Labeled Bad

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At home you start labeling all of your notebooks. "Why do you do that?" Kitty asks from your bed. "I don't know, it just helps me keep my stuff organized." You say as you stick on another label. "Weird, I was lucky if I even could figure out which notebook had my last assignment in it without having to look through all of them." As you stick on the last label, you glance up to see Jane in the doorway. "Are you ready to come downstairs? We're gonna have a movie marathon." Kitty jumps up and runs out the door, "Beat you there!" Her echo calls from down the hall. "I've actually got a couple things to do. After I get them done, I'll come watch them okay?" You ask, giving Jane your best puppy dog eyes, knowing that you defiantly wont be heading down stairs to the basement today.  "Okay see you later, don't procrastinate!" Jane says and walks out of your room. Once you finish labeling, an idea pops into your head. A bad one. Yes you know it's stupid, but you have the perfect opportunity. Climbing out the window you head to the theater. To see Cricket.

/Okay yes I know this is really short so sorry about that. It takes me a really long time to feel excited about where this is book is going. There's so many different plot lines that play out in my head and it's hard to decide on one, so usually I just don't. Yeah stupid I know, this story barely gets into the juicy details before I decide to hit the breaks and be like, is this really where I want the story to go? Anyways if there's a plot line you'd like me to turn this towards let me know, because it might line up with one of the ones I haven't chose. But for real, tell me. I've decided not to write anymore of this story until I know where the character is supposed to end up. Thanks!/

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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