Bright and Early

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The next morning you come downstairs with a completely different outlook on your situation. As you skip into the kitchen you hug Jane as she's making pancakes. As you run by the table you tap Kitty on the head. Skipping down the stairs to the basement, you throw open the doors to Anna's room and jump on her bed. "Good morning!" You holler at the top of your lungs. Peaking out from under her blankets Anna laughs at you. "Good morning to you to y/n. Now can you get off of me?" Giggling you climb off her bed and grab a pillow. You chuck it at her as you run out the door to Aragon's room. 

"Good morning sleepyhead!" You shout as you turn on Aragon's light. "Dude it's 7:30." Aragon moans. "Yeah but next week if you weren't up, we'd all be running late." You say leaning on the door frame. "Why it's not like we have anywhere to be?" Argon says as she gets out of bed. "You have to drive me to school silly!" "Oh yeah, well better get in the routine then." And with that she walks out of the room, with you trailing after her. Running past Aragon on the stairs, you head upstairs to the kitchen. Grabbing a fresh cup of coffee you head up stairs to Cathy's room.

POV Change brought to you by my sweater:

"Dang she's in a good mood, what did you say to her?" Jane asks Aragon as she sits down at the counter. "Nothing really just the fact we are gonna miss her when she goes back to school." Aragon sighs as she sets down her coffee. "You aren't wrong. It will be nice to not have to hear her scream with Kitty and Anne all the time though." Jane says with a giggle. "Hey I heard you!" Kitty shouts from the table where she's eating Honey Combs. "Okay, okay I take it back. I will miss it." Jane says, with Aragon adding "Diddo!"

Henry the vacuum is here for the pov change: 

With a very cautious knock, you slowly push the door to Cathy's room. "I brought coffee." You call out, while you turn on your phone flashlight. Cathy got blackout curtains, so if she wanted to, she could sleep till noon and not be bothered by light. Having not really been in Cathy's room, you proceed with caution. "I'm over here." Cathy says from somewhere in front of you. Slowly you walk forward until you bump into a bed. Sticking the coffee cup forward, Cathy takes it from your hands. After a couple of minutes she says, "You can turn the lights on now." Walking to the switch you turn them on and fully take in Cathy's room. It's honestly pretty cute. There's an egg chair in one corner. A desk next to it with a nice PC set up, probably for her writing. There's Christmas lights around her door, and a nice fuzzy rug on the floor. It has a really cozy vibe. " I like your room." You say to Cathy as you sit down in the egg chair. "Thanks!" All of your energy is somehow gone, it's just been absorbed by this peaceful room. "What's for breakfast?" Cathy asks, as she inhales the scent of her coffee. "Pancakes I think." You respond. "Cool well I'm gonna get ready, I'll see you down stairs?" Cathy asks. "Yup!" You say and jump out and head to Anne's room. 

"Annnnnnnnnnnnne" You whine as you walk into her room. "Go away." Is the response you get from the pile of blankets. "You're not glad to see me?" You ask as you shove the blanket lump over and sit on the bed. "I'm not looking at you so technically I can't say yes." Anne says. "Good point, how about," You pull the blankets off her head and stick your face right in hers, "now, are you glad to see me?" "I'm always glad to see you Y/N, but I'm not particularly fond of looking at you from this angle." And with the end of that statement Anne pushes your face back from hers. Giggling, you drag the rest of the blankets off her and wrap yourself in them. "Hey give those back!" Anne shouts, as you run out the door. Knowing you can't outrun Anne for long, you drop the blankets at the top of the stairs and run to hide behind Jane. 

"What did you do now?" Jane asks as she flips a pancake. "Just stole Anne's blankets that's all."  Jane sighs, "A minor offense, but still enough that you need my protection. Do you want a smiley face pancake?" That questions answer is obviously yes, and instead of vocalizing that, you just nod yes.  With that Jane sprinkles on the chocolate chips, smiling to herself and humming something under her breath. Grabbing a plate from the cupboard, a fork out of the drawer, and syrup you sit at the counter and wait for your pancake. While you're waiting you hear the stairs creak. Spinning around in the chair, you see Anne, who was trying to sneak down the stairs. "Crap my plan is ruined." Anne says as she jumps down the rest of the stairs. You start to run out of the kitchen, but slip on the hardwood. Dang socks always ruining everything. As you start to get up, Anne grabs you from behind. "You're so dead." She whispers into your ear. "Jane help!" You yelp as you try to squirm from Anne's grasp. "Okay here, lets work this out without violence. Y/n go help Anne make her bed. Anne stop scaring the crap out of her. Okay?" Jane says as she flips your pancake. "Okay." You say and trudge upstairs to help Anne.

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