Custard Tarts

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Toph's POV

The evening was going really well, we sat down and talked about a couple of things, I found out the Sokka and Suki were actually quite playful with eachother which was nice to hear they had a different kind of friendships to others. And this is definitely one I can fit into. After hearing Sokka talk more about himself it only made me feel more for him. My heart beat kept rising as he spoke, I suddenly focused more on his voice then what he was actually saying. It wasn't the most attractive of voices but it made me happy and extremely relaxed.

"Right I'm going to head to the little boys room, don't you ladies go anywhere", Sokka joked. "Don't worry ponytail we won't be making a run for it yet", I smirked and turned to Suki hearing Sokka laugh quite far away. "Suki I need to talk to you". "You can tell me anything girl, what's up?", Suki asked. "Well it's about Sokka". I sighed. "Sokka huh?". "Yeah, I think I'm falling for him", I smiled feeling my cheeks warm as I spoke. The table became silent. Why wasn't Suki saying anything? "Uh Suki? Are you still there?", I asked reaching my hands out in front of me and feeling around until she put my arms back down.

"I'm still here Toph, sorry I just blanked for moment is all", Suki replied with a small laugh, she sounded nervous. "What should I do? I know I can't move to fast but what if I'm too slow and someone else gets to him?", I pouted and put my hand on the table to find my glass, picking it up and having some of my drink. "I think you should do whatever feels right, you have to feel it in him too though, his tone, how close he is, let him come to you before making any bold moves", Suki said until I heard Sokka's voice again. "Hey girls, what you taking about? How handsome I am?", Sokka sat back down. "If you haven't noticed I can't talking about how handsome you are because I can't actually see you Sokka", I said sarcastically.

Suki's POV

I can't believe this. Toph has a crush on Sokka. Who I have a crush on! damn it what am I going to do, I love this boy with my whole heart but I can't steal him away under a blind girls nose who's my friend. All I have to do is be honest and help her out. But I have to help myself out too. No way am I going to double cross her and get closer to him behind her back. It turns out I might not get that kiss after all. And Toph will instead. I stood up and smiled lightly. "Look I better be heading home, you two stay around though, I hope you have a good night", I picked up my bag.

"You're leaving? you sure you can't stay a little longer?", Sokka stood up with me with a frown on his face with puppy dog eyes, I frowned too and held his hand rubbing it gently with my thumb then looked back in his eyes giving him a small smile. I have to fight against those darn puppy eyes. "I really have to go, see you tomorrow stinky sock", I winked then turned to Toph reaching over the table to hug her. "See you both tomorrow", I walked out and made my way back home. Tears began to well up in my eyes. I can't let him go.

Aang's POV

Okay so tonight I'm cooking for Katara. I looked around her kitchen for all her utensils then began to cook, it was a simple dish but I liked to give it a bit of flavour by adding a number of spices, when I was finished I took it through into the next room and placed both plates on the table. "Here you go, Chef Aang's super special dish", I beamed and sat down watching Katara put down her work and look down at the plate with a smile on her face. "It smells really good", I watched her take in a deep breath then begin to eat. "So? You got any feedback for me?", I smirked whilst eating too.

"No it's incredible, you have to give me the recipe and show me how you made this", Katara's eyes looked into mine shinning with curiosity as she ate a little faster. "If you like this then just you wait for desert, I made some custard tarts, they're my favourite", I chuckled, she really liked my cooking by the looks of things. "So, you and Bumi really hit it off today, when's the wedding?", Katara smiled looking up from her food. "haha very funny, no he's actually pretty cool, I've met him before, he came up to the mountains to visit the monks and he was full of energy and excitement, always ready to do something you know? He's like a super old kid", I smiled as I continued to eat. "And Bumi's such an awesome name, I'm totally calling one of my own kids that". "Bumi? oh god no that's a terrible name for a kid to grow up with, and then to realise he was named after his fathers super old friend and professor, nope", Katara raises a brow as she finished her plate.

"Well I like it and I'm totally gonna call my kid that now", I smirked deciding to tease her a little. "Well it's lucky we aren't having kids together huh?", Katara looked into my eyes, hers were much softer now, and her cheeks were turning red. Imagine. having kids with Katara. We'd have the cutest family in the whole world. I snapped out of it and nodded standing up taking her plate with mine and walking into the kitchen. "Y-Yeah, thank god". I didn't notice Katara walking in with me. "what's that? you don't want kids with me?", she crosses her arms acting insulted. "N-No! I m-mean yes! I-".

She put a finger on my lips. "Come on I'm just messing with you", she shook her head and laughed holding her sides. "you should've seen how red your face just got", she walked beside me to help me clean up. I looked to the side to smile at her and pushed her playfully, "shut up", my face stayed very red. It was so nice to just spend time with her. It felt right.

"I've just had one of the weirdest dinners of my life", Sokka walked in and made his way into the kitchen. "How was your meal?", Sokka sighed and leaned against the side opposite Katara and I. I continued washing up as she turned to talk to her brother. "It was really nice, Aangs actually a great cook, want a custard tart?", Katara found them and offered them to Sokka then me after I dried my hands.

We stayed up late playing board games.

And eating custard tarts.

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