One long month

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Katara's POV

The minutes turned into hours, the hours turned into days, the days turned into weeks, I knew he wasn't coming back. I couldn't keep waiting for him like this, I had to get over him, I had other things to worry about. Sokka stood at my doorway, "I think it's time", he held up a bag, I got up and looked in the bag and took out a test. He was right, I've been putting it off because I'm scared of taking on the responsibility, I thought if I could just not know and forget about it I don't have to deal with it, but like all problems I had to face it. "Okay", I quickly hugged him and walked into the bathroom, here we go, I'm really doing this. "Sokka you can get going to school I don't want you to be late, I'll be there as soon as I can!", I shouted at the door.

"Are you sure? Alright, see you there!", Sokka shouted back, I heard the door close downstairs, I wanted to do this myself, because I do everything myself. I took the test.

Sokka's POV

I was hesitant to leave but I know Katara needs a bit of space, especially with this subject, and I'm not going to lie I wanted to go to school, I smiled as I walked to the fountain, I saw Zuko sat down and sat beside him. "Hey you", I smirked. "Morning Sokka", He turned to me, his smile melts me every time. I started to blush uncontrollably and chuckled rubbing the back of my neck. "How was your weekend?", Zuko took a deep breath and leant back on the bench. "It was good, I got to hang out with Mai, we went to the shooting range she goes to all the time, she's scarily good". I listened and tried to keep a smile on my face.

It's good that him and Mai are friends but I can't help but be jealous of him spending more time with his ex then with me. Whenever I talk to Suki he doesn't even bat an eyelid, but I feel my body tense whenever he's with Mai. "That's cool", I smiled then heard someone. "No please don't!", I turned around with Zuko and saw a girl with white hair getting pushed into the fountain. "Hey!", I stood up and quickly chased after the people who pushed her in as Zuko helped her out of the fountain. "Are you alright?", He stepped back so she could have her space but kept a monotone voice like he didn't really care if she was okay or not.

"I'm okay, it's not the first time I've been pushed in a fountain", She ringed out her hair and smiled sweetly. I walked over, "you need some help?", I helped ring out her clothes and gave her my jacket. "Here I don't want you to freeze". "Thank you so much", She beamed at me then turned to Zuko and cleared her throat. "I best be off, but thank you both again, I hope you have a good day", she walked away, I turned around to see a really angry Zuko, was this it? Is he jealous? Over some new girl who I helped out? It's kind of hot.

Suki's POV

I've been trying to get with Sokka again for a while now, he's still single so in my mind I still have a chance, I know he still has feelings for me deep down, and I have help, Ty Lee and Toph have been giving me ideas and pushing us together in hallways just subtle things. But I don't think subtle is enough. I paced in the defence club room in front of the girls and frowned, "what now? we've done everything, dropping books and touching hands when picking them up, bumping into eachother, making sure I say hi to him more then five times a day, he still isn't noticing me", I sighed and kept pacing. "I think you should just go in for the smooch", Toph lay down on the floor and shrugged. "I think that's a little too pushy but good try Toph", Ty Lee beamed and patted her on the head, Toph pushed her off.

"I need to send him presents, wear a perfume he might like?". "I'll look into it", Ty Lee nodded and took a note of what I said on her phone, with her being in the student council she is in everyone's business and knows everything about everyone. "Why don't you come into school looking all glam and hot", Toph added. "That's what I've been trying to do for weeks Toph", I sighed. "Sorry I haven't noticed but I'm sightless!", she groaned and sat up. "I feel like we need to dig deeper for this one, ask someone who's close to him", Ty Lee looked at her phone and stuck her tongue out in concentration. "Morning girls" Katara opened the door, and her entrance gave us all the same idea. "You could ask Katara!", Toph said out loud what we were all thinking. "Ask me what?", She raised a brow and walked over.

