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/Guys I'm back! I fell off Wattpad for a bit, but I'm back. I heard there were a couple of people who died with me? Hopefully they'll all come back quickly. Anyways, I had a good Christmas. I didn't get anything I wanted, but that's okay. I got some CuddleDud socks, PEOPLE YOU NEED TO BUY A PAIR!!!!! They're so comfy, I can't rant enough about them. Also I got more music so I'm vibing to new songs, so prepare for whatever I write. Oh another note, I got into a huge fight with the REAL April. Like so bad I deleted her number after I blocked it. So um ya, idk how she's handling it. Anyways people. HAPPY NEW YEAR, because I have no idea when I'll upload this chapter./


"I'll go get y/n'' Anne says and runs upstairs. April looks around and sits down at the island, shoving aside some keys and mail. Pulling out her phone she opens one of her texts. Her ex, Theo texted her. April thinks back into her relationship with Theo. It's true, she started to date Theo, just to make Cricket jealous. But her plan had a flaw in it. She never thought that she might actually like him. After dating him for like 3 months, a rumor went around school that he was cheating. Because she had planed to use Theo all along, she broke up with him because he was "cheating" When she broke up with him, he denyed the claims. April knew that he didn't actually cheat but wanted a chance with Cricket. She broke up with a guy that loved her, for a chance with someone that didn't even give her a chance in the first place. Yes, Cricket may seem like a jerk for not dating her. But if anyone was a jerk, it was April. Looking down at her phone, she opens the text from Theo.

THEO: I miss you

APRIL: I miss you to

THEO: Really?

APRIL: You think I would say it as a joke?

THEO: IDK anymore

APRIL: Well I do miss you

THEO: I didn't cheat on you

APRIL: I know

THEO: Then why did you break up with me?!?

APRIL: I was being a jerk

THEO: So there's not a chance of me winning you back?

APRIL: OH there's a chance

THEO: OH, so do you want to go see a movie tonight?

APRIL: Well, yes. But I'm having friend problems currently. I'm going to say no, but I'll text you if it works. Does that make since?

THEO: Yuppers that works. Ttly?



APRIL: Bibye


You're laying in the tub, when Anne burst into the bathroom. Honestly you're not even suprised so you just pause your music and give her your attention. "April's here." Anne says. "Oh" you say, somewhat suprised that she came to your house. "I'll tell her you'll be down soon!" Anne says and slams the door behind her. Wow, Anne didn't even ask you if you wanted to talk to her. Getting out of the tub, you grab Cricket's hoodie and a pair of spandex. Yes, it's a little harsh to wear the clothing of the guy that you're fighting over, but it's giving you support, so you don't care. Slowly you walk downstairs. Because you have no idea why April's here, you can't even think out senarios to even guess what will happen. Notcing April's texting, you make sure to step on the creaky stair. Hearing you she sets her phone down and spins around to face you.

You walk over and sit down next to April. After a minute or so of silence, you say, "So you're here why?" It's harsh, but you're so emotionaly spent, you don't even care. "Well, first I wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have messed in your relationships, or possible relationships, I guess." April says. "Okay what else did you want?" You ask, just wanting her to leave. "I was wondering if I could postpone our dinner date? Theo and I are going to give it another shot." April says. That's such a good idea, because you just really want a break from annoying people. You still haven't got your punishment for sneaking out, so that'll probably happen tonight. "Yes that would work well for me to." You say, quickly, not wanting her to withdraw the offer. "Okay I'll see you later?" April says standing up. "Well I'm probably going to get in trouble, so I'll text you when we can do dinner okay?" You explain, planing for the worst. "Well, I'll be waiting for your text!" She says, and rushes out the door. 

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