IDK what to call this

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Cathy wakes up, feeling drowsy. "Oh good your awake! There are some more people here to see you. I'll go let them know you're awake" The nurse says and leaves. (I wonder who could be here, it's probably the rest of the queens) Cathy thinks. The door opens and in walks 3 of the cast of Six. Andriana, Brittany, and Andrea. "Hi!" Andrea says shitting down on the bed next to her. "Um there is a chair right there Andrea," Brittany says pointing at the chair. "Oh sorry Cathy," Andrea says moving to the chair. "It's fine," Cathy says "Why are you guys here?" "We came," Adriana says. "I don't know why TBH" Brittany adds. "But we're here!" Andrea says. "Well that's good," Cathy says. The continue to visit until the nurse comes in. "It was nice seeing you Cathy," Adriana says. "Ya, we'll see you later," Andrea says. "Bye," Brittany says and they leave.

"Your luck you have so many visitors," The nurse says as she changes her IVs. "I know, how did they get here so quickly though?" Cathy asks. "I believe they were already in Denver when they got the call. I think they knew you were here." The nurse explains. "Oh yes. I sent y/n my location before I got in the car with him." Cathy thinks aloud. "That was smart of you, otherwise you probably wouldn't have been found," The nurse says looking her in the eyes. Soon Cathy feels the rush of meds and begins to drift off. 


The girls return from the room. "We're ready!" Adriana says. Aragon, Jane, and Anna grab their stuff and they leave.

You know its gonna be a long wait, you'll probably go last. "Hey, Sam is there a charger in the car?" You ask looking at your phone's battery. "Um, I think so? I know there's an iPhone one for sure, cause that's mine" Sam says. "Oh there's an Android too, cause mine's in there!" Kitty adds. "Could I borrow your's Kitty?" you ask. "Sure y/n no problem. Though I might have to use it when you're done with it." Kitty laughs glancing at her phone. Sam toses you the keys and you head to the car. 

Your walking toward the car lost in though. Soon you hear a buzzing and 

plays, April's ringtone. "HELLO?" You answer. "WEWO" April answers. "What do you need? Now's not a good time." you snap at her. "Oh sorry, I just was gonna tell you bout Cricket" April says visibly hurt that you snapped at her. "What about that nerd?" you snap at her. "Um, he said, HE ASKED ME IF YOUR SINGLE!" She screams into your ear. You pull the phone away from your ear. "Chill out April, my ears are bleeding! Now tell me again in a calm voice so I know what you said" You say. "Y/N HE ASKED IF YOUR SINGLE. AND WHAT YOUR TYPE IS!" April half screams. "DID YOU TELL HIM?!?" You scream back. "Um no. Who would do that? He'll have to figure that out himself." April says, finally in a normal voice. "Good!" You say, out of breath. 

"Yup just thought you should know. He came up and asked during Phantom, right before I was supposed to drop the chandler." "NO!" You say bout dying of laughter. "Yup I had half a mind to drop it on him," April says laughing. "Good job! But you didn't drop on him? RIGHT?!?" You say half worrying about Cricket. "Nope, I did my job," April says laughing. "Good, now anything other than that you need?" you ask. "Um ya, you never told me why you're in Denver?" April says. "Oh well, Cathy's in the hospital here." You say before your phone beeps "She's where?!?" April asks. "Cathy's in the hospital and my phone's about to die." You say and hang up.

You unlock the car and climb into the backseat. You find the charger and sit down in the seat. You feel all your emotions overwhelming you. You rest your head against the seat and cry. 


Abby hurried to rush after you. She needed to get stuff out of the car. Abby turns the corner and sees you on the phone. She hangs back, evesdropping, even though she knows she shouldn't. She hears her phone buzzes. Text from 

Aragon: Hey how is y/n she seemed distance before we left. 

ABBY: Um? I haven't really talked to her. How's the hotel? 

Aragon: *Sends pics above* It's really nice.

Abby: That's good

Aragon: Yup well I GTG help bring in the stuff :(  Talk to y/n k?

Abby: I'll try.

Abby puts her phone and looks up. She sees your crying in the backseat. (OH CRAP. Aragon was right. I have to go check on her.) Abby thinks coming over to you. 


"Um hey y/n, what's wrong" she asks

Divorced, Beheaded, parents to you! Six fanficWhere stories live. Discover now