"What's Sokka's favourite scent?", Ty Lee tilted her head and patted the space beside her for Katara to sit down. "Uhh I'm not sure, he likes the smell of cologne? You're better off asking Zuko about this because Sokka is obsessed with his cologne", Katara giggled and sat down. "Sure", Ty Lee smiled and took a note on her phone. I should ask Katara about Sokka more often but I don't want it to be obvious what I'm trying to do. "How're you doing Katara? Feel any better today?", I stopped pacing and looked at her, she nodded sent me a look as if to say can we talk about it later. "Still sad about twinkle toes splitting on ya?", Toph put her hands behind her head and smirked. "No, I'm over him, he's not coming back and that's that", Katara kept a straight face showing no emotion, she was tough that's for sure, I'm glad she's gotten over him.

"Excuse me can you tell me where the defence club is?", I quiet voice asked from the door. "You're in the right place", I smiled and turned to face who was speaking but immediately noticed they were wearing Sokka's jacket. "Where did you get that?", I raised a brow as my smile quickly faded. "Oh a boy gave it to me after I got pushed into the fountain, I actually didn't get his name", she lightly blushed and looked down at the jacket. "That's my brothers jacket", Katara stood up and walked over to her, "your clothes are soaked! Come on you can change into my gym clothes you can't stay in these wet clothes all day", Katara rushed her outside. "Wait! What's your name!", I yelled before they left. "Yue, my name is Yue", the girl smiled walking with Katara. Yue huh? If she goes near Sokka again at least I know what to put on her gravestone.

Azula's POV

Each day has gotten harder, I'm becoming more and more alone, I'm spending less time with Ty Lee who's my only friend, I feel like I'm losing my mind, I don't leave the council room anymore, I don't want to see anyone. I don't need anyone, if Ty Lee and Mai have given up on me and want better then they can keep searching until they come crawling back, no one is better then me and deep down they know that. I looked myself in the mirror and frowned my hair was a mess, I had bags under my eyes. Was I really losing it? I'm the President I'm perfect. I'm not losing it.

"Uh hello?", the new student walked into the office and stood in front of my desk with Katara. "Ah Yue, here's your time table, I hope you have a reason to be in your gym clothes?", I raised a brow and looked her up and down. "My clothes were wet", Yue shrugged, I wasn't prepared to argue today, "right, well go away", I frowned and watched her walk out. "What do you want goody two shoes?", I crossed my arms on the desk watching her sit down opposite me. "I need to talk to you", she bit her lip. "Hurry up and spit it out then", I rolled my eyes. "I'm pregnant", I looked up at her in shock, this is brilliant I could ruin her, this is going to be so amusing, she knows she's telling me why is she doing this? "And I'm asking you to cover for me when I'm not in and help me out?", she looked me in the eyes.

"Why would I do that?", I smirked and raised a brow. "Because you need someone who would do the same for you, you need a friend Azula", I felt my eyes widen in surprise, "out of all the other nobody's in the world, why would I want you to be my friend", I stood up and walked towards her, I'm not going to let her speak to me like this, she needs to know her place. "Because I'm the kind of friend you desperately need", Katara looked up at me keeping her eyes locked on mine. "And what is that?", I felt myself get angrier, how does she know what I need? She stood up and wrapped her arms around me I felt my limbs soften, I needed this, I needed a hug.

"You need someone to care about you, someone to cheer you up when you get sad, someone to help you, someone who'll always be there for you when you need them. You need a mother", I listened to what she said and stayed in her arms. "I'm that kind of friend", she rubbed my back comfortingly as she held me. "I know we've had an eventful past, but right now let's push that aside and help one another out, okay?", I nodded and felt her let go, I looked at the floor, I couldn't speak she was right. "Can I trust you Azula?", I nodded again keeping my eyes on the floor. "Okay, let's meet up after school and get something to eat", She left. I'm friends with Katara? And I'm not angry and mean about it? Somethings wrong with me. I must have an illness. I think it's called being nice.

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