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"So y/n what do you want to do?" Jane asks. "Um well, IDK" you say. "Isn't there a karaoke machine downstairs?!" Kitty says "Yas there is?" you respond confused. Anna and Kitty run downstairs. "Why did they get so excited about the karaoke machine?" You ask "WE LOVE KARAOKE!" Anne says and heads downstairs as well. "Okay so I guess we can have a karaoke battle?" You say, still kind of confused. "YES" Jane says and grabs your arm and begins to drag you downstairs. Aragon and Cathy just laugh and follow. "Ow Jane let go, it think you've cut of the circulation to my arm." You say. Jane just keeps dragging you down the stairs. "Jane let her go" Aragon demands. Jane drops your arm but grabs Cathy's saying "I have to drag one of you so the rest will follow, sorry for the loss of your arm Cathy." When you get downstairs you see Anne, Kitty, and Anna messing with the machine. "Hey guys let me do it!" You yell, worried they'll break it, it's your sister's. Anne, and Kitty back off. Anna keeps messing with it. You walk over and bump Anna to the side. She falls over. You instantly feel bad but ignore it and help Anna up and then go back to looking at the machine. You notice the speaker cord is unplugged, you plug it in and turn the karaoke machine on. You walk over to where the movies and games are. You grab out "Karaoke of the 2000's" and the cord to connect your phone. "Okay guys, I'll run the machine, you can sing. We can do whatever songs have karaoke tracks on YouTube and songs of this CD. Does that work for you?" "YUP I'M FIRST!" Kitty yells. "okay" You say surprised she was so willing to go 1st. "I want to sing "All you wanna do" it has karaoke track on YouTube I'm sure" You find it and start the song. *begin listening to the song now*

When Kitty finishes you start clapping. Dang she has pipes. She blushes and bows. "I'm next" Anna demands. "Okay what song?" you ask "Well since she sung her own, I might as well do the same. Get Down" anna says. "Okay" you find the song and put it on. 

Wow some of those dance moves. Anna has a good voice. "Who's next?" You ask "Um me!" Aragon says. Your shocked Aragon doesn't seem like the person who would volunteer to go, but be forced. You shake your head and remind yourself to get back in the moment. "What song Aragon?" "Ya how bout Queen B?" Anna jokes "No way, to the song idea, and that's the song I want y/n" Aragon says. You pull it up you YouTube. You've never herd this song. You'd herd parts of the last 2 because they're Tik Toks but this song completely new to you. You put it on and a sick drum beat starts up.

Divorced, Beheaded, parents to you! Six fanficWhere stories live. Discover now