Heart Sinking

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Sokka's POV

The walk was tiring, why the hell did I actually agree to that, my head didn't get much better, and that fresh air Zuko was on about didn't help me in any way, I stretched as we got into the hotel, "well that walk was, in a word, awful", I frowned holding my head. "It was actually really beautiful, the views were breathtaking", Zuko smiled softly as he looked at the pictures he took on his phone as we walked. We got into the elevator and selected the floor our room was on, Zuko stopped me from walking out as the door opened. "Mai just messaged me, she's in Azula's room and somethings wrong", he looked at me with worry on his face, "well then that's what's wrong, she should be in our room", I shrugged. "It's Katara", Zuko selected their floor. "God what could possibly be wrong with her now!?", I sighed, don't get me wrong I love my sister but there always has to be something going on with Katara. We quickly made it to the room and got let in by Mai, Katara was sat on the bed. "Ahh, my big bro!", she reached out with a smile on her face. "huh? She's fine?", I tilted my head and sat beside her letting her hug me. "She's drunk", Mai crossed her arms and watched her. "SHE'S WHAT!?", I looked at Mai in surprise then at Katara. "I'll get her some water", Zuko frowned and got Katara a glass of water to sober her up.

"How did this happen!?", I helped Katara drink and kept her in my arms. "It was me", Azula walked out from the bathroom holding her arm and looking down. "I handed her a drink to put down on the table, but she must've not payed attention and drank it, then she drank Ty Lee's, I never meant to give her alcohol please believe me", Azula pleaded, her make up was running down her face, it was obvious that she didn't mean to, but it still happened. "What happened in here?", Aang chuckled as he stepped in, all of us froze apart from Katara, this was a nightmare. "Aangy!!", Katara beamed. "Katara?", Aang looked her up and down. "She's drunk", Mai looked up at him. His mouth dropped, "how was the hike?", Mai added. Silence filled the room apart from a small giggle from Katara. "What are we going to do?", Aang kept his eyes on Katara. "We aren't going to panic, you guys can go to the party, I'm happy to look after her", Ty Lee smiled and sat down on the other side of Katara. "No, I'll take care of her", Aang picked her up in his arms and sighed walking out. He seemed disappointed, I hope he doesn't get mad at her for it. Zuko put his hand on my shoulder, I smiled up at him and stood up. "I'm not sure about having a party anymore, how about uno?", everyone shrugged and agreed to play a game, which surprised me.

Suki's POV

To breathe the same air as that Yue girl is torture, I'm amazed that I survived in that room for as long as I did. I looked down at my phone as I got a notification that the others weren't going to the party, I sighed and began to take my makeup, all that preparing for nothing, I heard the door open. "Hello?", I turned around to see Toph feeling her way to her bed. "Hey Toph, the party is cancelled by the way, it's going to be a night in for us", I smiled and continued to take off my makeup. "Good, because I need to tell you what Sokka told me on that hike", Toph found the bed and lay down on it with a smirk on her lips. "Do tell all", I looked at her. "He doesn't like Yue, if anything he's annoyed by her, but he did say she was cute", Toph shrugged. "And me? Did he say anything about me?". "I don't think you're going to like this, but he said he's not interested in you at all anymore, he can't even respect you because of what you did, and is happy with just friendship". My heart sank, Sokka didn't respect me, that hurt the most. It means I have no choice but to move on. "Just friends?", I looked down. "Just friends", Toph nodded.

"Okay, did you ask anything else?", "yeah, I asked him about if he's interested in anyone, and I was surprised at his response, he said Zuko", Toph sat up. I didn't know Sokka was gay, this is why he isn't interested in me, why we're just friends, he isn't into girls at all, "he said he was bi", Toph said, I ignored it and smiled, this relieves me so much, I need to congratulate him and Zuko. "Thank you Toph!", I stood up and kissed her head out of happiness and got on my phone, putting something up on social media about Sokka and Zuko being gay together for everyone to see, well apart from Toph obviously. I'm glad they're happy.

Aang's POV

I sat at the end of the bed, resting my elbows on my knees and looking down, I've been sat like this and lost in thought for some time now. "Mm, Aang?", Katara sat up and moved to sit beside me. "What's going on?", she went to rest her head on my shoulder, I moved away. "Aang?", she looked at me in confusion. "How could you?", I kept my gaze forward and a frown on my face. "What do you mean?", Katara rubbed her eyes. "You drank Katara, you had alcohol", I shook my head in disbelief. "Aang, it was Azula, I didn't know what I was drinking, you know I wouldn't have done it if I knew", Katara  reached out to me. "You don't want it, you wanted to-", she cut me off. "I'm not letting you finish that sentence, listen to yourself Aang, do you really see me as the person to go and kill off my own baby?", She looked at me in disgust. "I don't know anymore Katara, I don't know anything at all", I held my head in frustration, I want to believe her but somehow I just can't.

"I can't believe we're having this conversation", she turned away from me and held her stomach. "Me neither", I felt small tears in my eyes. "I'm fine Aang, the baby is fine, we are fine, sure it was bad at the time, but I'm not in pain now am I?", she shrugged. "You were in pain?", I turned to her, even more panicked then before. "Listen to me, I'm not anymore", she turned to me. "But how do you know, you could've done some serious damage to yourself, and to the baby, it could be struggling to stay alive!", Katara covered my mouth with her hand. "It's not struggling, it's okay", she reassured me. "How do you know!?", I frowned moving her hand off my mouth, she moved my hand and put it on her stomach. "It's moving, I feel it Aang, I don't know if it's a good or a bad sign but it feels right to me, it feels like a healthy thing for it to do".

I looked at my hand and felt small movements, she's right, it could be a terrible thing that it's moving so early on, but it could also be a great thing, but right now it means it's alive, and that's good enough for me. "Are you sure you're feeling okay? I was so scared", I looked at her again. "As I said, we're okay", she rested her head against mine. "You won't drink anything from Azula ever again?". "Never".


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