New Roomies?

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A/N: So I kinda messed with the point of views and stuff. Also warning, mentions of murder and rape. So ya, don't come at me.....

You had one day to prepare for your new roomies. Your parents were leaving today. "Honey where are the keys?" Your mom yells to your dad "On the counter! Y/N can you come grab some luggage?" He yells. Soon your parent's stuff is loaded in the Uber. "Love you honey" Your dad says as he jumps into the car. "Y/n we'll call you before we board the flight k? We love you and we'll keep in touch k? We love you" Your mom say "I...I love you to" You stutter out as your mom gets in the car and it pulls away. Your left standing on the street in shock.

Almost 10 minutes later you turn and run into the house. Soon the water works begin. (they really left, AHHHHH. Okay y/n calm down) You try to calm yourself down. You rush upstairs to your room and begin to have a panic attack. The doorbell rings but your to busy freaking out to notice. 


"Where is she?" Aragon says freaking out. They rang the bell like 5 minutes ago. "Chillaxxxxx she might be in the shower or something" Anne says. Meanwhile while they're standing by the door the other queens are unloading the car. "Ugh Anna this is sooo heavy!" Kitty says. "Here Jane" Cathy says almost falling as she hands a box to Jane. Soon the queens had everything sitting by the garage door. "Okay where is y/n?" Cathy asks concerned "Call her" Anna suggests. "We don't have her number! Her parents said she'll give it to us." Jane says freaking out. "Chill out Aragon, Jane and Anna she's probably fine maybe she can't hear us. Ether way we have keys remember?" Anne says pulling out her key and unlocking the door. 

They step in and are met with silence. "See she's probably not home" Anna says. Then the queens go to bring in the stuff. Aragon and Cathy are still worried though. "We should check on her" Aragon says. "Yes, lets check downstairs 1st." /you never showed them where your room is so they're just gonna search the hole house lol/ They go downstairs and check every room and don't find you. They pass the other queen on the stairs. "She's fine guys stop freaking out" Howard laughs. Jane still looks worried but shakes it off. "I have a bad feeling still though" Aragon says. 

"Why don't you check her room then?" Anne says. "We don't know where it is." Anna points out. "That's why we're looking every where!" Cathy snaps. "Well after we finish this we'll help you" Jane says. Howard glares at her. Jane just shrugs. "Thanks guys" Aragon says and rushes up the stairs.  They check everywhere downstairs.


You hear footsteps down stairs. This kicks your panic attack, which was calming down, back into high gear. (Is someone breaking in, oh gosh, I'm gonna be raped and murdered and no one will know) Your freaking out so you forget that the Queens were supposed to be coming. You're freaking out so badly that you can barely breathe. You're crying silent tears, gasping for breath, but silently. You hear someone opening and closing doors. This freaks you out even more. By the sound of it they're just down the hall. It won't be long till they find you. (I'm gonna die, and the sad thing is I can't even do anything to save myself, I'm freaking out so badly)

 Queens POV:

Aragon and Cathy were opening every door. They checked every room. There were 2 doors left. "Do we open them?" Cathy asks "y/n never showed us were in them..." Aragon says "But she never showed us her room ether" Cathy says. 


You hear voices outside your room. (This is it, your gonna die y/n. Your family will not hear about your tragic death for weeks and your murder will never be found. At least your missing the next school year,....) You continue to wallow in your mind and be depressed cause you think  your gonna die. 

Queens POV: 

Cathy opens the door. There's a set of stairs. They glance at each other and start up the stairs to the attic. They look around just boxes. "This is defiantly not y/n's room." Aragon says. They walk back down stairs there's only one door left.


(They went up to the attic. Whew you have a couple more minutes to live y/n.) Then you remember all of the stuff you put in the attic not even a week ago. (My siblings things, they'll kill me themselves if something happens to them) Soon you go even deeper into your panic attack.

Normal POV:

They come back downstairs there's only one room left. "This is the last room" Aragon says hoping you're inside and perfectly fine. "Open it" Cathy says. She's worrying if your there or where are if you aren't there. They open the door to see you curled into a ball on the bed. Aragon wants to rush over and hug you but she knows she shouldn't. Heck they all know what do when someone's having a panic attack, Kitty and Anne have one like once a week. Cathy calls your name "y/n it's me Cathy and Aragon, can you look at me?" You try to look at her but your eyes keep darting around. Aragon walks over and sits next you you on the bed. "Y/n can you breathe with me? You need to slow your breathing down." You soon start to try to match your breathing with Aragon and slowly calm down. The rest of the queens are huddled in the doorway with worried eyes. Soon your breathing is back to normal. You grab Aragon in a fierce hug and cry into her shoulder. Her eyes widen in shock but then begins to rub your back. 

Anna takes a pic and post it on her story "1st day of being parents, seem we're off to a good start" For 5 minutes you cry and no one says anything. "y/n what happened?'' Cathy finally says. You sniffle and turn your head into Aragon. You mumble that you don't wanna talk about it into Aragon's ear. She nods and tell the other queens that you'll talk about it later. The other queens except for Cathy and Aragon leave. Cathy sits down on the bed and you grab her letting Aragon go. Cathy freaks but after a minute chills. "Do you want to talk about it y/n?" Aragon asks. You shake your head, her even asking makes her a traitor to you. You don't want to be around her anymore. You can't think of a nice way to say it so you just mumble "leave". Aragon's eyes widen in hurt but she gets up to leave. Cathy goes to move but you just hold her even tighter. Aragon says goodbye and then leaves. Eventually you cry yourself to sleep on Cathy's shoulder and Cathy doses off as well.


Aragon walks down the stairs feeling hurt. The other queens had already got everything moved inside and into people's rooms. Now they were chilling on the couch before starting dinner. Jane noticed Aragon and quietly asked " What happened?" Aragon says nothing and just hugs Jane and starts to cry. The other queens look over concerned. Jane takes Aragon into one of the bedrooms. "What happened Catherine?" She asks " I asked y/n if she wanted to talk about it, I must have hurt her somehow cause all she said was "leave" when Cathy got up to leave she grabbed her and started bawling into her shoulder." Aragon says in between hiccups. "Oh babe, I'm so sorry." Jane says. She tucks a very tired Aragon into the covers and leaves.

The queens begin to cook dinner.

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