Reunited YAY!

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/Sorry about the cliffhanger, it just was getting too long. I also noticed that my chapters are getting longer. They used to be like 600 words and now they're like 1200-1800. Sorry that's like double the length! I'll try to make them shorter, but I can't guarantee anything. I've been writing offline, so I spell check on Word and then put it back into docs right before I post it. If there's major spelling and grammar errors sorry. I got Grammarly, but for some reason it doesn't work offline, IDK why. Also sorry about my paragraphs of random ranting. No one deserves to hear my rants, but you guys still can. I've haven't really been checking stats, but I'm guessing I have a lot of chapters and maybe even reads? If I do, thank you guys so much. I only get notification when someone comments, votes, or adds to their reading list. Okay enough ranting I bet you all want the story now, that's the only reason you're here anyways right? BYE, for now. Also just the truth here, I'm so fangirling as I write this. I haven't really done that in the story yet but here, your inner theater nerd comes out. WHOO. Also I realized I'm going to post like 3 chapters in one day. Sorry about that. It's a lot to read!/

The door opens and you see, wait is that....NO THAT'S SAMATHA PAULY! You gasp then go white as the rest of the cast of Six except for Anna walks in. "Hi y/n. Can I hug you?" Abby asks. You nod, shocked. ABBY MULLER WANTS TO HUG YOU! Everyone gives you a hug. (I'm never washing this shirt again!) You think to yourself. Sam steps off to one side, looking at you. "So, do you have an idea who I am?" She asks. "Well, duh I do! Your Samathan Pauly, and Adrianna Hicks, Abby, Andrea, and Brittany Mack. You're the original cast of Six in the US! How could I not know who you are. That's like, a theater kid sin!" You say, somewhat freaking out.

"Ha-ha, I guess so. But other than related to the show you have no idea who we are?" Andrea asks. "I mean, minus all the creeping I've done. I know a lot about you, I've watched all the interviews you've done. And all of Sam's songs a day, so I know a lot about you, but not really. I've been on your social media, and fan pages and such. You know what I mean?" You say. "Oh so you know us, right now. Like how I know Justian Beber?" Brittany says. "I guess that's a good way to put it." Now that you think about it, it really is. "Wow, that makes me really sad for you. Forgetting one person sounds awful to me, image forgetting all the people you met in the past 6 months." Adrianna says.

"I'd say it sucks, but my brain won't let me remember anything different. So tell me, why are you here? Cause the me I remember would no way have been friends with Broadway stars." You say with a laugh. "Well, we met with your, um....guardians. And we um roadtripped?" Andrea says. "We came here with you, because something happened, and then you came here and BOOM." Sam says. "Sorry that's so blank, but we're not allowed to fill in the gaps, either your brain is supposed to do it or Does that make sense?" Abby says. "In a weird way it does, but doesn't at the same time. I understand though." You say.

"Okay good." Sam says, "So how has it been here?" You laugh, "Well, other than today I've been pretty doped on pain meds. And being off them today I understand why they had me on them. And I can't wait to get back, I have a major headache. Also, I've become like a bat or something, I'm sensitve to light. Like majorly, that's why I have these savage sunglasses." You explain. "It's funny that they're Batman ones." Brittany points out. "They are? I didn't even look at them, I just put them on." You say with a laugh. Your nurse opens the door, "Um, hey, sorry to intruppet, but your time's up. You'll have to come back another day." She says. "Bye y/n." They all say and then leave. "Your next vistors will be in later. I'll be right back to prepare you, okay y/n?" She asks. "Yup!" You say, suddenly feeling super drained, even though you only talked to them for 15 minutes. You lay back on the bed, suddely feeling the urge to sleep. You drift off. While you're asleep your nurse comes back in. She sees you asleep, puts in your IV and then goes to tell the queens that they'll have to wait a few minutes.

Divorced, Beheaded, parents to you! Six fanficWhere stories live. Discover now