Something's changed

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Aang's POV

Sure enough Katara was angry, I knew she was going to be but I wasn't expecting this, maybe the baby comment was a bit too much. "You", Katara's gaze shot daggers in my direction, she stomped over and pushed me back as she spoke. "You have to walk back into the mess you've made to add more to it whilst I'm trying to clean it up! I can't believe you. Abandoner. Quitter. No good. Irritating. Obnoxious-", I leaned in quickly and kissed her lips. "Nice to see you too Katara", I chuckled and tilted my head to the side seeing her cheeks redden, she looks so damn cute when she blushes, I've been without her for way too long. "I hate you", she frowned and grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me in for another kiss, it almost felt like a 'I miss you' kiss, but there was no denying Katara was fuming.

"Dudes seriously? Get a room", Sokka pulled a face and looked away pretending to be sick. "Shut up Sokka", Katara pulled away but held onto me, frowning at Sokka, then looked back at me. "Are you planning on staying?", I nodded and began to speak but she quickly interrupted. "Okay, well you're still sleeping in Sokka's room. I need a lot of space, we should work on this relationship". "Totally! I want you to take your time", I smiled. "No Aang, we need to work on how to not have this relationship", Katara looked away. I was left in shock yet again. I came back for her, why is she acting this way? There was a knock at the door. Sokka went to open it and left Katara and I alone.

"Katara, what's your plan?", I looked over at her she didn't respond, it was obvious she didn't want me to be apart of her life anymore, she had no right. "What kind of Jerry springer episode have I walked into then?", Azula had a smirk on her lips as she looked at me, it was clear to see that she was happy surrounded by so much chaos. "What're you doing here?", I gritted my teeth, I'm not usually angry but I know she's made both Sokka and Katara's life a living hell, she needed to go and I need to prove my worth to Katara. I stepped over to Azula hoping she'd lose her sinister smile. "Aang, unpack your things in Sokka's room, leave us to talk", Katara stepped in front of me before I could get to Azula. Did I miss something here?

Azula waved and laughed as I left the room, I stayed outside and decided to listen to their conversation from the other side of the door, something was going on and I'm desperate to know what it is. "So the monk has returned huh?", whenever I hear Azula speak it's like nails scraping down a chalkboard. "His name is Aang", I heard Katara reply. "With what he's done to you he doesn't deserve a title, Katara you shouldn't have to deal with this, with him, it's like your father all over again", Azula spoke, this was her plan, to get Katara's trust then ruin her life for her own enjoyment. I can't take staying here and listening in, I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to do as Katara said.

Yue's POV

My first day at school was turning out to be the best day of my life, I was nervous of course, but some students are really nice and helpful, especially the pretty boy who gave me his jacket. It was too big for me but it was super soft, and smelt nice. "Watch it!", I stepped back as I realised I walked into someone and helped them up. "Oh I'm so sorry", I frowned and helped them up. "Yeah you better be pipsqueak", I looked the girl up and down, she's calling me pipsqueak? But she's tiny. "Are you hurt?", I asked. "No I'm fine", the girl took a step forward and walked into a wall. "Do you need help?", I smiled and linked my arm in hers. "Maybe just a bit", she scoffed and leant on me as we walked.

"So what's your name?", I looked at her. "Toph, you?". "Yue", "oh so you're the girl Suki wants dead". After hearing what she said I stopped and felt my heart drop, someone wants me dead already, I never do anything wrong why do people always hate me. "Suki?", I frowned and stood with her. "Yeah, head of defence class, glad I'm not you because I sure as hell can't watch my back", Toph chuckled. "But you're her friend yes?". "Yeah, can't really put in a good word for you, though you can hand me back that jacket and I'm sure that'll quiet things down", I wasn't sure why she wanted the jacket but I shrugged and handed it to her, and just like that she walked away, hopefully I can make friends easier now, "new chick", I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around.

I gasped and looked up at an unfamiliar boy with a playful smirk and cigarette in his mouth. "I'm not in the mood for being bullied right now", I sighed and adjusted the strap on my bad so it sat on my shoulder better. "Who said I was hear to harass you? Just wanted to introduce myself, the names Jet, and you're the girl that Suki wants gone right?". "Mhm, that's me", I shrugged and watched him light his cigarette. "Word of advice, Suki seems all tough but you can hit her emotionally and she'll go down like bag of bricks", Jet blew out smoke as he talked. "Really?", I tilted my head and took the cigarette out of his hand and into my mouth, "tell me more". I smirked back at him blowing smoke into the air. If you can't beat them. Join them. Guess it was my turn to be the bully.

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