This chapter wasn't done but whatever

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/So I still haven't uploaded my other chapter. Woops guys, it'll be up when you see this though. So my theater geek friend had me watch more musicals. I watched "Hello Dolly" and yes because I litterly named my plant "Bernadette Peters'' I watched the one with, you guessed it, Bernadette Peters. Very good, not in my top 10 musicals, but it wasn't bad. Then I watched some other ones, I don't remember what they were. I listened more than watched them. She got me a Christmas present. I wasn't supposed to open it until Christmas, but do I listen to instructions? HA NOPE. She got me Spongebob the Musical on DVD. I watched that yesterday, and I can't get over "Hero Is My Middle Name" It's such a vibe, and I keep bopping to it. I didn't, well I still don't, watch Spogebob. But the musical is pretty good. I like the fact they are people, and the acting is so good! Now is this enough ranting about something no one cares about in a book about Six the Musical? Yes, yes it is. But srsly you should watch Spongebob the Musical........./

Laying in the tub you're enjoying vibing to "The Room Where It Happens" When there's a knock on the open door. Sitting up you pause your music and look to see Anna in the doorway. "Hi y/n. Can I come in?" Anna asks. "Why not?" You mumble and slide under the bubbles. Anna walks in and sits down on the closed toilet seat. "Do you know why everyone is upset?" Anna asks, very serious. "What?" you say, even though you heard her the first time. "Why is everyone upset?" Anna asks again. "Oh well I mean, other than me getting in trouble and sneaking out I would have no idea." You respond, with some sass in your voice. "No they weren't this upset about that. What happened after you snuck out?" Anna asks. "Oh well maybe it's how they found out I was on my peroid." When you say that, Anna doesn't even blink. "Oh well that always flusters them." She says, "Thanks!" Anna says and gets up to leave. "Hey can you close the door?" You ask. Anna waves and shuts the door behind her and you're left alone. Turning your music back on, you lay back and relax and try to enjoy your bubble bath.

/Guys I'm so sorry it's been so like since I've updated. It's the 23rd of Decemeber as I write this. I've not been on Wattpad in so long, like over a week. I'm sorry it's taken so long. I'm hoping to have something up before New Years, but that's not likely to happen. I'm on Christmas break, so there's not really an excuse to not update. I'm sorry. Now I'm going to cronch some Christmas cookies and keep writing/

After a few songs, you're tired of the music. Sitting up, you look out the window and see April's car pull into your drive way. Going to get out of the tub, you relize something. There's no way Aragon will let April see you. With that relization you tap the play button on your ipod. "Hero is My Middle Name" Starts to play. Leaning back into the warm water, you soon forget about the outside world.


April knocks on the door to y/n's house. She really needs to see you. Standing there, the door is awnsered by one of y/n's "parents" The girl was short and had dark brown hair. "Hi?" April ask. "Hi come in!" She says and April walks inside. Looking around April relizes how long it's been since she has been in your house. "I'm Anne!" the girl who awnsered the door says, and heads to the kitched, motions for April to follow her. "I'm Apr..." Anne cuts her off, "I know who you are April, I've seen you whenever you and y'n face time. You just might not have seen me." Anne says, and then smirks.

Divorced, Beheaded, parents to you! Six fanficWhere stories live. Discover now