I'm sorry, no joke. And also this is like, just me ranting.

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Hi guys! I watched Waitress now and added it to my collection of musicals. I've tried looking for & Juliet, but haven't found anything. I did come upon, *GASP* A MEAN GIRLS BOOTLEG! So I'm watching that before it get's taken down. It's a shame that I have to rush. I was watching a Six, west end one, it got put up and was taken down in 5 days. Depressing, that it got taken away that fast. Also that's why I haven't seen the whole West End show. I've only seen the Bway show fully. I think I made it to Jane, with the West End I think, maybe? Anyways enough ranting from me. I lied about Halimtion coming out, the site I saw was guessing. I've been looking around and digging into it, and I haven't found an offical statement. Maybe they're still working on the DvD? It was supposed to come out in October of 2021 and we did get it a year early. I'll guess I'll wait till I find an awnser. Sorry if I got anyone else's hopes up, I'm bummed about it. Now, to write, ugh. Just a warning my computers at like, 24% and on batter saver. So if you don't get this for a long time sorry!/

You wake up, and for once your eyes aren't as senstive. The blinds are open, and the natural light from the window doesn't hurt them. "Morning Y/n, you're up early." A nurse, not the one you've had says as she comes in. "Here's some clothes!" She says as she hands you a sweat pants and shirt that says, "Don't be a salty heifer"

/For those of you city people, haha not me. A Heifer  is a cow, that hasn't had a baby yet. Also becuase I explained that I probably should do boys too huh? A bull is a boy cow, that can make more cows. A steer, has his nuts chopped off, which, the nuts, are also know as Rocky Mountian Oysters. I have 6 steers right now, no bulls though. And yes, my baby steer's name is Thomas. After a Thomas metioned in Six the musical, I'll let you battle out which one. It was going to be Henry, but that didn't fit. He's very fuzzy right now. Also I have to let you know, all 6 of them are FOOD. Yes, I know shocking. I EAT ANIMALS. Wow, I honestly don't understand all the vegan crap. What do you do with them if you don't eat them? They rot and are waste. So fight me, plant meat people. Yes, I am a farmer's daughter, so it's a little biased. But farming supplies millions of jobs, from the seed people, to the person eating a hamburger, farming impacts everyone. So next time you dip your french fries in ketcup, send a thank you to a farmer, because someone put in work to grow the potatoe you're eating. And yes, I know, really long rant about nothing important, and I'm sorry. But yeah, fake meat, is not meat. No matter the crap they're telling you. And I, for one, wouldn't know. Becuase I don't listen to that, cause I'm to busy, lets see.... Combining the corn? Spraying the weeds? Running the grain cart? What ever farming thing you want. And you can come at me, fake meat people. I have, all of the mentaly sane people on my side. And yes, I did just roast all the vegans and vegatrains out there. And that inculdes my cousin, cough, you know who you are...../

"I love this shirt!" You say after you change into it. "I do to. Some people really are." The nurse agrees. "I went to my friends and one of her heifers, cow to be, ate my scarf. She, like, went goat on it!" You tell her, remembering the one time Tinkerbell, ate your scarf. /Real cow, she's dead now, what can I say. But yes real cow. Did happen, true story. 13% I hope I can finish this/ " I had a Heifer escape her pen. She used her tonuge or something to undo the latch. I came back from school and she was in the flower bed, eating the daises." The nurse says. "No! That's awful, I haven't had any do that. We did have some steers trample their gate and we found them eating in our yard." You said, remembering when Buddy and Shotgun got out. "Cattle are crazy!" She laughs. "They really are!" You agree.

/My computer died, so it's the next day, looking back at my giant rant, I've decided to leave it. It's part of who I am. I'm writing the story, and I affect the main chacter and she affects me. Also, just wanted to say in case you didn't hear. Samtantha Pauly is doing her song a day, Fall 50. She's putting them on Insta and Youtube, I want to say? I've been watching them on YouTube, and I don't have Instagram so I can't request but, if any one does, could you please request "Sastifyed" From Hamilton for me? I would really appericate it, and it'd make my day. And sorry to all the veggie people I attacked yesterday, or well, earlier in the chapter. I was in a mood....all I have to say./

/me again, sorry this is unfinished but I just I just wanted to scratch this part and start over. But I decided, since I was told my book was good. That I'd better prove them wrong. And yes, I'd like to apologize again for my attack, and the fact this chapter means nothing. K byeeee/

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