More cleaning.

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T-minus a week and a half till your parents are leaving and a week till the renters are coming. AHHH you've only cleaned 2 rooms. This weekend you decided that you're gonna crack down and clean. (If you get 2 rooms cleaned before 8 you can meet up with your friends at the movies like they wanted you to) You go downstairs and grab a couple boxes and head to your oldest sisters room. 

You walk in. (Oh this is gonna take a while) Looking around you realize you should start with her GIANT stuffed animal collection. You begin stuffing all of her stuffies in a box. (wow she has a lot) You come along one that was her favorite. You grab it and set it on your shelf because why not? (back to the mess room, ugh) You go back in a start to pack up her whole closet. (Wait is that my shirt?!? Ugh I was looking for this last week, thxs sis) Finally when your done with her load of clothes you haul it up to the attic, almost falling over cause of how heavy it is. Then you grab the light box of stuffies and place it in her corner. You go back stairs and get the rest of her stuff, you notice her flute (she doesn't play anymore and that would look good on a shelf...) You talk the flute and set it on the shelf in your room. You go back in and finish packing the stuff. (Finally done. One room left before the movie at 8. It's 11 so I have 9 hours...)

Now you have only one room left before the movie, your sisters room.

Now you have only one room left before the movie, your sisters room

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You go and grab some boxes and begin cleaning. Soon you can see the floor. You grab some of her stuff that looks cool to go on your shelves, her framed quotes, and a little stuffed dog that always rode around in her 1st car. You find 20 bucks inside her guitar (what was 20 bucks doing in her guitar?!?) You pull out her trundle bed and find a journal. You begin to read and make it 3 pages in before your phone buzzes. It was a text from your sis it said "Hey sis could you go in my room and find my mini journal, it should be in my shelf. Please mail it to me I need it for a gift. THXS love /your sisters name/" You find the journal, and the rooms basically done. It's 6:30 so you decide to mail this for your sis and get dinner. 

You drive to the post office and mail it. You text your sis "It's in the mail. Since I had to clean your room and mail that for you.... I'm using the 20 bucks I found in your guitar to buy dinner for me!" "You never know what you'll find in my room! Enjoy dinner on me!" She texts back. You giggle and head to your favorite hole in the wall restaurant, Bryn Lee's BBQ. They have some of the best BBQ ever. 

You text your bestie's group chat telling them that your coming to the movie and ask what it is. April your bestie responds "YAY! And even though I've told you like 20 times, it's Annie. They're replaying it and it's only 4 bucks to get in. AND NO BACKING OUT NOW!" Most of the other girls in the chat just laugh. You call April and tell her to come eat with you. She says yes if you pay. You tell her it's on your sis and she says she'll be there in 15 and to order her usual. The waiter comes over and your order. You get brisket for yourself with a side of sweet potatoes fries. You order the BBQ chicken for April with cornbread muffins (so you can take one)

You sit back and wait for your food and glance around looking for April. There's a group of guys from your school, one notices you and waves. You wave back and go back to looking for April. You notice a group of girls sitting in the corner booth looking confused. You get up to go to the bathroom and walk pass their booth. You go to the bathroom and come out. As you walk by the booth again one stops you. "Hey I feel like you've eaten here before. Could you help us choose we've never eaten here before?" A blonde girl asks. "Oh sure" you respond "Do you guys want a platter so you can try everything or?" You ask. A girl with pink tipped hair says "Yes we have no idea what one though.." "Oh that's fine, ummm lets see, I usually get the BBQ slayer when I'm here with friends. You should like that. It goes really good with their lemonade if you don't have a drink idea." They look around at their waters and laugh "Yes that's a good idea" The one with space buns says. "Well I think that's good, if it's fine with you I can order for you" They all looked thrilled that you offered. You wave over one of the waiters. "Ya Y/n what's up?" She asks. "Oh I just wanted to order for these gals they didn't know what to get. Can they get the BBQ slayer and one of all the lemonades?" You ask "Yup it'll be right out, oh and Judy told me to tell you that your fries might be a little late. The truck is supposed to get here in 15 and until it does we don't have any sweet potatoes." "oh that's fine" You say and laugh. You see April walk in "Anyways my friend is here, enjoy your meal!" You say and walk over to your table.

"Who were you talking to?" April asks as you slide into the booth "IDK but they needed help picking food I got them the BBQ slayer." You say "That's always good, anyways what did you get me?" She says side eyeing you. "The waiter said they changed the BBQ chicken, so I got you that." You giggle "I hope they changed a lot, last time it was so spicy I about died" She says and then takes a sip of her water. "Well I hope so to so I don't have to listen to you belch through the movie" You laugh "HEY you ordered this not me" She says somewhat laughing. Then your food comes. You eat and get your sweet potatoes and then leave for the movie. You watch the movie and take April home. You drop her off and head home and get ready for bed. You wonder who those ladies where, but instead of thinking on it more you pass out to tired to even crawl under the covers.

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