Help a sister out!

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/Hi people! DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR? Also, I need your help. I can't decide what musical to watch next. I've seen Phantom, Six the musical, Dear Evan Hanson, Heathers, and Be More Chill. I can decide if I want to watch Waitress, or Wicked, or something else. So, tell me what is your favorite musical? And what one should I watch next? I'm indecisive and that's why I can't pick myself. THANKS FOR THE HELP! /

You wake up in a hospital room. "Where am I?" You ask the empty room. "Where is everyone? What happened?" You sit there for like 10 minutes, just thinking random thoughts. (1x2x3x6x8x6=1728. WAIT DID I DIE?) When your brain came up with that thought you sit up. Your legs were working so you get up. You walk over to the window and lookout. (A normal city, normal cars. Is heaven just like Earth, but you can't be harmed?) You wonder, you turn toward the 2 doors. Opening one you see a bathroom, normal. You sit back onto the bed, wanting to open the last door, but not. (What if I'm not dead, then I'll look like an idiot. But also, what if I did die?) Soon you build up enough confidence and walk to the door and open it.

You open the door, your eyes squeezed tightly shut. You open your eyes and see what seems to be a daycare room. There are little kids stacking blocks, coloring, etc. Looking around you notice most are injured somehow. There's a couple in wheelchairs, and some with IVs. You see what looks to be a nurses' station. You walk over. "Um, hi! I was wondering where I could find some water?" You ask one of the ladies. "Oh! Sorry, I'll grab you some. You can go take a seat over there," She says walking over to get you some water. You sit down on the end of one of the coloring tables. Bored, you grab a random page and color.

Soon the nurse come over with a glass of water. She hands it to you, and you take a sip. "So, you're y/fn y/ln?" She asks. "Well ya that's me. Can I ask you something?" You say, unsure if you can trust her. "Anything y/n" She says laughing. "Where am I?" you ask, worrying that your fears might be true. "In the children's ward in Denver. Because you have a MAJOR concussion." She says looking at you. "Really?" You touch your head, "I don't feel a single thing," "That's because of all the pain meds you're on. It might feel like your walking on air." The nurse goes on to talk about a bunch of other things. You sit there, thinking trying to remember how you got a concussion and such. The last thing you can remember is Christmas with your siblings. "Where are my parents?" You ask the nurse, confused on why they aren't there. "Your parents are in Europe? Do you not remember they went on a trip?" The nurse says, concerned. "The last thing I remember was when my siblings were home for Xmas'' You tell her, confused. "It's JULY! I think your going to have to have some tests done." The nurse says walking over to a doctor, frantically.

/I know it's not July, just it fits in the story line, so you must deal with it. And if any of you remember I mentioned concussions a while ago? Hint foreshadowing as my ELA teacher would say. Anyways, I'll keep writing now. Bet half of you don't even read this part anyways!/

Soon the nurse comes back over. "Y/n, we're going to go back to your room now. They're going to have you do some tests." She says grabbing your elbow to help you up. "Okay?" You say and let her lead you to your room. You sit down on the bed and a lady with a clipboard comes in. "Hi y/n, I'm Dr. Tudor, how are you?" She says sitting down in a chair you never noticed was there. "I'm okay, being I have no idea what happened to me, where any of my family is, and everything." You say laying back on the bed. "Haha, you still have a sense of humor though so that's good. Y/n I'm going to ask you some questions. It's been brought to my attention that you might have the amnesia feature of your concussion." She says, clicking her pin. "Okay, that's fine with me." "Okay, 1st one, where is your brother going to college." She asks, ready to write. "Easy, he's going I think either BYU, or SDSU?" For some reason there's spots in your brain. "Yup he's at BYU, good. Okay, how many pets do you have?" "We don't, my last dog died right before Halloween." "True, okay a couple more. Who is your best friend?" "My sister, but don't tell April that, she thinks it's her." You say with a giggle. "I won't."

"What about Cricket?" "Oh Cricket? He's a boy in my class, I've had a crush on him forever. But he's never noticed me. Not surprised really though being honest." She laughs "I want to tell you, that before your concussion he was very much interested in you, probably still is." You sit up, shocked. "You're joking!" She shakes her head. "No, when your brain is healed, you'll be allowed to have your phone and you can see for yourself." "Okay" You lay on the bed, trying to understand the fact that Cricket actually is interested in you. "Okay, um, Y/n? You there?" Dr. Tudor asked. "Oh, ya sorry, kinda spaced out there, sorry." You say sitting up. "Okay, a couple more questions, have you seen Six the Musical?" Hum that one's hard. "I can't remember it, but I feel like I have. I want to if I haven't." "Well you have, you might have to see it again if you don't remember it. Okay a couple more and we're done. Do you know an Anna?" You pause, it's familiar but you're not certain. "Anna, like from Frozen 1&2? That's the only Anna I can think of. Actually, I think my Chemistry teacher's first name was Anna maybe?" Dr. Tudor looks disappointed, you don't understand why. "Wait, am I supposed to know an Anna, is she like my sister-in-law or something?" "Oh no, you don't have a sister-in-law, just a brother-in-law. She'll be disappointed in you because you don't know who she is." Dr. Tudor says marking something down. "Wait, who is she? I almost need someone to tell me my whole life over the last 6 months. Please help me!" Dr. Tudor shakes her head and leaves the room.

/What do you think? Sorry, I didn't have a chance to post, so there might be 2 chapters today, IDK, I'll see how the day goes. Do you like it? What do you think of Dr. Tudor? Will you ever be told of your life again, or will it just stay a black void? *SMIRK* ONLY I KNOW! MWAAHAHA! Okay that's enough evil laughing, my throat hurts now. LOL, well guys, I'll see you tomorrow if I'm not back later today. Also, I realized this was way longer than my normal chapters, but I couldn't really find a spot to cut it off. You know? Anyways, I have to go to school, ugh. You'll probably see this after I'm done, but you know, it sucks. C U LATER!/

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