Going home

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Sokka's POV

It was time to pack everything away and get ready for school for tomorrow, it was quiet, almost everyone had some version of a hangover myself included, Zuko kept saying that I sleep walk when I drink alcohol before bed, but I think he's just winding me up. "Everything done?", I held my head and looked up at Zuko whilst I sat on the grass and he did all the hard work, "again, you know I would've helped if I didn't feel so bad", I sighed. "It's your fault you're like this, it was a bad idea to smoke and drink last night and you knew it too", Zuko frowned at me and helped me up, "you still love me though don't you pretty boy?", I smirked. "Go see how your sister is, she was worse off then you which is a surprise because you're such a lightweight", Zuko blushed and turned away. "Alright I'm going, see you tomorrow", I kissed his cheek and walked over to where Aang and Katara are.

"Morning, how're you both feeling?", I smiled, "fine, surprisingly", Katara looked me up and down and raised a brow, "you look like trash", "thanks, and I thought sisters were supposed to be sweet", I rolled my eyes, Katara stuck her tongue out at me and helped Aang pack. "How about you Aang? I overheard a group talk about a fight that happened last night, know anything about it?", I asked.

"There was no fight, I just reminded Jet where his place is", Aang replied with a sigh, he seemed tense. "It was you and Jet? Wow I wasn't expecting that, oh wait I kind of was, you couldn't stay away from him all evening", I crossed my arms and raised a brow in Katara's direction. "It was more like I couldn't get away from him, anyway let's leave it, c'mon I want to see my son let's get a move on", Katara smiled lightly. "You know Iroh smokes weed?", I randomly said. "Isn't it obvious?", Katara laughed.

Suki's POV

Toph got up and felt rotten, so I've been running around all morning getting her food and drink and more blankets and pillows, she looks a lot better now from when she did earlier. "Do you think you can go home now Toph?", I felt her head to check if she has a temperature, she nodded and stood up with my help, then wrapped her arms around me in a hug, I wasn't expecting this. "Toph? You okay?", I tilted my head and gave her a hug back.

"Thanks for being there for me Suki, I felt so alone yesterday, but you've helped me feel a lot better today, we should hang out soon", she spoke lightly like she was weak, "of course! I'll call whenever I'm free, see you around Toph, take care of yourself", she stepped out to her father who was outside the tent. "She's a sweet girl, under all the nicknames", I chuckled as Yue walked over to stand by my side. "What about me? Will you call me when you're free?", she slowly slipped her hand into mine.

"Uhh, sure, I can do that, maybe, if you want, heh", I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at her feeling my cheeks warm up, I'm making a fool of myself. "Cool, see you tomorrow Suki", she winked and kissed my cheek then walked out. She kissed my cheek again, but without the mistletoe, somehow this one made me feel even more in love.

Mai's POV

The girls and I packed up and left early, we went to Iroh's tea shop to catch up about last night, "Jet fell into my tent last night, said something about Katara wanting him and him going to prove it, he never did prove it", I shrugged as I picked up my tea up, "really? That sounds bad", Ty Lee bit her lip. "Mai said he didn't do anything, so Katara's fine", Azula was on her phone, not really paying attention. "I said he didn't prove it, he might've gone to her tent but I didn't see anything", I looked at Azula, "he wouldn't do such a thing, with so many other people around? Nobody is stupid enough to do that, even Jet", Azula put her phone down, more invested in the conversation.

"She was uncomfortable with him at the party, at the start she was happy but towards the end she looked more like a prisoner, it was hard to watch", Ty Lee held her face in her hands, "the whole party was hard to watch, most boring event I've ever been to", Azula rolled her eyes. "You enjoyed the bit after the party though didn't you?", Ty Lee looked back at her, they had sex, it was so obvious, why can't they just stop being so stupidly obvious.

"Whatever, I need to call my father to pick me up, I'll be back in a second", Azula stood up and walked out the front door to have some signal and privacy when she calls her father. "Mai, I have an idea on what to do for Azula's birthday party", Ty Lee leant in close with a playful smile on her lips, "and that is?", I raised a brow also leaning in. "The water park! come on we went there loads when we were kids, remember when we pushed you and Zuko down the slide together?", Ty Lee giggled at the memory. "How could I forget? You wouldn't stop teasing us, alright, let's do it, tomorrow after school, invite a small group of people", I stood up.

"Okay, where are you going?", she beamed and tilted her head, "going home, I want to go to bed", I picked my bag up. "But it's morning, you kinda just woke up", "your point is?", I raised a brow. "No point whatsoever, enjoy your bed Mai", she waved, she's so adorable that girl, it's hard to hear and see her and Azula together, I still like Ty Lee, I could ruin their relationship, but I love her too much to do that to her.


Hiya! Just wanted to give a quick update about the story, I'm planning on wrapping it up soon after a couple more cute and wholesome chapters, but I'm starting to write another book which will be a Kataang one, by the time I've finished this one I'll have another book for you lovely lot to read afterwards. Thank you for reading. Have a great day : )

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