Game on

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Mai's POV

I don't really care for physical education, and because my family has high status, I can sit out without anyone arguing with me. It's pretty boring to sit out but at least I'm not up there doing something that doesn't affect my grades at all. I'm stuck with the blind Beifong girl, when I make fun out of the players she laughs, she's not too bad.

Like every game the class plays, Azula and Katara seem to be at each other's throats. It's never a non competitive game with these two. the others are pretty terrible and in every game it's always left to Suki, Katara, Azula and Tylee. the four of them leave no survivors when against each other.

"Katara watch out!", Suki quickly moved Katara out of the way when a ball came towards her without her knowing, each pair has a different way of playing the game. "Tylee!", Azula stepped back as two balls came towards her, Tylee was quick to jump up and catch both of them to protect Azula, then pass them to her. "got you covered", Tylee grinned.

Both couples aren't really working fairly as a team, Suki is Katara's eyes because she's too preoccupied by the need to get Azula out, Suki makes sure Katara is safe from being sent out. On the other hand, Azula orders Tylee to defend her but let her do all the throwing. It's irritating to watch.

Katara goes to throw a ball but Suki sees one coming her way and quickly moves her making the ball go into the crowd of girls, going straight for Toph, and when everyone thinks it'll hit her straight in the face. She catches it. Everyone looks at her in shock. "How did you do that?", I asked her with the same monotone voice.

Toph stands up dropping the ball and walks out, leaving everyone in awe. Azula saw this is an opportunity and threw her ball at Suki, Katara turned just in time to see what she was doing and ran over to Suki and caught the ball. "you're out Azula!", Katara smirked as Azula scowled and walked off.

"I thought I had it", Azula sat down beside me, it was only Tylee left. "don't worry, Tylee will restore your honour", I said crossing my arms as I watched, though still thinking about Toph.

Tylee was the best at sports that was true, though Azula couldn't see it and thought she was the best. two against Tylee is nothing. she looked at Suki and Katara with a grin. "don't be shy now. get throwing now and maybe you might get me", there's no denying she's cocky. but she had a right to be. Katara and Suki both threw their balls, Tylee jumped up to an impressive height to avoid them and landed on her hands. "good try but you still failed", she continued to dodge by doing an array of acrobatics then finally grabbed a ball and threw it to the side to bounce of a wall, hit Suki then hit Katara. "better luck next time".

Zuko's POV

we walked out onto the field, specifically the racing track. we had to do running today which is okay I suppose, the sky's a little grey which makes me think it'll rain soon but we'll see what happens. Right now I'm not looking for rain. I'm searching for the new boy. he was in the changing room earlier but I can't see him now. "damn it", I whispered under my breath and started to stretch as I made my way to the starting line.

Wait. there he is. looks like we'll be racing against eachother. he's shorter then me so I should beat him easily with longer legs. guess I speak to him after I wait for him at the finish line.

On your marks.

Get set.


I pushed myself off from the ground, and darted ahead, the wind hitting my face as I pushed against it, I had a while to go but I wasn't going to go slow for anyone, not even to keep my own energy. I didn't see anyone in front of me, I'm winning. the boy better know who he's dealing with now.

But my honour was crushed again, with the finish line in sight I knew this was it, my victory. Until I see a blue arrow in the corner of my eye, the boy ran past me at amazing speed and beat me. how did he do that?

"look at that I won!", Aang beamed not even breathless. I crossed the line and panted, trying to catch my breath back before talking to him. "hey, kid. you had a lot of nerve earlier when-".

"oh shoot, you're the angry guy I fell on whilst I was in a hurry. sorry about that, I'm Aang", he held his hand out for me to shake as his grin widened. "Zuko. and I'm a pretty big deal around here", my temper grew as he smiled more, I refuse to shake his hand. "okay, well I can't say more then sorry.", Aang simply shrugged and walked away.

Even after telling him I'm important he still walks away like I'm a nobody. he may be fast but he can't escape me. I will find him again. And he'll get what's coming to him.

Sokka's POV

"damn Aang you really run fast huh? did you run much in the mountains?", I asked Aang, to be honest I was impressed with the kid, he's pretty talented. "I suppose so, but it was usually more then just running", Aang shrugged and looked back at Zuko, he seemed off. "hey Aang. you just beat scarface in an awesome race, what's wrong? you feel sorry for his loss", I chuckled grabbing Aang and giving him a nookie, his head is so oddly smooth oh my god.

"no no, I'm happy I won, it's just that I fell on him earlier and he wasn't too happy about it, he tried to give me some sort of warning back there, and said how he was important", Aang kept his eyes on Zuko, curious to how he's actually important. "well, he is the headmasters son I suppose, they have a bad relationship but by blood he is. his family is pretty well known here, I say just avoid him", I looked at Zuko then back at Aang, seeing his smile come back.

"okay, I'll do that, thanks Sokka", he grinned before running back to the starting line to race again. "no problem", it turns out, I'm getting on well with this monk. Well I don't see him as a monk anymore really, I see him as a normal teenager, like me. Someone who needs to live like a teenager.

And someone who's on Zuko's hit list.

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