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Katara's POV

I quickly made my way inside the large building, Yue was lay on the ground with her eyes open and her body completely still, it was a shock to see her like this but I had to push through it and help her, I moved her so I could perform cpr, her fiancé stood at a distance looking nervous and sweaty, guilty if you ask me. "Call an ambulance", I panted as I pushed down on Yue's chest, "I-I uhh", He stuttered, "call a god damn ambulance now!", I was ready to scream at him, this is serious does he not understand that.

Though he did as I said, I looked down at Yue and sighed, "okay don't tell my boyfriend about this, and I won't tell Suki", I took a deep breath so I could give her mouth to mouth, I continued to switch between mouth to mouth and cpr and Hahn had returned. The ambulance quickly arrived, I stayed by Yue and got in the ambulance with her as she was still unconscious lying on a bed. "Shouldn't I go with her?", Hahn asked, "no you should inform her father, I'll take care of her", I don't like the feeling I'm getting about him and how he was the only one with her in the whole house, I had to stay by her side.

When we got to the hospital she was examined and I couldn't be in the room so I stood anxiously in the waiting room, I really don't like hospitals, especially when my last memory was pushing a baby out of me, ew. Doctors rushed by me and I only panicked more, Yue was so nice and kind, she better make it otherwise there is no god or mercy in this world. I heard my phone go off and saw it was a message from Aang asking how Yue is, I guess I need to inform everyone, I messaged Aang back to stay with Bumi and tell Sokka but try and keep him there. It was obvious I had to tell Suki, no way could I keep this from her.

Zuko's POV

I was sat with Sokka at his place explaining what we need to do in order to make our relationship healthier which is a great step forward and I'm so happy we're doing this and not giving up, when Aang interrupted it. "Sokka! Sokka! Sokka!", Aang got into the house and ran into the room with Bumi in his arms fast asleep, god knows how, "oh hey Zuko", Aang paused as he saw us both together, "everything okay Aang?", Sokka looked up at him, "uhh well, umm, hold him for a second would you?", Aang passed Bumi to me and tried to explain what he wanted to say.

"You see, it's complicated, um it's not for definite but it's a maybe so-", Aang failed at explaining, making zero sense, "Aang just give it to me straight whats going on?", Sokka frowned, "if you wanted straight then maybe I should get out of here", I smirked trying to make light of the situation but got glares, "nevermind", cleared my throat awkwardly. "Yue, she's in the hospital, we passed by her house earlier and her fiancé ran out, he said he didn't think she was breathing", Aang lowered his gaze. "What did that sick piece of trash a**hole do to her?", Sokka got angry and stood up gritting his teeth.

"It might not have been him, cool it Sokka", Aang frowned putting his hands up ready to stop him from doing anything he would regret, "you don't understand if I find out that he's hurt her in anyway I will do the same to him", Sokka stepped forward. "What're you doing?", I looked up at him watching him walk out of the room and standing up myself with a peacefully sleeping Bumi in my arms. "Going to go see her, I want to know if she's okay and that her fiancé isn't anywhere near her", he took his keys. "Sokka you know it wouldn't help if you were there, Yue has Katara, she's dealing with a lot right now she probably wants as little people around her as possible, take a deep breath, I know you're scared about what might happen we all are, come here", Aang opened up his arms, Sokka turned to face him and walked into his arms.

"Shh it's okay", Aang smiled rubbing his back as he cried into Aang's shoulder, Aang turned to me and gave me a thumbs up, he really is a great dad, maybe he can adopt me? "I can't believe I'm saying this but how about I make some tea so we can all relax?", I sound just like my uncle oh god, "that sounds good", Sokka sniffled and let go of Aang, "baby hugs?", I held Bumi out to him, "baby hugs", Sokka smiled and nodded picking Bumi up and holding him close walking back to the living room. "Can I have a hug too?", I asked Aang, "of course", he nodded and hugged me too, then whispered in my ear. "You hurt Sokka ever again and I'll squeeze you so hard your organs explode, I'll go and see if he's okay in there", he smiled and walked back into the living room. Wow.

Suki's POV

"Get the hell out of my way!", I yelled as I ran into the hospital, panicked and worried I sprinted all the way here, I need to make sure my Yue is okay, she has to be, she just has to be. "Miss are you alright?", a doctor approached me looking concerned, "I'm looking for my girlfriend, her name is-", "Yue where is Yue?? She's my fiancé I demand to know where she is!", Hahn marched up to the doctor, he didn't seem too upset, just angry, and so was I now that I see him. "Right this way sir" the doctor ignored me because the rich guy strolled in, what a world we live in, he didn't notice me which I'm okay about, I just followed them.

"You, where is she?", Hahn was lead to a waiting room, I waited to see who he was talking to, it's Katara, "a thank you would be nice", she raised a brow at him crossing her arms, "look I'm stressed I could be fiancéless, thank you for helping but where is she I need to know", he grabbed her arms and made it extremely clear he wanted to see Yue, Katara wasn't allowing it. "She's being examined and taken care of, we can't be in their way, go walk off that anger of yours, it's not needed, and you better be in a good mood when she comes around", she glared at him, he simply walked off without saying anything else.

"Damn that was quite a show Katara", I grinned walking over, "Suki!",  her emotions quickly changed from calm, in control and intimidating to sweet and happy in just a second, "what's happening??", I asked, all I could really think about was Yue, "she didn't seem too good when I saw her, it was horrible to see her like that, weak and pale", Katara shivered turning away, this must've brought up some memories with her mum, it sucks she has to go through this again. "Katara-", I wanted to talk about it but a nurse walked over to interrupt us.

"Are you here for Yue?", he asked.

"We are", Katara turned back around to look at the nurse and held my hand.

"I'm so sorry for your loss".

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