40 chapters, how did we get here?

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After a 10 minute walk you walk to the back door of the theater. Relizing you don't have your wallet, you don't have any way to get in. Luckly one of your theater friends was running the door and lets you in. As you walk by she pulls you aside and whispers. "Are you here for Cricket? He's been dressed up everyday for the past week, and no one could figure out why, unitl April metion that you had a crush on him," Seeing the shocked look on your face she adds "in the past of course." Glancing around you make sure none of the other crew was around you whisper to her, "That was the past, this is now. And no I'm here cause I was asked to come remind Cricket how to do the Chandler scene." Which is not a completly lie, Cricket always forgets how to do that scene after a weekend, and it's Monday. She nods her hand, understandly "He always struggles with that scence. Good luck though, he's super grumpy today." She says, and shoves you towards the stairs to the light both.

Before you head up the stairs you check your phone one more time and then shut it off. As you climb the stairs you hear a fight. As you get to the top of the stairs, you see April and Cricket fighting. "YOU ASKED HER OUT?!?" April screams at Cricket. "I like her April, I don't like you the way you like me. I'm sorry but I like her, not you." He responds in a normal voice. April likes Cricket?!! She never told you that. You thought she liked the assitant stage manger kid, what's his name? Chris. "I can't belive you did this?! It was just to spite me wasn't it. To be the biggest jerk ever!" April yells, Cricket sits there, taking it all so well. "It's been over a month since you asked me out April. I would've asked y/n sooner, but I waited, to let you recover. Which appertly I didn't wait long enough," As he says that April makes a fist and steps towards him, and she can punch. Notcing this, Cricket continues, "But that's beside the point. I would like to actualy be able to date y/n before the summer ends, and have a steady relationship before we go back to school. When school starts we go back to being popular kids, not a stage crew. DO YOU RELIZE THAT?!" He actually yells at her. April blinks back tears and turns toward the stairs and notices you standing there. Her eyes widen, and she glances at Cricket, before shoving past you and running down the stairs.

Slowly you walk over to "your" chair and sit quietly down onto it. "So um, she asked you out first?" You ask Cricket, looking at the ground. You know that if you look at him, the dam will burst and you'll start crying to. "She did, but she's not my type. You are." Cricket says and grabs your hand. "Would you go out with me?" Cricket asks, after a minute or two of silence. "I don't know Cricket, I have to talk to April, and see if she's okay with it." You respond, not wanting to hurt your best friend. "Why does it matter if she's okay with it? The only people it should matter to is me and you!" Cricket whisper yells. "She's my best friend, and I don't want to hurt her." You say, and look into Crickets ice blue eyes. "But..." Cricket says, but quiets as you stand up to leave. "Bye Cricket, I'll be in touch" You say as you walk down the stairs, crying.

/Hewo, chapter 40, how did I get this far?!? I'm amazed, and thanks for all the people who read my story. Espically the ones who wait like 9 days between chapters, you guys are amazing! Does anyone know where I could find purple xmas lights? But not really pricy ones? I have white and blue ones in my room, but purple would be cool. Then when I'm jamming out to Six, it would be amazing. Anyways I bet you don't want to read this so back to the story. And I was crying when I wrote the stuff above, so I'm going to blame it on that........peace/

Slowly you make your way to the door, ready to leave. You want to check on April, but she's probaly super pissed at you right now. Making your way towards the door, you see April, sitting at her station, still doing the lights, even though she's crying. She sees you and glares and gets up to leave. "April!" You gasp out as you grab her arm and spin her around. When she sees your tear stained face, her eyes widen in shock. "I need to talk to you, but not here, and I'm probably going to get in trouble when I get home, so after that okay?" You ask her. April just nods her head. "I'll text you when, but BrynLee's BBQ k?" Naming one of your favorite places to eat might make it better. "Okay, and I gtg to the lights." April says and shakes your hand off her arm and heads to her booth. Knowing you might have just made your relationship with April in an even worse place than it was, you head towards the door. Stepping outside, you breathe in the cold air. Slowly, sadly, you start the walk towards home, preparing yourself for the worst

Divorced, Beheaded, parents to you! Six fanficWhere stories live. Discover now