I'm sorry, I'll do better

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Somehow you've made it this far into the evening without seeing Aragon. You honestly don't know if its luck, or if its the work of the devil. Gosh Cricket's hoodie so smells good. As you relax on the couch, enjoying the scent of Cricket, you hear footsteps walking down the hallway. Quickly, but not quick enough you grab a blanket and try to pull it over you. Unfortunately some one rips it off, right as you get it over your head. You slowly open your eyes and look directly into the eyes of a very mad Aragon. "Hi" You say shyly. "I suggest you go hang out in your room for a bit." Aragon says and walks away. Folding up the blanket you walk up to your room. Turning on your music, you begin writing a note to Cricket.


Aragon isn't pissed, she's more slightly annoyed. She somewhat understands what you're going through. She's just annoyed that you don't realize you can talk to any of the queens. All they want to do is love and support you, yet every time they make that effort, it seems to backfire on them. And with school starting next week, she doubts that your connection will get any stronger. Sooner then later you will be busy, going to volley ball and football games, hanging out with your friends, homework, and all of the other things that come with being class president. Waving to Anna, Aragon walks upstairs to your room.

Golden Star from Cathy Parr is bringing in our transition today.

Dear Cricket, I don't know what to say.  Let's just start with the fact your hoodie smells realllllly good. Okay that's a little weird. Cricket I really want to date you. But I need you to sort out whatever happened with April first. Then come talk to me. I don't want to be second best, and I hate that I'm causing all this drama. Oh while I'm telling you this, I should probably tell you about Toby. Before we started doing Phantom this summer, I was "dating" Toby. I broke up with him because I like you. Yeah now that's out there. With school starting in a week I have no clue what's gonna happen to us. If there even is a us. Deal with April. I want to be with you, signed Y/N

As you drop the pen on your desk, you hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" you tell as you pause the music. "Hey" Aragon says as she walks in and sits on your bed. You glance at her before standing up and leaning against the wall. "So how much trouble am I in?" you ask slowly. "Honestly none, I'm just really disappointed." Aragon says. "Disappointed? Why?" having someone be disappointed in you is almost worse than having them mad at you. " You know we love you, and I'm honestly disappointed you didn't come to any of us. We have all been through things similar and would understand. And with school starting we wont be able to see you as much, and that honestly scares me. I fell like you have a bond with every queen, and now you're just pushing us away. And I hate it." Aragon says almost crying. As she finishes her statement you walk across the room and give her a hug. Whispering in her ear you say, "I'm sorry, I'll do better."

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