I am Hamiltrash now

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/Hi guys! Couple of things to share before I can write today. I am officially Hamiltrash, I watched Hamilton last night, SO GOOD. I've been listening to the music before, but I hadn't actually seen it, so yeah I finally watched it. I also watched Wicked. Also amazing. So yeah, my covid results aren't back yet so there's that. I'm writing offline. For some reason, my google docs won't load offline. They used to. I must have bumped some setting. I'll fix it later though. Depending on when you see this depends on how fast I got it fixed. Anyway, I had an idea for a chapter that almost tempted me to time skip, but no. In this story time only skips, a few hours at most. At least right now......./

You set Cricket's note on your pillow and head downstairs, to where you can hear Jane calling that dinners ready. Anne and Kitty shove you into the wall because they're racing downstairs. "Hey, you okay y/n?" Cathy says and helps you up. "I'm fine, they remind me of my siblings." You respond. "Do you have siblings?" Cathy looks at you, "Nope" /I HAVE NO IDEA IF SHE DOES OR NOT, DON'T COME AT ME PLEASE PEOPLE'S/ "I have 3, but now it feels like 5." You say, motioning towards the stairs where Anne and Kitty went. Cathy made a pretend offended face, "What am I?!?" You had to think about that. "Anne and Kitty are like my siblings. Aragon and Jane are like moms. I guess you and Anna are like my cool aunts? Or Idk honestly." You explain. Cathy nods and heads downstairs, because Aragon's yelling now, and you don't want to ignore her.

/Guys my cat is here and she's shedding all over my laptop. The keyboard is covered in cat hair. I would Google if Cathy had siblings but I'm writing offline, so I can't. If you want to Google it, or if you already know, go ahead and put it in the comments. I'll check as often as I can. And I would just like to tell you all that my cat is officially evil, she just smacked me for no reason. I'm not sure why, but she keeps making a weird face. Send love and good vibes our way, and hopefully, my cat won't kill me while I sleep!/

When you get downstairs you turn the corner and bump into someone, Aragon. She yells "Anne shut up or so help me!" Right into your face. "Oh sorry y/n'' She says as she moves past you. "What are we eating?" Anna asks as she comes up the basement stairs. "Pancakes'' Kitty says pointing towards the stove where Jane was cooking pancakes and Anne was trying to help? Grabbing the plates Aragon was setting out you go to set the table, your usual job. Kitty comes over with the utensils. "Hey this is my job!" She says, as she puts the forks out. "Really? Cause I usually do it." You respond to her, while speeding up with placing the plates. Kitty notices you speeding up, and speeds up too. "Race you!" Anna laughs as she comes in with the napkins and throws them on the table and yells, "Done! I win!" You glance up, settinging down the last place, and get hit in the face with napkins. Kitty laughs at you, thinking it's funny. It kind of actually hurt though and your eyes started watering, so you're glad for the napkins on your head. Deciding to play it off, and not show them you're hurt you grab the hood of your hoodie. "Look I'm a napkin dispenser!" You say as you pull the hood around your head. Jane comes in with the food and decides to ruin the fun. She pulls the napkins of your head, and sees your tear stained face underneath. "y/n? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asks, giving it away that you're crying. You feel a rush of anger at Jane, even though it's not her fault.

You turn away and run up the stairs. Because they know your hiding spot in your closet, you have to find a new one. You walk into your dad's office, quietly. Remembering the day bed in with his printer, you open the closet and step inside and lay down on the bed. Grabbing a blanket you pull it over yourself. Reaching into your hoodie pocket, you feel your phone, you forgot you had that. Glancing around, you check that you're alone, why, it doesn't' make sense because this room is basically just a bed. Putting in an ear bud you whisper to Siri, "Broadway Playlist" As The Ten Duel Commandments comes on, you lean back into your pillow, just as you are about to shut your eyes you hear a shout. "She's not where she was last time!" It sounds like Anne, but you ignore it. It's going to take them a while to find you anyway, they probably haven't even been in here yet. Slowly you doze off to "Seventeen"

When you wake up, you look at your phone, shaken. It's 2:11 in the morning, glancing around you wonder why you woke up. Glancing down at the song playing, you realize why. "Revenge Party" Is playing, no wonder why you're awake, all the noise woke you up. As you're realizing this, your stomach cuts in with a growl, demanding food. You never ate dinner, so you're starving. Slowly you get up, carefully not to make a noise. You're hiding like you got in trouble or something, even though you're not. Slowly you sneak into the kitchen, going to get food.

You flip on a light and almost scream. Cathy is sitting at the island, with a cup of coffee, looking very awake, which is concerning because it's 2 in the morning. Slowly you move to get food, pretending you haven't seen Cathy, even though you both know you did. Grabbing a string cheese and corn nuts, BBQ duh! You go to sit down at the bar, and pretend to notice Cathy. Slowly you sit down next to her, "Uh hi," you whisper to her. "You don't need to whisper, Jane and Aragon aren't here, Anne, Kitty and Anna, were watching a movie and staying up to wait for you, but Anne and Anna feel asleep, and now Kitty's watching a horror movie by herself and is scared" Cathy rambles off to you. "Wait why aren't you watching the movie?" You ask Cathy. "Anna and I rock-paper-scissor over who had to take care of Anne and Kitty. I won" She says, and then sips her coffee.

It's quiet in the kitchen for about 30 seconds, but then you can faintly hear "Your Fault" playing, you laugh and pause the playlist. "I should probably tell Aragon and Jane you've made an appearance, but I really don't want to hear the yelling." Cathy says, looking at her phone and then flipping it upside down. "If you want, you could text them I'm back, leave your phone here and come with me to a hiding spot. They won't bug us till the morning." You say, trying to be nice. Cathy looks slightly hopeful with that, raising an eyebrow she asks, "Is it where you've been all night?" She picks up her phone and starts to type. "I may or may not have fallen asleep...." you trail off sheepishly. "I'm not sending this till we are wherever we're going, because it's to the group and Kitty will be upstairs in a second." She says, looking at you. "Follow me!" You say and stand up and lead her to the office and open the door to the "closet" that's actually a room.

"Wow" She says and sits down onto the giant bed. "I know, it's huge. And the best part is that it has its own thermostat." You say and walk over to the controls. "I'm always cold, so I turn the heat up, and warm up in here." You say, explaining to Cathy why it matters. "I'm always cold too!" Cathy says, and walks over to the control and cranks the heat. "Yay!" You say, and even though the heat is at like 80 (F) you grab a blanket and snuggle under it, in the dark. Slowly you move an earbud up and put it in your ear and push play on your playlist. "It's Queit Uptown'' Slowly starts to lull you to sleep. "Night y/n'' Cathy says quietly to you. With those words you shut your eyes and drift off

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