Can Impossible Become Possible?

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Aang's POV

We waited, and waited, and waited for Katara, news, a message, even just a sound, "so you couldn't have thought to protect yourselves this time? Did you not learn from the mistake that wakes you up every hour of night, causing you frustration and slowly taring your relationship apart and ripping your childhood from you", Azula spoke loudly as she checked her nails.

"You can't say that to me, we were inebriated the first time, trust me we learnt our lesson, we became adults we took Bumi as our responsibility but also a blessing, we're so happy with him, he's perfect, he's the only one we want and need right now, we've been careful, she's on the pill and I use condoms, trust me Azula, we aren't as stupid as you think, it should be impossible for her to even think about having another", I replied not even looking at her, I don't need her negativity right now.

"But yet here we are, so that means-", she began to speak again but I shut her down, "Azula be quiet, I'm telling the truth, this can't be happening, now leave me alone", I walked out of the door slamming to door behind me and walking out to the hall, we can't be going through this right now, I thought what we've been doing would've stopped this from happening again. "Aang, everything okay?", Zuko stood down the hall and began walking over as he noticed me, "no offence Zuko but I can't handle your family today, can you leave me alone?", I began to pace.

"So you've got a mouthful from Azula I see? I just wanted to apologise, after thinking about yesterday, I need to apologise more, especially about what happened on the beach", he stood and watched me walk back and forth. "I don't want to talk about that right now, anything but that", "I know, I heard the news, that's why I need to apologise now", he continued. He held my shoulders stopping me and looking into my eyes.

"Aang listen to me, you're a great guy, you're caring, respectful, hardworking and passionate, Katara is lucky to have you and you're lucky to have Katara, and you're both lucky to have Bumi, and whatever happens, we're all lucky to have you both as our friends, we'll all stand by you. Even Azula, take your time out here, I'll see you inside", Zuko smiled. Before he could move I wrapped my arms around him and held him in a hug, "thank you, I really needed that right now", he patted my back then nodded walking into the defence club.

I did a lot of thinking whilst I was on my own, I didn't realise how long I was out there for, it was getting darker, nobody was at the school a part from us, it felt relaxing. "Hey Aang, we're going to head to the school roof to watch the sun set, you coming?", Suki smiled, I nodded and walked up with them all, "who's going to tell Katara that we're up here?", I asked stopping on the stairs. "I'll go", Sokka took a deep breath and nodded turned back and going to the girls restroom.

Suki's POV

The sun set was so beautiful, and we all witnessed it together, the victim and the culprits of yesterday's accident, it felt good like a lot of weight has been lifted, even though this is super big problem, we're still here, enjoying the simple things, like each others company, it's time to make my move.

I walked over to where Yue was sat and pointed, "is this space taken?", I asked nervously, Jesus it's a space on the floor of course it ain't taken, Yue shook her head and kept her eyes on the sun set. I couldn't say anything to her, I couldn't think of the right words to say, I only stuttered, "shhh", she put a finger on my lips and looked at me, "let's not talk right now, I don't want to, can't we just hold hands, please?", she asked.

"Sure, pretty sure we can do that", I nodded with a smile and held her hand admiring how perfect she looks with the light catching her eyes perfectly, I'm going to keep her, no matter what, but enough talking and thinking, here I am, here she is, here we are.

Sokka's POV

I made my way to the girls restrooms and knocked on the door, "Katara?", everything okay in there? You've been gone for almost forty minutes", I didn't hear a response, is she in another restroom, "Hey are you in there?", I knocked again, nothing, better check somewhere else, I sighed and began walking away until hearing the door open and Katara's head. "Hey there", I smiled waving.

She waved back and sighed, "you coming out any time soon?", I asked and walked back over, "in a little bit, I just feel like I need time to breathe", she leant against the door frame and sniffled wiping her nose with toilet paper. "Have you done the test?", I crossed my arms, she nodded looking down, "Katara come on, we're all in suspense, Aang is crapping himself". 

"Alright, just give me a second", she walked back in, I waited outside and took a deep breath, "hey there you are, I didn't see you in the defence club, I have a feeling you've been ignoring me", Zuko walked over to me rubbing the back of his neck, "no I've just been preoccupied in family drama". "That's a surprise", Zuko sarcastically shook his head, "hey and you aren't? Your sister sucks and your dad is even worse, you're always whining about them", I frowned at him.

"Woah okay, I didn't realise we have a problem here", Zuko tilted his head, "yeah well we do, you said some pretty bad stuff yesterday", I moved away from him, "I know, I've apologised to Aang", Zuko nodded. "Great do you want me to find you a medal", I knocked on the door again, "I've really hit a nerve with you haven't I?", Zuko looked down at the floor. "Please leave me be", I sighed.

"I'm ready", Katara stepped out of the restroom.

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