Hopefully this tittle stays

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/Guess who's back? Back again? LOL, I had a really cool shirt saved with something like that for this story......shame that Wattpad is blocked. :( I'm writing on my snow day again. My sister did something with my mouse, so it's a pain to do my music and stuff. :< I totally didn't spend most of today creeping on people's profiles :>....... I found 4 new people to follow. Um, thanks for all the reads. I just wanted to say, if you really like this story, you could share it with some of the other six writers. I really should tag some of my favorite people and ask them to read it. Heck, some of you already are but.....? I want to ask you guys to rate it, but I'm scared I'll become offended and never write again. If you want to rate, why don't you just do "Could be better", like as bad, "Average" as good, "Amarshing" For amazing? Because you know, I made the last word up. Anyways, I feel like I'm dragging everything out. In this story times DRAGS. Do you guys like my little details that are like, half of the words? Or should I stop that? I just realized I've asked a lot, and some people don't comment. Anyway, if you want to, you can answer all my questions. Oh if you answer mine, you can ask me some. I'll try to answer you guys! Also, I'd just like to add, that I know I have an emoji problem...../

You wake up, to see Sam shutting the door to the room. You decide to get dressed and shower. You glance at the clock and realize it's the next day. Wow, you were tired. You hop in the shower, wishing you had music. Because you have an amazing set of pipes, you start singing. You start your concert with, "Music of The Night" from Phantom of the Opera. Right in the middle as you go to hit the high note swallow some water and about hack up a lung. After you recover from that you rack your brain for more songs. "Micheal in the Bathroom" Is what you sing next, because, you're in the bathroom. You continue singing songs as you shave your legs. Wicked, Hamilton, Cats, Phantom, Prom, Mean Girls, Waitress, BMC, DEH, Newsies, and a whole other bunch of musicals. You get out and get dressed, singing "Popular" From Wicked. You open the door to find Brittany, Sam, Anne, Kitty, Abby, and Andrea all pressed up against the door listening. You look at all of them sitting there on the floor and you laugh, like can't breathe laugh. You stumble over to your bed before falling on it, dying of laughter.

/Yes, I have swallowed water in the shower when singing all of these songs............ Also, you can't have a shower concert without anyone attending! My ranting probably doesn't help my word count either./

"Y/n you have such a good voice!" Sam says jumping up off the ground. You wave her off, still dying of laughter. "No, she's right! You have an amazing voice!" Abby adds. You glace at her and see smudged makeup, wait did you make her cry?!? You start to calm down, noticing a couple of teary eyes. "Um, why do you all look like you ran over someone's dog? My singing is NOT that good. There's no way I could make someone cry with my voice......" You say looking around. "Pretty sure you made me cry," Kitty says and gestures towards her face. "Me too!" Abby adds. "I almost did, at one point," Sam says. Andrea, Brittany, and Anne all say, "Same!" at the same time. "But I didn't even sing very sad songs.....other than Phantom, and MAYBE, maybe, Heathers could be sad." You say looking at them in disbelief. "We cried during "Popular" Brittany says motioning towards herself and Sam. "Phantom got me," Abby adds. "Mean Girls," Andrea says. "I love play rehearsal" Was all Kitty said before turning bright red and avoiding any eye contact. "I'm not telling," Anne says, with a determined look on her face. "Wait where is everyone else, giving you the ability to be eavesdropping on my shower?" You say glancing around. "They wanted to talk to Cathy I think. Kitty and I got kicked out because we're "Immature" Anne says, including the air quotes. "We were asked to watch them," Sam says. "I wasn't I just followed the singing, thinking it was Sam, and planed to video boom or something," Andrea says with a laugh.


(This is the night before) Cathy goes to grab her journal off the table and go to bed. "Cathy, we're gonna keep that. We'll talk about it in the morning okay?" Aragon says, taking the journal from her hands. Cathy was stunned, she always wrote before bed. She felt like a kicked dog. "O-Okay" Cathy stutters and walks to your room. She nods goodnight to Sam before falling on her bed and passing out in a deep sleep.

(Back to present) "Cathy, why did you write what you did?" Aragon asks. "I write what happened and how I feel about it. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." Cathy says, feeling like she's on trial or something. Jane notices, and says, "Cathy you didn't do anything wrong, it's just, brutally honest what you write." "That's kind of the point, to write history as it is, not as it should be." Cathy says sitting back in her chair, wanting to be out of the spotlight. "Honestly I don't know what to say, you're not in trouble. Maybe just be more considerate and less harsh next time you write." Aragon says. "And don't keep it in such an obvious place." Jane adds as she slides it across the table to Cathy. "Thanks." Cathy says and jumps up and walks to the bathroom, to examine her journal and make sure nothing has happened to it.

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