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You wake up and see Sam's worried face glancing at you from behind a driver's seat. "Where are we going?" You manage to mumble, feeling sick. "We're going to Denver!" Anne shouts. "Denver?!?" You say perking up. "We're going to rescue Cathy!" Kitty adds. "So what happened while I was out?" You ask and look over to Sam. "Well, we got you in my car and drove to your house. We grabbed clothes, FYI, Anne got your's so if it's bad, it's her fault. Then we loaded up in my car and Aragon's and left. But like 30 minutes ago we stopped at a gas station. Anne and Kitty got a butt load of candy. They've been eating it and are now on a sugar high" Sam finishes and rolls her eyes. 

"We have the skittles!" Kitty giggles. Your turn around and see Anne and Kitty sitting a pile of candy, wrappers covering the floor. Anna's in the back on her phone with Brittany asleep on her shoulder. "So can I turn on some music?" You ask Sam. "Sure" "Okay good cause otherwise I'm gonna fall back asleep." You pull out your phone and Bluetooth it to the car. You hit the 1st playlist on Pandora that pops up. THIS:

Comes on. " I love this song!" Anna says and goes to sit up, forgetting Brittany was sleeping on her shoulder. "What?!" Brittany yells and almost jumps out of her seat. Kitty laughs and Anne says "Anna just likes this song Britt, sorry she woke you up." Kitty cuts her off and adds "But it's a good thing your awake so you can have some of this candy!" "Can I have some?" You ask noticing how hungry you are. "YES! I get to be a bad parent!" Anna says and throws a bag of PB m&ms at your face. "Um thanks," you say and eat your m&ms. "So are we there yet?" Anne asks, impatient. "We still have like 3 hours, Anne," Anna says and rolls her eyes. "Well if you would stop eating candy, we'll stop in the next town and eat. But you have to stop with the candy." Sam adds giving them the, /um you know the look, the one that moms and teachers give?/ look.  You eat your M&Ms and jam to the music, having nothing better to do. 

You see a sign that says there's a Ruby Tuesday in the next town. /I just thought of a restaurant I like, that's not take out. It was either that or Olive Garden./ Sam gets off the freeway following another SUV. (SO that's Aragon's car, otay. Now I know what car to look for) Soon Sam pulls into the parking lot. You jump out of the car and speed walk towards the doors. It was cold and you really had to pee. /why do I keep doing this, LOL, I'm weird/ You go in and find the bathroom. When you're done you come out. The queens are at a LONG table. Sam waves you over. "Oh good your awake. I was getting worried that you might have a concussion." Aragon says looking relived. "Yup and Anna gave me M&Ms from Anne and Kitty's stash." You say, rating out your moms. "Anna!" Jane scolds, while Anna just smirks back. 

Soon the waiter comes over to take your order. You get the "Bangin Shrimp" which are basically popcorn shrimp, but spicy. And the HUGE salad bar. You get up and go get your salad bar. Sam comes with you being the only one who got it other than you. "They're making it so hard for me to be healthy." You tell Sam. "Well they did live in the 1500's so I bet they're enjoying we have more food choices." She laughs. "Still, you'd think they leave me alone. But they try to get me to eat unhealthily." You add. "Well, at least you have some self-control," Sam says. You go back to the table with your food. On your plate, there's a salad, grapes, and wasabi peas. /I like them okay?/

Anna grabs some grapes and sticks them in her mouth, looking like a chipmunk. "HEY!" You say. Anne then smacks Anna's cheek and the grapes fly all over. One lands in Aragon's drink and another bops Abby on the nose. "HEY!" Aragon says, mad. You reach over and pluck the grape out of Aragon's drink. "Sorry," you say, glaring at Anna.

Soon you get back in the car and keep driving. 


Cathy wakes up with a killer headache. "Ugh where am I?" She says sitting up. She picks up a pamplet on the dresser next to the bed. *Picture above* "WOW" she says. "I knew you'd like it" Henry says next to you on the bed. (ugh kill me now) Cathy thinks. "Why are you here?" She asks. "Remember I druged you? Now we're here at this nice hotel, on our honeymoon" Henry says. /oop you guys are gonna kill me/ "OUR HONEY MOON?!" Cathy yells jumping off the bed. "Why yes." Henry says innocently. "Do you not remember love? You got in the car with me. We begin making out and decided that we missed each other so much, that we needed to get married. We drove here and got married. Now we're on our honeymoon." Henry continues. "NO WAY DID THAT HAPPEN!" Cathy yells. "Your right" Henry says, "I kidnapped you and drugged you, and now we're gonna have s3x." Cathy's eyes widen in shock "NO WAY!" She yells. "Okay, then it'll be rape." Henry says and grabs Cathy......./Um, don't kill me?/

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