Azula The Counsellor

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Aang's POV

Katara wouldn't say anything, she held onto my hand and walked with me silently, Azula was currently screaming at the ticket obsessed guy at the barriers.

"If you don't let me through I will make sure that you die chocking on thousands upon thousands of stupid f*cking tickets!!", she grabbed his collar pulling him closer and yelling into his face then noticed us walking over and let go of him immediately. "Oh you've got her", she quickly calmed down.

"Only just", I looked at Katara who was zoned out, I shrugged and passed through the barriers, being let through by the ticket guy who seemed scared for his life, "thank you", I smiled at him and walked up Azula's car, putting in Katara's luggage and got into the car with Katara sat in the middle.

The journey was, well I don't know what it was, there was no talking, no conversation, we all just sat there in silence, until Azula excused herself.

"I think I would like to have a walk, get some fresh air, leave you both to talk", she signalled for the driver to pull over and he did as she wanted, she opened the car door but got held back.

"Azula", Katara held onto her arm and looked into her eyes, she obviously wasn't ready to talk with me about this yet, and that's understandable, I nodded at Azula and smiled.

"Okay, we'll walk back home, meet you there Aang", they both got out of the car, I kept my eyes on them as the car drove off, please don't make a run for it.

Azula's POV

"So what do you want to do? You don't want to be around Aang, you don't want to go home, the only thing you know you want, is me, why?", I turned to Katara and put my hand on my hip raising a brow at her.

"I need you because I need someone to tell me how it is, I'm completely lost, I'm panicked, I'm not myself and I thought I knew what I was doing but Aang came and I'm all confused again, I need someone to give me that slap of reality, I need you Azula", She looked at me.

"Alright", I shook my head and held her hand walking with her, "I wish I could record you saying that, because if I told people you said it, nobody would believe me", I shook my head and smirked, I heard Katara laugh slightly and knew this conversation was helping her already.

"So, my plan was to run off and cover it all up, not go through the hell hole I did before, I've just left school I want to live, not carry a hump for the next couple of months", she crossed her arms and looked down.

"Does Aang seem thrilled with that idea?", I frowned looking forward, she didn't respond, "so he isn't, and now you've feel like you've disappointed him huh?", I turned to her seeing her nod but not reply, "well you can't run from him, or that, forever".

"I know that, but I feel so old, I have a little boy, I've been proposed to, I just finished school and I'm having my second baby, I'm not ready for all of this Azula", she took in a deep breath like she was going to cry, I realised and stopped her, standing in front of her and holding her arms.

"Look who's here, me, who was there for you when you were in school and having your first, me, that was when we first became friends", I made sure I kept eye contact with her so she wouldn't look away.

"And then you gave me alcohol and my boyfriend threatened you and we quickly broke that bond", Katara shook her head and laughed lightly.

"But look where we are now, I promise you I won't give you any alcohol this time, I'm here okay? Just call me and I'll come running, you blue eyed brat", I smirked and held her hand walking back to her house, she seemed better, more alive, it was good to see.

We opened the door and walked in, Ty Lee and Sokka were in the next room with Hakoda, they noticed Katara straight away and went to talk to her, I knew this was going to overwhelm her so I stopped them, standing in front of her like a social shield, "back off, she's fragile and needs to be alone for a while, get back to your business", I looked at them sternly then smiled at Katara seeing her smile back then go quickly up the stairs.

"So you're buddy buddy with my sister?", Sokka raised a brow at me watching me walk into the room, it was clear he didn't like the way I just talked to him but oh well that's his problem.

"She needed me, I was there for her, she's back isn't she? Be a good boy and go get me a drink as a thank you", I smirked watching him angrily stomp his way to the kitchen.

"Thank you", Hakoda smiled and hurried after Sokka.

"You did a good job huh? Who would've known one of the most mentally damaged girls I know would turn out to be the best counsellor", Ty Lee smiled sweetly and walked over to Bumi's crib, he lit up as soon as he saw her and giggled when she made funny faces down at him.

"The broken know how to heal, I just choose not to myself", I shrugged and leant against a wall, watching her pick Bumi up, she was so natural, gentle and actually really adorable, my three times too small grinch like heart began to beat.

"I know I know", she shook her head but kept looking at Bumi, making sure he was well entertained, he couldn't stop laughing, he was so comfortable with her, are babies actually this cute? I always saw them as barfing snot monsters that I should stay far away from, but something here feels right.

Ty Lee rocked him carefully in her arms then looked up at me as she realised I was staring, "what?", she giggled softly and blushed out of embarrassment.

"Mother my children".

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