Karaoke part 2

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*Don't you guys love the Broadway cast's voices? They blend so well together. Anyways, not dissing the other casts, but Broadway and West end are defiantly my favs. I've only seen Bootlegs so I don't really have room to speak. But this is my story and I can literally do what ever I want. (see what I did there?) Oh well, I bet you guys just want the story now right? Okay I'll shut up, maybe*

Aragon finishes. "Wow, that was...amazing" You say in shock of how good she is. "Well I do what I can" Aragon laughs. "Anyways I'm next, I'll win. And I'm going to need someone to sing my name at the beginning." Anne demands. "Oh okay Anne I'll do it, but no bragging when you win k?" Kitty says. "Deal" Anne says and everyone knows she won't keep it. Kitty sings the opening and Anne starts singing.

Anne slays and starts in on "Wearing Yellow to a Funeral" But you shut the track off, not even knowing it was there. Aragon glances at you and says "Thanks y/n" "For what? The songs over?" You say confused. "OH it was NOT over" Anne says, "But I'll leave it at that, just to be nice, okay Aragon?" "You already diss me like 3 times in that song. Why do you need to do it again?" Aragon shouts. Jane, being the lovely person she is and tells you she's going next. "Heart of Stone please y/n" Jane asks. You find the track and pull it off, shutting up Anne and Aragon's arguing.

*This was the only live action I could find. Didn't pic favs on this one, so don't come at me*

You have tears in your eyes when Jane finish. Jane laughs and glances at the teary faces "Guys Kitty already sang, stop crying." You pull your self together and look to Cathy, "what song Cathy?" You ask. "Um well since everyone sang their songs I should probably sing mine to huh?" The other queens nod. Cathy swallows and turn to you "I don't Need your love?" She's nervous you can tell. You nod and put the track on.

*Okay I did pic favs here, maiya's definitely my fav Parr. So ya. Also I'm just finding these on YouTube, rights to whoever filmed them.*

"Wow that was good" you say when Cathy finishes. "Thanks" She says blushing. "Okay how bout I order Uber Eats?" Aragon suggests. "YES" Anna says. Aragon grabs her phone and orders. "It'll be around half an hour before it gets here." "Why don't we sing the rest of the songs?" Kitty suggests. "Sure, y/n can you find Ex-Wives?" Anne asks. "Sure" you respond.

*I'm so sad I didn't learn about Six till December, they were in Saint Paul which is kind of close to me. I've been to the MoA and I'm so bummed I didn't know about Six, because I could've probably went, but now that probably isn't ever happening cause they went to Broadway, and it's closed till....ever? But that's enough ranting. You guys probably don't care anyways, your only here for the story right? FYI I'm grounded and can't leave my room so I'm just writing, that's why there's so much even tho I just started yesterday. I'm kinda going crazy*

They finish singing and you start clapping. (Wow they are soooo good, HOW) you think. Then just as everyone calms down the doorbell rings. "FOOOOOD" Anna screams and runs upstairs. Aragon grabs her phone and rolls her eyes. "She doesn't have money or the conformation, so he won't give it to her LOL" Aragon says and walks up stairs. You shut off the machine, wash your hands and head upstairs. 

When you get upstairs you see Anna setting a GIANT bag on the counter. "What's that?" you ask. "I got food from the BBQ place, Jane, Kitty, and Anne liked so much" Aragon says. You giggle and say "That's my favorite place to eat, I actually ordered for them there." "OMGARSH THAT WAS YOU?" Anne says freaking out. "Ya um I was wearing makeup and a hat. Don't see how it changes how I look that drastically but still, it was me." You say feeling hurt. "Maybe we're just dumb and didn't put 2 and 2 together" Jane says glaring at Anne, noticing your hurt. "Or..." Kitty says shutting up as Jane gives her a death glare. You all sit down and eat.

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