me and quickly spluttered some random words then walked away. "Did she say anything important?", I raised a brow and watched her go then looked at the others.

"I better check on her", Aang got out of his chair with a worried look on his face.

"Oh do you? Since when did you and miss boring become best buddies?", I laughed at the thought of Mai being friends with Aang, the two couldn't be more different.

"Since she was alone because you pushed her away", Aang argued back, I looked at him and wanted to say something back but nothing came out, I looked away and sighed sitting down.

"Go on, run after her", I shrugged but he just stared at me.

"No, you go Azula, it's about time you were a good friend to her", Aang sat back down, I've been a great friend to Mai, I've only been nice to that girl, what has she been saying behind my back I wonder.

I looked at Ty Lee for support to tell everyone how good of a friend I am, but she sat their in silence then finally spoke up, about time she boasts about how brilliant I am.

"What are you waiting for 'Zula, go talk to her", she reached for the wine in the middle of the table and poured herself a glass, drinking it and watching me.

I sat there and took in everything Ty Lee just did, I didn't know she drank wine, I took a breath then left the room, this is the moment when I say something witty but I couldn't think of anything, I'm off my game tonight.

"Thank god she's gone", the angry short blind girl spoke out with a laugh, I looked back at her with nothing to say, making my way up the stairs to check on Mai.

Katara's POV

"Toph", I frowned at her, Azula must've heard that, I don't understand why everyone is suddenly against her again, she helped me out, she was a good person and a friend, she's come a long way from where she was. Sure Azula is self absorbed and sometimes a little cold but everyone has to understand that's just Azula.

I turned to Ty Lee who seemed distant, it's not like her to be so, well, negative, and wine? Really? I sighed softly and watched everyone have their own small conversations around the table and gently nudged Ty Lee's side with my elbow.

"Hey", I whispered with a smile, getting a smile sent back at me.

"Hi", she huffed quickly losing her smile and her chest visibly tightening, not that I was staring at her chest that's wrong, wait no it isn't wrong, you're wrong! Okay get your mind back on track Katara.

"You seem tense", I looked at the glass in her hand then back at her, signalling for her to put it down so we could just talk.

She noticed my look and nodded putting the glass down, "it's a private issue that should just be left at that, private", she stood up and excused her self.

"Ty Lee?", I watched her leave, turning around in my seat to see where she was going, she went outside, my gut instinct tells me to follow her and give her a huge hug and listen to everything she needs to cry about, I'm not the best of friends with Ty Lee but..

Someone who's happy all the time.

Has got to explode at some point with all those 'private' problems kept hidden inside.

Yo, so I haven't been active at all with this story, I've been so caught up with a load of things the last couple of months and I intend to get back on this more often because it surprisingly makes me feel a lot better, again so sorry for abandoning you babiesssssss. :)

~ mwah x

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