Y'all say thank you to the snow

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/So, HI! I plan to write and update more often, but you know, life. Guess whose 2 time ECC finalist?!? MEEEEEE! Ahh I'm a savage. Yes this is a speech/oral interp thing. IF you know what that is you're my homie, and if you have any good speech/oral interp story feel free to share in the comments. One time, I went to an oral interp meet got a Fureal (the milkshake thing you can get at gas station, I probably spelled that wrong but oh well) and it spilled all over my back pack. My math book was in there, so for like a whole year, I had a math book that smelled like cotton candy Fureal. And I feel bad for the child who got it the year after me......:> Okay I'mma write the story cause I left yall with a cliff hanger. AND YES, I DID TYPE YALL. And no, I'm not from an area where we say yall, unless we're making fun of people who say yall. I live in a place where it's already snowed. On that note, we're supposed to get a blizard so you might be drowned by chapters. If I have a snow day, I promise I'll write for at least 15 minutes./ 


You've been reading for almost half an hour. The 1st entry in the jornual was dated about 2 weeks before you met the queens. Cathy wrote about how she found the other queens and about their struggle with finding a place to live. You read on about how they bumped into your mom at a homless shelter she volunteers at. You make it to the day they met you. You read about how when they came in that you were having a panic attack. You contuine reading, about how you snuggled with Cathy. Then you come to the day Cathy was kidnapped, but you didn't know that till now. You read what she wrote after Henry took her and how she felt so alone. You want to go and give Cathy a hug, tell her that it wasn't her fault, but that's the past and you can't. You're reading when you have a flashback. You're panicking about where Cathy went. You remember falling and the blackness. You shake your head and you're back in the present. Wanting to remember more, no NEEDING to know more, you go back to the day the queens moved in. You reread the page and then............ You're back in the moment, panic fills your chest. Soon you can't breathe and are gasping for air. You manage to cry out "HELP!" Before giving in to your attack.


Cathy was sitting on the couch chilling when she herd something from your room. It sounded like a drawer shutting but she ingored it. Soon like half an hour later she hears a cry for help. She jumps up and rushes to your room. "ARAGON!" She screams before picking up the jornaul thats laying by your feet. (Oh no, this is all my fault, she read my diary and knows. Crap, I'm the reason this is happening to her. This is all my fault.) She thinks and just stands there. Soon Aragon and Jane rush in. Jane pulls Cathy down onto the bed next to her while Aragon goes to confort you.

/Yes I had a snow day, so here I am, contiuning to write, even though I should be doing my homework but, _/ 0.0 ∖_ IDK WHAT THE HECK THAT EMJOI IS?!? Anyways I think it's supposed to be shrugging. Now Imma go back to the story, sorry about this being a conflict chapter, but it's fine. Also I'm not proof reading cause I'm lazy sooooo/

"Cathy what happened?" Jane asks looking at her. "I think she read my jornual..." Cathy says and hands Jane the jouranl. "If she read your jorunal why is she freaking out?" Aragon asks from where she sits on the floor holding you. "Well, probably becuase I right the way things happened, and then how I felt/feel about it. I'm guessing she didn't read a single page." Cathy says, pulling your blanket over and wrapping it around herself. Jane and Aragon glance at each other. There's a knock at the door. "Come it!" Aragon calls, the door opens and there stands Sam. "What happened?" She asks as she rushes over to you. "We're guessing she read Cathy's jorunal." Jane explains.

That's what you did, but you can't tell them what's really wrong, they just think you're sad or something. If only you could tell them that you remember everything. All the emotions from the past couple months is a lot for a person to handle all at once. You feel like screaming for joy and bawling at the same time. Since they don't know you're having a panic attack, they can't help you, you remember. You try to calm down, you think of puppies, try to slow you're breathing but it doesn't work. Sam looks over at you, studing your face more she notices the paniced look in your eyes. "Um guys, I think she's having a panic attack." Sam says as she grabs your hands. Aragon looks over her sholder and nods her head. "This is what she looked like the 1st time." Jane says. "Y/n can you breathe with me?" Sam says, Aragon starts counting. Soon your breath returns to normal. After all that's happened you honeslty can't even speak. Your throat is sore from the crying, you have a headache. Aragon asks what happened, all you can do is hiccup in response. "Y/n you should probably sleep, FOR REAL, now." Jane says leading you over to the bed. You lay down on the bed. Jane kisses your forehead, grabs Cathy's jorunal and leaves, Aragon gives you a hug, Cathy waves. Sam goes to give you a hug, but when she goes to leave you hug back. Somehow, she can see it in your eyes that you don't want to be alone. "I'll stay, don't worry. I have to pee first okay?" She says. You nod a yes. She walks into the bathroom. You're asleep before she comes back...........

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