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Katara's POV

After hearing everyone clear up what happened I remembered what Aang and I did, I covered my mouth and excused myself from the room running up to the bathroom so I can be sick, I held my sides and leant back. So this is what people call a hangover? I sighed and stayed where I was. I heard the door open and looked up seeing Aang. "sorry", I quickly stood up and flushed the sick away and held my head beginning to walk out.

"Katara?", Aang clearly wanted to talk, and I guess we should, I opened the door to my bedroom and offered him to come in, he followed me inside, I began to pace. "So..", I held my arms looking down. "So..", Aang sat down on my bed and watched me pace. "We..", I couldn't finish my sentence. "Yeah we did", Aang bit his lip and looked to the side. "Look, I don't want this to be awkward for us, we are of age, we both consented, we used protection-", I kept pacing but stopped as Aang interrupted me. "What do you mean by protection?", Aang had a worried look on his face, my heart sank. "We didn't use a condom?", I looked at him blankly and he shrugged. I slept with a monk what was I going to expect, and I was drunk. It's both our faults in all honesty but this hangover isn't helping.

"I need to go throw up again", I looked back at him and walked out, we'll be fine, there's only a small chance anything can happen, but yet it could. we're screwed.

Zuko's POV

I found myself standing outside Katara's and Sokka's house, I've been trying to find it all night, whatever happened at the party made me feel something, I needed to talk to Sokka, I need to know if this is real or not, but I have to build the strength up to knock on the door, I stepped up slowly and rang the doorbell, maybe I can quickly make a run for it, I turned around but heard the door open, it was too late. "Zuko? you look terrible are you okay?", Suki looked me up and down and sighed grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around me bringing me inside, "I'll go make you a coffee, you need warming up", she smiled before walking away. "Can I have some tea instead please, if you have it".

"Zuko?", Sokka walked in raising a brow, "what're you doing here?", he sat down in front of me beside Toph. "I got lost on my way back home, that punch hit me hard", I lied and looked down at my hands. "nice pun", Toph smirked and stayed close to Sokka, he seemed awkward with her. I watched Suki come back with my tea and heard a car pull up outside. "Toph that must be your parents", Suki helped her up and took her outside. Sokka and I were alone.

"Do you remember last night? In the corridors?", I looked at my drink then up at Sokka seeing him lean forward. "Is that why you're here? Zuko what's wrong with you? Everyone I know is here", Sokka leant in and gritted his teeth, he clearly remembers. "I just want to know what you feel", I looked into his eyes. "Zuko you know that I-".

"what're we talking about boys?", Suki sat down on Sokka's lap smiling as he held her, but he kept his eyes firmly on me. It was clear to me now. "Just talking about Zuko's match again that's all", Sokka lied, but Suki believed him, blinded by love I suppose, she doesn't even know his sexuality. "I wanted everyone to know, I'm bi, that's what we were talking about", I stood up and finished my tea, folding the blanket up. "I wanted to say it now before any confusion, and to prove unlike others I'm happy about who I am", I looked at Suki with a smile then at Sokka with a frown and made my way back to the door.

Ty Lee's POV

The three of us sat down in the flat drinking tea and remembering last night, I notice Azula blush every now and again, hopefully those red flushes on her face are because she's thinking of me, I got distracted and shook my head. "He was barely with us last night, how are we supposed to remember when we drank too", I frowned crossing my arms then heard footsteps behind me, I turned around with the others and saw Zuko. Mai was first to get up. "Zuko", she walked over and hugged him then slapped him across the face. That one had to hurt. "What the hell do you think you're doing going out all night and not telling us where you were", she frowned shaking her head. He didn't seem to be listening.

"Sorry, I definitely should've texted someone, but I got a bit lost and my phone was dead, I'll be more careful next time", Zuko replied not sounding sorry at all, I felt bad for Mai but even worse for Iroh, that man loves him like a son. I watched Iroh walk over and hug him I turned back around and sighed. "Well that solves that mystery", I shrugged slouching on the sofa. "Why don't we figure out the mystery of where your bra is? Or who has it?", Mai smirked walking over. "Don't joke! I loved that bra", I pouted.

"The pink one that was on the dance floor last night?", Zuko asked as he sat down beside Azula, I nodded and blushed, guess everyone saw it. "I saw it at Sokka's place", Zuko raised a brow. "Sokka took my bra!? the perv!", I stood up full of anger. But Azula looked angrier. "Why would that low life take Ty Lee's bra?", she grumbled whilst gritting her teeth, I was flattered she was so protective over me to be honest, even though it was just a pretty bra. "don't worry 'Zula I can always get another one", I smiled and walked over putting a hand on her shoulder hoping to calm her down by just being close to her, and to my surprise it worked, has she really fallen for me?

"Wait, does this mean you were at Sokka's last night?", Mai raised a brow at Zuko, he was suddenly put on the spot, "no but I found his house in the morning, I needed some tea before coming home", Zuko shrugged. Iroh beamed and tackled his nephew in a loving hug. "That's my prince! Always have tea!", he chuckled as Zuko tried to push him off.

I looked at them both then at Azula noticing her looking at me, feeling her hand on my cheek, "come back to bed soon, I want to do things with you, I want you for breakfast", Azula whispered before standing up and walking away, I blushed deeply.

for breakfast!?

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