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/So why do I keep writing when my computers low on battery? I have a problem, also I'm sorry that I've made you guys wait so long for an update. I know, compared to some others writers it's not that long, but for me it is. Anyways, I'm almost ready to write. I'm also just going to kinda pretend the last chapter didn't happen. It was bad okay?!? Just a couple more rants and then maybe I'll do something. I'm watching Newies, however, very slowly. I probably just summoned all the Newies' fans but oh well. Okay now I'm going to try to write, and not get disrtacted. OH WAIT, dang it Pandora. I'm listening to Six the Musical radio, IDK why it exsits, but I found it. Stupid with love, has come on. My favortie song from Mean Girls. I'll brb!/

Finally you're dressed, and the you've passed all the discharge test. "Okay y/n, ready to go?" The nurse asks handing you a backpack with your stuff in it. "Yup, who's picking me up?" You ask as you open the door of your room. "I'm not sure, why don't we go see?" She says and lightly pushes you out. You step out and almost intstantly you're pushed into the wall. "Ow," You say as Anne almost squeezes all the air out of your lungs. "Y/n!" Kitty yells as she pulls Anne off of you and then gives you a calmer hug. "Hi!" You say hugging her back.

Aragon, Jane, Cathy, and Anna walk over. "Hi y/n! I'm not going to smother you in hugs." Anna says giving you a high five. "Thanks Anna," You say with a laugh. "I'll hug you though!" Jane says, giving you a noraml hug. Cathy and Aragon just wave. "Hi y/n," Aragon says. "You ready to go?" Anne says, grabbing your arm and trying to drag you to the door. "I think someone has to sign some papers first." You say, switching directions so Anne drags you to the front desk. Your nurse is there. "Hi y/n! Are you and your guardian ready to finish this paper work so you can go?" She says handing you a pen. "Aragon come here!" Anne shouts across the room. All of the queens come over to the desk, and you hand Aragon the other pen. You begin signing the papers.

/Okay guys, I'm writing, and Chillin Like a Villain came on. So I'm vibing here, and then it occurs to me what my username is. Descendants 4 anyone is my username. So, then I was thinking. Is Descendants a chain musical? I know it was supposed to be going on Broadway. What do you think? I love the movies, I have all 3. Let me know, becuase this is IMPORTANT!/

"Okay, this is the last one." Aragon says and passes you the last paper to sign. "Yay!" Anne says jumping up, from where she's sitting. You sign the last one and everyone claps. "Now we can leave!" Anne says grabbing you and dragging you out the door. "Jeesh Anne you're strong for your size." You say. "I'm the strongest!" Anna brags as she opens the door to the car. Everyone piles into the car. "Now to the hotel!" Anne shouts, from shotgun, trying to make you laugh, she fails. "No one laughed." Anne says and then pouts. "You're such a child Anne." Jane laughs at her. "No I'm not!" Anne defends herself. "You kinda are...." Kitty says. "Look who's talking!" Anne shouts.

/Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I started writing this chapter like, a week ago. I'm going to finsih it now, it's just there's a lot going on in my life. I got a part in One Act Play, so that's eating my time. Pheasent season started and I want to go hunting. Pep band..... I have oral interp, and other stuff. So yeah, sorry that I've taken so long. I'll go back to writing./

The hotel isn't that far away. You spend most of the 10 minute drive looking out the window. You catch Jane looking at you, like 5 times. "What?" You ask her. "Oh nothing" She replies and looks away. You laugh and go back to day dreaming out the window. Soon you're at the hotel. Everyone piles out of the car, and Anne grabs your arm agian. "Come on y/n! Hurry up!" She says as you grab your bag. "Anne, let her get her stuff!" Jane scolds. Kitty grabs your other arm and they lead you towards the door of an AMAZING hotel. "Wow!" You say as Anne pulls you in the door. "Our room is over here" Anne says pulling you towards a door. Kitty knock on the door and 5 seconds later Brittany opens it. "HI!" She says and invites you all in.

You set your bag down on the counter and look around. Aragon pulls out the pages of instructions that the doctors gave her. "Y/n, you need to lay down." Jane says, reading over her shoulder. "Jane, I'm in charge here. But yes, you need to lay down in the dark." Aragon says, opening the door to a room. "This is your room." Aragon says. You step inside to see Sam watching TV. Jane slaps her hands over your eyes. "Sam, y/n's not supposed to be around screens shut that off!" Aragon says looking for the remote. Sam grabs the remote and shuts it off. "Sorry I didn't know you were back." Jane's hands are still over your eyes. "Um you can uncover my eyes now." You say as you pry her hands off. "Oh sorry!" She says and removes them. You sit down on one of the beds.

"That's my bed" Cathy says from where she stands in the back. Jane shushes her, but you still herd. "Oh sorry, which one is mine?" You say standing up. "This one." Sam says and points at the one closest to the bathroom. "Okay!" You say and walk over to it. "Um......" You say and turn around, remembering that there's a bunch of people watching you. "Guys, stop being weird!" Anne yells and pulls Kitty with her out of your view. "If you need anything just shout okay y/n?" Aragon asks. "Yup, bye!" You say and they all leave, Jane making sure to shut off the lights. You lay back on the bed, hoping for sleep to come.

After laying on the bed trying to sleep for like 5 minutes, you give up. Sitting up, you look around the room, trying to find something to enterain you. Jane took the TV remote, so that's out. You grab your bag and dig through it. You find PJs and change into them. (These are soooo comfy) You think before looking back in your bag. Not finding anything in there, you decide to check the dresser. Opening the drawers, all there is, is clothes. Shocking. /LOL/ Next you check the bedstands. Opening your's you find a take out menu. You sit on your bed and read it. You glance at the clock, that took 3 minutes, and you have to stay in your room for an hour.

You walk over to Cathy's bed, opening the drawer of the night stand. There's a hardcovered note book sitting there with a pen. You pick it up, wondering what it is. Walking over to your bed you open it. IT'S A JORUNAL. You found Cathy's jorunal. Glancing around the room, no one is there. You open in and begin reading..................

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