No, it's not that time of the month.

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You wake up, from your deep sleep. Your stomach tells you it's barfing up, whatever is left in it. You barf all over the pillows, and the sprint to the bathroom. "UGH" You moan as you vomit whatever's left in you. "Um y/n are you okay?" Sam says, sounding scared. "I mean as okay as you can be while you're sick" You respond, hanging on the tub. "You barfed up blood all over the pillows" Sam says. "Did I?" you ask looking into the toilet. "Oh well I guess I did." You say seeing all the blood in the toilet. "I'm going to get Aragon," Sam says, rushing out of the room. You feel so sleepy, and spread out on the floor.


Aragon wakes up to see a worried looking Sam. "What's wrong?" Jane asks. "Y/n barfed up blood, I think somethings really wrong," Sam says, glancing back towards your room. "Come see" They walk towards your room, and see the blood all over the pillows. "Where is she?" Jane asks, worried. "She was in the bathroom." Sam says opening the door. They look in to see you asleep on the floor, noticing the red drool from your mouth. "Okay somethings definitely wrong," Jane says. "I think we should take her to the ER," Sam adds. "Okay, Jane go wake everyone else up." Aragon says picking you up. Jane fills everyone in and as Aragon carries you out they are waiting for you by the door. You're awake but groggy. "Hi y/n" Brittany says. "Hi," You giggle back, like you're on drugs or something. "We're coming" Says Anne, grabbing Kitty's arm. "Okay" Sam says.

You wake up in a wheelchair, with an IV, in a hospital room. "Where the heck am I?!" You scream, panicked. "Chill babe, we're in the ER waiting for your CAT scan." Jane explains. "They think you might have a concussion," Anne adds from where she sits on your phone. "Also April called and we told her what happened." Kitty adds, taking your phone from Anne's hands. You unlock your phone and see from text April. It said: Y/n, your my bestie, whatever's wrong, you will get through it. I want you to know that I couldn't live without you and you better not leave me alone with Cricket. He needs an answer from you, and I don't want to have to tell him that you died or whatever. You better get better and come home. I don't want to have to find someone new to watch Phantom with. HURRY BACK!

Normal April's text would have made you smile and send some witty reply back, but you're way out of it. You feel a pinch and see a nurse putting in an IV. "We're going to take her to have her CAT scan done" the nurse tells them. "Okay, y/n we'll see you when it's done k?" Aragon says. You nod as the nurse pushes you down a hall. "Okay, soon the meds that are in your IV will put you to sleep. When you wake up, it'll be done, and we might even have the results back." The nurse explains as you doze. "Okay" you mumble. Soon you feel the meds do their job and BOOM your out cold.

/what do you think? I keep writing, even though it's like 10 times harder. I'm just typing it in a Google Doc and then pasting it on here. Still somewhat difficult, but I'll get over it. Anyways, what will you think is happening? Only I, the writer, ohhh it's so cool to say that! Will know.....mwahaha? Evil laugh here? Or no....? Okay bye!/

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