The celebration part 2

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Aang's POV

Everybody seemed to be having a good night, once the monks have gone I can join them, I greeted Katara's father as he showed up with Bumi. "Evening sir, let me just take the little guy for a second, hey Bumi how's it hanging?", I heard Bumi make small laughing noises, he always does this when I talk to him and it made me just as happy as him. "Come on, I need to introduce you to some of your family", I said whilst walking over to the monks, "here he is, the Bumister", I chuckled and looked down at him as she got comfortable in my arms. The monks looked over with blank faces but they were soon smiling, "what a perfect son you have", "I know he is, I couldn't ask for better", I'm constantly admiring him, I would do anything for that boy, risk my life even, I'm always going to here to protect him.

I gave him to the monks to hold, they seemed to love him which is a good sign, I got distracted when I saw Katara and Jet at the bar, they laughed together, drank together, and got awfully close, too close for my liking, they went outside together. "I'll be right  back", I smiled at the monks and went after them. "Hey you two, how's your night going?", I looked them both up and down. "This is probably the best night of my life, Aang your girl is a hardcore partier", Jet chuckled as he rolled up a cigarette. "Yeah I know, how much have to had to drink honey?", I walked over to Katara and held her hand, "not enough that's for damn sure", she smiled and leant on me. "I just need to take my heels off stand still", she quickly took her heels off. "You joining us Aang?", Jet asked walking over putting his arm around Katara. "Not until the monks have gone, do you wanna not do that", I looked at his arm.

"Not do what?", Jet asked as he lit his cigarette, "hold my girlfriend like that", I looked at him in the eyes. "You're okay with it right Katara?", Jet smirked at her. "I don't mind it", she looked at him then back at me, "but if it makes Aang uncomfortable then please don't", she moved his arm off and looked at me with a smile. "Whatever, hold this I just need to go pee", he gave his cigarette to Katara and walked inside. "Katara, you won't do anything with him, will you?", I looked at her, "you know I wouldn't, you know what? I keep forgetting how cute you are, I love you Aang, you irritate me, but I love you", she kissed my head. "Now go on, push the monks out so we can have a dance", she pushed me and beamed. "Alright, but we're having more then just one dance, I wouldn't put those heels back on if I were you", I winked and walked back in, I feel a lot better, like we've made up, and that I know for sure she won't do anything with Jet.

Toph's POV

The party sucked, the isn't alcohol in the drink at all, it's just orange juice, I was left alone at a table, I couldn't really go anywhere, nobody wanted to hang out with me. "Are you alright?" I heard an old croaky voice, "me? I'm just fine thanks", I reached out for my glass but I ended up knocking it over, "dammit", I sighed. "You are alone, you are upset", the voice spoke again, "I said I'm fine", I spoke more angrily this time. "How many times have you told people that?", they asked again, "who are you?", "my name is Iroh, I'm Zuko and Azula's uncle, and I couldn't help but notice how isolated you are over here", his voice was calming, I feel like I could tell him everything that was on my mind. "That's creepy of you to approach a stranger like this", but of course I'm me, I have to say something mean don't I? God why do I always push people away when I need help.

"Maybe, but you need a stranger", I sighed, "do you want something from me?", I looked in the direction of where the voice was coming from. "I want you to know that you aren't alone, I am here to chat, I'm finding myself pretty lonely at this party myself", he chuckled. "Alright then, just because I have nothing better to do, tell me all about Zuko, any embarrassing stories?", I smirked. "I don't think we have time to go through all of them tonight, but I can certainly tell you a few", Iroh laughed. Looks like I've found a new friend.

Azula's POV

I was bored out of my mind at this stupid party, I was sat at a table with Ty Lee, Mai, Zuko and Sokka. The boys were all over each other but both of them were acting painfully shy. "What do you think the monks are talking about?", Mai raised a brow as she looked over at the group of them. "Probably asking each other if they know how to sacrifice a baby", I frowned and rolled my eyes, "Azula", Zuko frowned at me, "what? Just keeping myself entertained", I rolled my eyes and opened a bottle of fire whiskey and started drinking from it. "Take it easy Azula", Ty Lee pouted.

"Excuse me miss, can I have a dance?",  a student walked over and held his hand out to Ty Lee, I was expecting this to happen as almost every person in school has a crush on her, creepy professors too, and because Aang invited the whole school, I was going to get this all night. "Sorry I-", Ty Lee looked at him with a smile then at me, he smile faded and she changed her mind. "Actually I can do with some fun, sure", she smiled again and held his hand walking onto the dance floor with him. Did that just happen? Am I not fun enough for her? "I will destroy him if it's the last thing I do", I frowned, my hands forming fists.

"Cool it Azula, she's just being Ty Lee", Mai put a hand on my shoulder. "What do you mean she's just being Ty Lee? She's my girlfriend. She can't run off with guys", I huffed and watched her dance with the boy. "Just let her have fun, nothing bad will happen", Sokka spoke up from the other side of the table. "Did you just tell me what to do?", I stood up staring at him. "Azula calm down", Zuko stood in front of him. "Now you too? Leave me alone, all of you", I walked away then stopped myself, then came back to the table to get the bottle of fire whiskey and frowned at them all and turned away again. I don't want to be here right now. Not with them. Not with anyone, everyone has seemed to have forgotten me.

It's my birthday.

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