The Trip

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Sokka's POV

Another two months have flown by and summer is just beginning, the days have gotten warmer and our break has just begun, it's only a week but it's a week away on our school trip, everyone in class seems to be going, which of course means that Zuko and I can spend more time together, he's been distant and I've been busy so we haven't got to talk too much, but we've agreed to hang out, I'm really looking forward to it, some sun some sea and some relaxation, we're going to the beach! I beamed as I packed my bag putting in shorts and t-shirts. "Make sure you take a towel Sokka! and clean pairs of underwear too!", I huffed as I heard Katara rush around, I'm not a little kid.

"Hey Sokka", Aang yawned as he walked in, he looked exhausted. "Everything okay buddy?", I looked up at him but kept packing. "Yeah just a little sleepy, I'm sure I can nap on the bus", Aang stretched and picked up some of his clothes. Katara's brain is a little scattered at the moment, she's giving me Aang's clothes and Aang my clothes. We all got ready and packed and made our way to school, I carried Katara's bags, I'm getting more and more protective over my niece or nephew with every day that passes,
I saw Zuko at the bus stop and dropped her bags running over to him. "Zuko hey!". "Sokka". Zuko smiled and wrapped his arms around me greeting me in a hug. "So are you sitting with me on the bus?", I kept my smile. "Uhh", Zuko awkwardly looked over at Mai who has holding an umbrella for shade from the sun. "Oh I get it", replaced for Mai again.

"Sokka! Do you need a bus buddy?", Yue sprung up cheerfully and wrapped her arms around me from behind. "Oh! Well-". "No sorry, we're sitting together", Zuko linked his arm in mine and held me close to him. He made his mind up fast. "Okay, no problem, sure to catch you on the beach though Sokka, I'd love to go for a swim with you", Yue kissed my cheek and caught up with Jet getting stares from Suki and her group, minus Toph who was staring blankly in the opposite direction. "Come on", Zuko put our things on the bus and got on. I quickly followed.

Katara's POV

It was getting warmer a warmer and I couldn't take the heat, I helped Aang a little with the bags but him and Sokka don't let me help that much any more, even though I'm still not that far along, it's taking a couple of layers to cover my now all too real baby bump. I got on the bus and huffed as I sat down, I should probably take a hoodie off. "Are you not boiling in that?", Azula raised a brow as she sat beside me. "Yeah but, I'm fine", I lied as I wiped sweat of my forehead. "Okay no, this isn't good for you", She helped take off my hoodie and smiled seeing me catch my breath. "Better?". I nodded and closed my eyes. Azula and I have actually gotten a closer friendship then I thought, she's so nice and caring to me. I'm suspicious but I'm glad she's helping me out in times like this.

"Can I sit there Azula?", Aang pointed at the seat beside me with a smile on his face. "Sorry bald boy the spot is taken find another seat", Azula frowned up at him. Both of them fought like children, I rolled my eyes and sat up slightly and looked at Aang. "You can swap with Azula in a bit okay? I just need a bit of girl time", I smiled. "Alright, but I got my eye on you", Aang kissed my head then walked to another seat. "Can you squeeze into a bathing suit with the lump?", Azula got out a mirror and checked her lipstick whilst talking, "it's a bump Azula, and yes I can actually just fit into my bathing suit", I frowned and looked down, resting my hands on my stomach finding it more natural to do then I used to. "Get some sleep, you need it", Azula put her mirror down. "I'll do the first watch", she smirked as I leant on her shoulder to fall asleep. Not realising that she also wanted to sit next to me so she could keep an eye on not just me, but also Ty Lee.

Aang's POV

The bus journey was long and tiring, and because I was already exhausted it didn't help at all, every time I tried to fall asleep someone would try and talk to me, and to be nice I would try my best to stay awake, but my eyes were closing on their own. I snapped out of it and looked down the bus seeing Azula still sat with Katara, I don't trust Azula but I'm getting there. It's just an instinct to not have her so near what I love, I followed her gaze and smirked getting up and moving forward, "you like Ty Lee?", I crossed my arms. "What!? That's absurd!", Azula protested, I put my hand over her mouth and frowned. "Shh, Katara's sleeping remember", Azula nodded and I moved my hand off her mouth. "Never do that again or I will cut that hand off myself". Azula spoke angrily under her breath. "How about you sit beside her? Nobody's there, it'll give you two a chance to talk", she took a deep breath and stood up. "Thanks baldy", she sat down beside Ty Lee, I watched and smiled, if I help Azula maybe she'll warm up to me and we won't be bickering so much, I looked at Katara and sat beside her falling asleep with her for the rest of the journey.

Thought I'd put something fun into the story line. The next chapters will be a little bigger and I hope to cram a lot of different stories into them, I hope you're enjoying the story and having a good day, thank you so much for your support and reading on this far :)

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