Dreams Of The Future

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Aang's POV

My head, it hurts so much what just happened?? Did someone just hit me with a bag full of vodka? Mai?

I opened my eyes slowly to see the defence room, but it looks really modern, nice to see the school finally decided to do the place up, how long have I been out for? Just left he?

"You okay Dad- I mean Professor?", a boy stood over me, he looked like me, he even had my monk tattoos, is that me?

"Uhh?", I sat up and held my head feeling him help me up.

"Sorry if I went too far, you told me to give it my best shot, are you alright?", he seemed worried about me, there were other kids too, watching patiently, was I demonstrating defence?

"Alright well, twinkletoes obviously has lost that one, nobody take any notice of Professor Aang here", there's only one person who calls me that.

"Toph!?", I looked at a black haired woman in front of me in surprise, THATS TOPH!? She's taller, muscular, she's an adult!

"It seems like you took that fall harder then we all thought huh? Why don't you get some fresh air", she pointed at the door and continued to demonstrate.

What was happening?

"Hey Professor Aang, mom told me to come check up on you, how're you doing?", a girl stood in front of me holding an ice pack out.

"Oh thank you, I'm alright, what's your name?", I asked her, she looked at me with a surprised look on her face then answered.

"Lin", she answered bluntly then shook her head sighing, "looks like Mom was right you did fall pretty hard, Tenzin must have had a tough hit", she laughed lightly.

Toph's her mother, Toph's a mother!? Tenzin must've been the tattooed boy who stood over me, "Tenzin?", I asked her, hoping she would tell me who he is.

"You don't remember your own son?", she raised a brow then shook her head. "Stop joking around now Sir, I'll see you in there", she turned back and walked inside.

Tenzin!? My son!? But Bumi's my son, I have another son? And he has tattoos!? I smiled brightly as I thought about this son that I now have, wait so I'm in the future, I'm a professor, Toph's a professor and a mother. I have another son, Katara's going to have a boy, this could just be a stupid dream though.

"If you dare talk badly about my brother again I will happily show you some sense! And yes my fists are sense", a girl was yelling into the classroom next door and slammed the door shut taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

I'm a teacher, I should do something right? Well here goes nothing. "What happened in there? Did you just get kicked out?", I asked making my voice stern, pretty sure I've nailed this teacher thing already.

She rolled her eyes and frowned crossing her arms and looking down, "Please don't be too disappointed, I know this is the fourth time I've been kicked out of class and it's only Tuesday but I can't help it if I want to stand up for my brother dad".

"Yes well that doesn't make it right to-", DAD!? DAD??? She just called me dad right!? How did I not see it? She looks just like Katara threatens people like her too. so we have two more kids? Wait could there be more?? Is everyone my kid!? What kind of dream is this??

"Dad? Daaaad? Earth to Dad", she tilted her head and waved her hand in front of my eyes until I snapped out of it. "You don't look so good", she held my arm and furrowed her eye brows looking worried.

"You heard what my sister said, we will f*ck you up!!", an older looking boy stepped out of the classroom with both of his middle fingers up then turned to see me and immediately put them away, "heh hey dad, how's it going?".

"He doesn't seem great", the girl looked at him then back at me, I couldn't speak I was too shocked, this feels way too real to be a dream.

"Dad?", I heard the boy speak but it all seemed blurry.

"I'll call mom", that's the last thing I can remember hearing, before waking up in what looked like the Katara and Sokka's place, thank god that dream was over it was so weird.

"Hey guys! I just had the craziest dream", I sat up and chuckled softly at the thought of it.

"That's great love", I turned my head to see Katara walking over, she was grown up, she's beautiful, I'm lucky man if I get to grow old with her, does this mean we did get married in the end?

"Katara", I stood up and held her hands, looking into her eyes, I can't get over her, I'm so in love with the woman, old or young she's my Katara.

"Aang", she laughed lightly and smiled up at me, this is perfect, this moment, this life, this future, I don't want to leave. But reality always hits in, my head was hurting pretty badly, everything became blurry again, I sat back down.

"Ah", I held my head, something seems wrong here, the kids were worried, Toph was worried, even her daughter was worried too, what's wrong with me?

"Woah hey careful, you know you have to take it easy", Katara frowned and cupped my cheek, this dream was hell, I could see her hand is on my cheek but I can't feel it, god I just want to feel her here.

"What's wrong with me?", I asked her.

"You're weak, you're tired, I know you don't like me saying it but you're dying", she sighed.

"This is a dream isn't it?", I asked keeping my eyes on her, she became more blurry.

"Yes, And No", I could barely see her smile, what does that mean? I need to ask her one more thing.

"When we had our second child what happened?", I can't see her anymore and it's hard to make out what she's saying.

"You'll see".

Everything went black.


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